Bbw vs ssbbw

There's all kinds of scenarios. What if people are larger than 14 on the top or bottom and smaller on the other? What about busty thin women who need a large top? What about women who are truly "big boned." There will never be a definitive answer.
5 years

Bbw vs ssbbw

In the fashion industry, a BBW is size 14 and above, and a SSBBW is size 28W and above. You really can't divide by weight when someone could be 4'8" or 6' 2"
5 years

Learning to forgive and forget?

It never gets better when you get married. It gets worse.
5 years

Rising obesity rates

There have been articles questioning the so called obesity rates. For one thing, they changed the definition of obese. Also, the ethnic make up of the US is changing, and the people who are more likely to be obese are increasing in numbers. Drugs with weight gain as a side effect are being used more.
5 years

How to tell if someone has this fetish?

Tell her you are thinking of losing weight, and see if she protests or agrees.
5 years


If you don't like the discomfort and the comments, perhaps gaining is not for you. As you get older, you are much more likely to have orthopedic issues. My wife is not gaining on purpose, and in her 60's, she has a lot of pain which is worse than discomfort.
5 years


I used to chat on IRC, and had the opposite problem. The people wanted to talk about fattening up their kids. That was so wrong, and I would stop chatting with that person.
5 years

I got a huge gut but no moobs how do i get some

Not all women, even fat ones have big breasts, or even medium ones. It's all genetic. Estrogen helps only if you have the family genetics to grow breasts.
5 years

Damn yo

What bugs me, is that when I state that I prefer larger women, people either ask me why, or try to figure it out. If I said I preferred blondes, no one would ask me why,
5 years