Any liquids safe to chug in large quantities?

Milk is pretty good. I've found decent results from half a gallon of chocolate milk a day on top of whatever else I eat.
5 years


Aren't both types of diabetes curable with adult stem cell therapy now?
5 years

Office chairs for fat people

Can someone recommend a good office chair that'll support a lot of weight? I'm 320-ish pounds now and hope to be around 450-550+ pounds in a few years. My current chair has an unknown capacity and is on its way out.
5 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you're fat when you have to adjust your belly when you sit down.
5 years

My cousin has gotten huge...

Maybe ask her if she has any like-minded friends to whom she can introduce you?
5 years

How to tell if someone has this fetish?

You definitely have something going for you there!
5 years

In all seriousness, how do i tell my wife?

15 lbs up and no exercise since September, she already knows you are into gaining. Be honest and have fun together. On the healthy side keep eating as you like but keep yourself strong with some exercise. It will be better for the 2 of you.

So you think she�s kind of on to me?
I recently got a desk job so I�ve blammed the weight gain in that lol

Something that has worked for me somewhat is to wear some article of clothing that's too small, grip your bulges of fat, and ask "Honey, does this make me look fat?".

I've been gaining off and on since I met my girlfriend, now fiance, She knows I want to grow a lot fatter but is not keen on feeding me. Being open about how fat I am helps with reinforcing our relationship. She's fat too, which helps.
5 years

High calorie meal prep?

Prepare alfredo sauce ahead of time in an amount for several meals. It's equal volumes of butter, cream, and shredded parmesan and/or romano cheese.

Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat and slowly stir in the cream. Then add cheese in pinches stirring continuously until it's all melted together evenly. This will keep in the fridge for about a week.

Boil pasta, drain, and add a scoop of alfredo sauce. Return to heat briefly to compensate for the cold sauce. Add whatever bits of chicken and quickly sauteed veggies.
5 years

Forced feminization/forced fattening?

I've done a lot of reading about this and apparently 30% of everyone they sampled in the research had antibodies to the virus in their blood. If the sample is good enough you can extrapolate to say 30% of obesity I caused by the virus.

And it says the weight is permanent. As in you don't just drop it and go back after getting better. But getting fat is semi permanent. Fat makes your body want to stay fat through hormonal changes and if your fat long enough your resistant to going back worsens. And even if you get thin or normal again it takes less overeating than it originally did to gain the weight back.

So that makes sense. I can't find anything on how the virus transmits. Is it oral? Or do you inhale it?

All I could find is that family of viruses is responsible for various upper respiratory and gastrointestinal sicknesses. Can't find much specific on that one virus except that it causes weight gain. And it appears to cause your prefatcell stemcells to differentiate into adipose tissue. So it works by increasing your fat cell count.

The virus is of a class that causes symptoms like cold or flu PLUS making you fat. Getting a hold of any specific strain of adenovirus would be tough.
5 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

A fattening camp, where people get sent to fill them up. Endless delicious food and drinks, a positive atmosphere where lifetime friendships get made...and encouraging weight gain coaches who help you swell up in the best and most effective way possible.

Lots of activities, from art class to swimming out in the lake in the forest. Lots of swimming actually! Nice low impact activity for a big heavy person, and changing into swimwear gives the weight trainers a chance to check up on your progress. Actually, swimwear is optional!
Of course, you can opt out of all the activities, just stay in, eat and sleep if that's your wish!
But the water's cool, nature's beautiful, everyone's bodies are so lovely, you can just float there if you wish, and work up a healthy appetite for dinner!

At the end of camp, an army of massively obese people come waddling out with huge happy smiles, to greet their loved ones and get taken home. Some people can't even believe how huge their friend/family member/significant other got while they were away!

Forget fantasy. This would be an outstanding business! A little B&B tucked away in the mountains on adequate acreage....yeah. lotto dreams

I seem to recall that someone actually was running something like this.
5 years