So how much did we all gain during the holidays?

Rounder and Rounder:
38 lbs from Dec to Feb

I'm jealous! I wanted to gain that much too!
5 years

Fast food workers

Kid came up to the deli department one morning wanting a cookie (we had small kids cookies for those that asked) told the kid itd be another minute till they came out. Mom said something about "how dare we not have them ready" when we'd literally just opened the doors, and kids cookies being the last on the list of priorities (had to actually finish cleaning the department because night shift sucked) mom and kid get into small argument about waiting for the cookie, when suddenly she spins her wedding ring into the palm of her slapping her kid, I stop her after the 3rd slap when I noticed this giant bleeding gash on the kids face. Women on a "how dare you stop me from disciplining my child " speech ignoring her kid bleeding (thankfully coworker gave the kid some napkins to cover it while she ran to get the first aid kit) eventually the mom drags the kid to the front of the store screaming like a banshee for the manager, when he arrives she then tries to flip it to I cut her kids face.

Ensue a big shouting match between me, the mom, my manager and a random customer who joined in (had overheard the initial argument) that eventually ends in cops having been called (assistant manager called), and the woman bolting out the door when, after a cop asked if we had any security footage of the incident.

Wtf is wrong with people

Idk, I think working food/retail has mad me realize the world is full of dum, rude, evil, stupid ***ers

I get you, I have literally had people argue with me over weither a coupon is expired. Weirdos.

Reminds me was talking to one of the guys from meat department and some lady demanded they honor some coupon from 83. This was in 2016

When delivered pizza, I often got jerks who insisted that it was 30-minutes-or-it's-free even though I didn't work for Domino's and that policy ended many years earlier.
5 years

Outgrowing clothes

I love it when I get too fat for an article of clothing.
5 years

Awesome amazon boost vhc review

I'd like to know how long it took him to gain that 100 pounds and how many cases of that Boost VHC he bought during that time.
5 years

Fat gaining hypnosis (don't laugh lol lol)

Does anyone know of any good clips spoken by women?
5 years


We used to have a Hometown Buffet. That was great for getting really stuffed. Now all we have are crappy Chinese food buffets.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I don't think I ever was a feeder unless you count the fact I like to cook and share the food with other people. I've always wanted to eat massive quantities of food and get enormously fat.
5 years

Skinny body with huge belly


However, I added something to my diet which causes me to get a giant belly compared to the rest of my body.

Well? What is your secret ingredient?

Eh, it's something pretty bad TBH, which is why I am not doing this permanently. It's also banned in the US, so you won't be able to find it.

The speed my belly blew in up in 10 days is actually quite scary, I am very interested to see just what will happen after another 2-3 months, god forbid.

What exactly was it that made your belly get big so fast?
5 years

Been sick and lost weight

I'm getting over nearly a wwek if being sick with a fever/flu. I didn't eat much and wound up losing 15 pounds. How hard has it been for you lot to regain weight you lost when sick?
5 years

How to get parents to buy a better scale

Drop something heavy on it... like a barbell. Contrive a reason to take it outside to weigh something and then drop a cinder block on it.
5 years