Surprising lack of australians-

Oh, there are people who are often only an hour away from me, I've had that several times over the years while living in different places..

But trying to get any sort of response from them by message is like pulling teeth.

Like I don't care if someone's not interested, but damn, have the courtesy to respond and say that, but if their profile doesn't say if they are gay, straight, bi etc and they point blank don't engage in any way.. Just plain rude.

So basically, either most people who say they are 'feeders' aren't, or they're too flakey for words, or they are just plain rude.

Either way, basically I kinda give up. Found too many like that here and other sites.

2 years

What the.....?

I remember when ff was more geared towards relationships. When you could send a DM and be given a Skype contact and immediately start video chatting with someone.

those were the days !! damn im glad a guy made a frustration post cause i wanted to do the same thing.

Don't hold back mate, if you are frustrated you must vent when needed ;-)

Seriously though, it's not a bad idea to occasionally make posts like this.. I'd say that this is one of the busier posts on this site now, hahah.
2 years

What the.....?

On mobile, as I can confirm, that extra information does not display anywhere I could find. That may be a large part of the issue.

Now that's a very good point. I've never viewed here on anything but my mobile.. 🤔
2 years

What the.....?

I don’t know if anyone else touched on this but this site doesn’t really have many people explicitly telling you what gender romantic partner they are looking for.

if you fill out the dating part of your profile you can specify sexual orientation, your relationship status, and what you're looking for. admittedly, based on some of my message experiences, a lot of people seem to either not read it or choose to disregard it, but it is there.

I've got mine filled in, but usually don't see it in other people's profiles.. I always look at people's profiles..
2 years

What the.....?

You are not entitled to a response from anyone...
A lack of a response is them saying they are not interested... So many times a response saying they aren't is received with hella insults..

No, not entitled to a response from anyone, but if THEY initiate contact with me it's kinda implied that if I respond perhaps they may respond to that... Ya know, like a um... What's the word? Oh, conversation.

Yeah perhaps this place could do with having a gay/str8/bi or whatever tab to select..
Would definitely help to identify people...

Oh well.

Oh, I'll add that some of the comments on this thread are hilarious..
(some are scary too)
2 years

What the.....?

Oh I agree with not necessarily replying to messages that are just "hey" and that sort of stuff..

I agree that this place has been that way for a long time. I've been here for a decade too.. But it's really bad right now..

Like even people who are fairly local to you just ignore you.. Which I find really bloody odd..
2 years

What the.....?

Ok, so this is a really, really annoying thing on this site. I'm sure it's not just me it's happening to......

(oh, and this isn't in relation to the obvious *new* accounts on here, I'm talking about people who've been here for a year or more).

People send you messages, then you reply and they just ignore you...

(and it's nothing to do with message limits, I'm giving people days or even weeks to reply after they initiated contact and they've been online several times)

OR you message someone and they just ignore you..

WTF is wrong with people?
Honestly, it's just crap manners.

If someone messages and you aren't interested at least have the common decency to say so AND if you message someone and they reply and you ask if a sudden aren't interested anymore at least say something to that effect...

I just find that's such a right pain in the arse on this site. It does happen in other websites but no where near as often as it seems to on here.

For a website supposed to be about feeders etc, there aren't many people here who actually really seem to want to do anything about it...

I see the same with a lot of forum posts too..

Anyone else pissed off with that here???
2 years

How big is your belly ?

I got 40%

Clearly I need to be much bigger!

(edit: should've said 40 not 49 percent)
2 years

Feeder’s getting fat

This has also happened to me. I for the longest time considered myself a feeder, but with the lack of feedees around my area, I found myself eating more and more until it turned into stuffing. Now I sit here bordering on around 370-390lbs!

Seems like you've done really well.. Want to help me get well over the 300 mark?
(I'd really like to hit about 330 by the end of the year and would really love to meet a local feeder to help, and you're not too far away)....
2 years
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