Showing someone how big your belly really is

I didn’t realize my shirt was so snug a button right at my belly opened. I was walking around at work and saw two women customers giggling. I heard one say “fat lazy pig” and giggle again. She didn’t think I heard her. I was secretly proud.
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

Are you intentionally gaining weight: Yes.

Do you gain weight every year: Yes.

Weight: 206

Size: Pants, 42.

Avg calories per day: Unknown.

Avg # of meals per day: 3-4.

Typical meals eaten on average day: Pasta, breads, chicken.

Exercise amount: Currently 0 except for activity at work. A lot of walking and upper body movements.

Laziness level: As lazy as possible.

Relationship with food: I love it.
2 years

Fat dick

On another gainer site one guy said that his fat pad constantly rubbed his penis and made him hard. He said he occasionally shot a load even while walking because his fat was masturbating him. Now that’s hot!
2 years

Growing and exhibitionism


So I'm wondering if there's anyone else who has found a new or growing exhibitionist streak as they get bigger, or is just this me being a weirdo?

Oh hell yes, I love showing off my belly. I like occasionally wearing very snug clothes like pants that can’t help but slide under my belly and shirt buttons that pull. The idea of a button popping open in public and people giggling turns me on.
2 years

What made you decide to gain weight?

I got tired of dieting and exercising. I was a power lifter but after back and shoulder surgery I can only do so much. Besides that, I just got tired of it. I like fat guys, find them attractive and wanted to be like them.
2 years

Thanksgiving plans

Sister’s house. She always overdoes it. My late brother-in-law used to say if you leave their table hungry it’s your own fault.
2 years

I finally found a fairly decent free morphing app

Tubby Puertorican:
I once had a app the makes your face fatter. The name of the app is Fatify.

I got that one too. 😂
2 years

Favorite things to do

1. I detest Christmas.

2. I stay home on New Year’s Eve and go to bed at my usual time. The new year has been coming for the past 4.6 billion years and will continue to come for another 5 billion without me.

3. For most Thanksgivings I stay home, eat and watch tv.
2 years

Stand or sit?

I love it when people make pronouncements on what should be required. Especially if they’re not going to foot the bill. I doubt that my landlord is going to foot the bill for a bidet. I certainly can’t afford to have one installed. As for standing v. sitting to pee, unless I’m at a urinal I sit. As a previous person said, it’s a bit of relaxing downtime.
2 years
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