Busty guys

I was thinking that this might encourage more fat to form in my moobs as I gain than would otherwise.
4 months

Busty guys

Is there anything real about the idea of massaging and squeezing one's boobs/moobs to encourage them to get bigger?
4 months

How big of a belly do you want?

I remember reading somewhere the biggest belly ever measured was 120 inches, and I used to think I wanted to achieve that. Currently -- I'm around 93 inches standing, and I'm dealing with a good bit of back pain, because I carry a lot of visceral fat. I don't really think my body could handle a bigger belly. It's still fun to fantasize though about being 10 ft around!

The Guiness book's section on heaviest humans had a note for someone (I forget who) saying that he won a Reader's Digest contest for "biggest belly". Maybe that was it.
4 months

What was your "i can't believe i ate the whole thing" moment?

Two footlong Subway sandwiches. Thry didn't fill me up at all.
4 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

As for Fox News, I doubt they wield much influence any longer, particularly after having abandoned their core demographic over the last few years. Cable news in general is out of touch with today's news consumer, as evidenced by their aggregate ratings decline.

Woke by and large never meant to most Americans what it meant in in post-colonial Jamaica. To pretend others in contemporary western society, particularly the low-information masses, will associate the term with its original definition is delusional.

I wholeheartedly agree with you about the first part, so I will leave that as is. But you are greatly misunderstanding everything about the second one.

Marcus Garvey was Jamaican, but the term isn't a Jamaican term. It's a black term made by a Jamaican man.

Garvey was part of the Pan-African movement - an international movement centered on the plight of the black diaspora. It included people from the Caribbean Islands, American, Canada, Europe, and various African nations. And about 100 years later it retains it's original meaning. And though non-black people are welcome to use it, a specific flavor of anti-progressive people are against it. They even coined the term "wokeism" to show how much they hate the word.

This is an active, perversion of a civil rights term. It is an active attempt to disempower a minority group. It is malicious, and people are fighting back:


There is indeed a perversion going on, but the source is not what we're supposed to believe. "Woke" is being used not as a warning against BS, but as a weapon against dissent.

George Orwell warned against such perversions.
5 months

Sighting: see evidence of wg that is a turn-on

Morbidly A Beast:
Fat People aren’t UFOs or supernatural phenomena wtf “sightings” 😂

Letters And Numbers:
He’s not exactly talking about fat people, he’s being a voyeur and imagining that various people are showing signs of recent weight gain. So like with UFOs, these sightings might be imagined or otherwise explained. Maybe?

What's that thing flying by? A UFO!!! Nah, just a button.
5 months

I'm going to be a supersized bride!

Another thing. At the reception you'll be whisked here and there for pictures and talking to everyone that you'll scarcely get time to eat. Plan ahead for that.
5 months
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