Four hamburgers with cola...

Had four hamburgers ( more like 1/4 pounders) with a large cola, for supper. Feeling stuffed and seems like I can just feel the expansion.
5 years

Fat friendly footwear

I've always found that good hiking shoes/boots are best.

What happns when you are too fat to reach the laces?
5 years

Feminizing effects of cream/fat

Perhaps someone could better explain this process, of how T gets converted into E
What effects to expect.
5 years

Feminizing effects of cream/fat

I have noticed that when I sweat, that it presents in a female like pattern. Where my breasts/nipple are I get rings. Is this a result of the fats effect?
Does this happen to anyone else?
5 years

Pigged out tonight

I had the following late this afternoon, for supper. It consisted of two cans of vienna sausage (I did'nt realize how fattening these were). Two bowls of Mac with chopped up hotdogs, potato chips, 4 crunchy peanut butter bars.....

If I keep farting like this (right before bed) I'll be huge, and will reach my 400 lb goal before I know it.

Should I slow down my gaining?

Getting fatter...
5 years

Getting a belly

Thank you for clarifying the difference between the two types of fat.

Subcutaneous fat, soft and squishy is the type I love.
6 years

Visceral fat and subcutaneus fat

I saw this article, but it really ground my gears when it said they were fed "low-fat milk".

Anything that is "low-fat" is a tasteless, insipid ABOMINATION.


I am inclined to agree. You may be please to know that there are quite a few scientific studies which come to the conclusion that whole-fat dairy is better for your health than low-fat.

Effect of a high intake of cheese on cholesterol and metabolic syndrome: results of a randomized trial

Total and Full-Fat, but Not Low-Fat, Dairy Product Intakes are Inversely Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in Adults

BTW, I am mostly done reformatting a collection of scientific studies on fat that I have been keeping for a while now. When I'm done I'll post them here.

Please due, I would love to read them.
6 years

Who here likes to be naked?

Naked as much as possible! Hoping to get to the point where you cant tell if Im naked or not!

If only I was that big.... (guess I can dream...)
6 years