How much do you want to gain?

Hovering around 260 and finally feeling like I am getting fat, starting to waddle and actually seen a decrease in my fitness levels. I could hold a squat and stand unaided at 240s now I probobly could but I'm afraid my pants will rip... 280 is my current goal.

300 is most defiantly the next goal, and 330 sounds like a nice rounded number... Beyond that I wouldn't panic about 350 but don't think I would actively go for 400 unless with the right person.

500 - 600 is pure fantasy at this point and might be too much for me to handle mobility wise. Sounds awesome tho...
4 years

Gaining science?

For anyone interested i think tomorrow night is airing an episode of NOVA called The Truth About Fat. Channel 2
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

I have a few goals that have more to do with my actual fat than any number on scale or tape measure. Met a couple of them this past year, first was a bathroom countertop my belly had been hovering over for years. Most recent was a ledge at my house, belly just started brushing that. Next goal is less than an inch more hang to do the same to my kitchen table. A couple inches to go for low railing of my front steps. Various items like markers, lotion bottles, pack of smokes, hair spray, eventually a can or bottle of soda... Started out with just pens and pencils being able to stick under there in junior high.

Most revolve around my belly, like being able to reach the underside, or touch my bellybutton. It now brushes. my thighs when standing but has yet to impede my walking. One of my loftier goals is for my belly to encroach on my knees.
4 years

That plateau

I've had the same problem over the years and after 1st joining FF it took me like a year to gain over ten pounds. Took me 5+ years to gain 10 - 15 pounds b4 that. Gotta keep up with calorie intake.

Heavy cream mixed with ice cream, or added to malts and McDonald's frappes has been a new staple for me, and it's working. I am up about 40 pounds from last December and nearly 20 pounds from just past summer. I don't usually make it to 4000 calories a day and think my metabolism is finally slowing down.

It takes more commitment than you realise some days to eat regular meals and find time to snack in between. When you think your full let your stomach settle a little than try to eat a bit more and top off again. Have a malt or shake exceeding 1000 calories by itself to go with dinner. Good luck, hope to see more of you in the future.
4 years

What i expect from heavy cream?

Not sure to the long-term effects but it's been 4 -6 months or so since I started diligently topping off with HWC in various drinks, milk, frappes, shakes, ice cream... In the past 2 Sundays I have restocked and just cracked open 5th or 6th quart of Oct tonight. Mixed 1/2 the new quart into 3 frappes... Just shy of 3000 calories this evening.

Calculated excess calories for the first week at over 11,000 calories mixing with 2 frappes every single night. Second week was prob a little more and I am up about 10 pounds since start of September. My overall gain for five months is over 20 pounds and all time personal best.

The most notable change is how much softer my belly has gotten since the start of this summer. Like seriously plush compared to anything I've experienced with past gains over the years. The way it jiggles and feels when I walk is a totally new feeling. I am softer all over and recently started gaining more in my face and arms too.

HWC works miracles for easy gains and I've built up more of a tolerance to the extra dairy than when I first started.
4 years

Gainers: which causes of gaining do you like the most?

Metabolism hands down... I love eating but there are only so many hours in the day. Either way whatever I eat, especially of I ate a lot more than usual, a slower metabolism would ensure that it all sticks. I think mine has slowed down but it used to burn off everything, and why it's been harder for me to gain in the past.
4 years

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Nasty catch 22 that... I'm starting to feel it's two sides of the same coin. My recent experiences of getting puffed on stairs, also used take two sometimes three at a time, now havent attempted to skip steps in awhike. Must try that tomorrow. Putting on socks very recently became a chore, easier to lean or sit and still tougher to bend my torso or leg... Undeniable proof of gain and definitely a thrill... Also a tad annoying when in a hurry lol.

Ive always taken pride in certain physical attributes like climbing skills, fairly awesome balance, overall stamina... I am still amazingly light on my feet for 250+ despite hardly being able to see them. Harder to balance on a curb w/ chunky thighs yet doable, and can skip over stepping stones. However much more prone to sprains and ankles weaker due to past injuries.

Overall its both, I love experiencing fat girl moments, fyi it hurts when you misjudge squeezing through a tight space... Belly got a bruise last week, yet hit the offending door (pitch dark) first and saved my face any impact, I gave it a pat of thanks. I enjoy most these annoyances at the same time find it irritating.

Outgrowing clothes kinda sucks on one hand, the other is fist pumping hells yeah. My frappe,addiction and various bad habits are expensive... Love squeezing into booths and feeling my belly against the table, or just feeling increased weight slow me down. Seeing the scale creep higher, it's all worth it.

Chafing = annoying as hell!
4 years

Ff links show up when ff user name googled

I am unable to attach an image to this message due to errors on your end.

If you post the URL of the page you’re having trouble with and describe the error, I’ll look into this for you.

So please Google 'Flavor42000' and remove my comments.

You need to contact Google and ask them to remove the links. Fantasy Feeder has no jurisdiction over their website.

There should be some type of Privacy Setting. I also don't like that entire FF profile pops up on Google. Not cool.
4 years

Has anyone else found themselves increasing their goal weight once you reach it?

I've been intentionally gaining since High School and went from 170s - 187 and 200 range. My first big longtime goal was actually 218 due to a book I read in Junior High. Firmly over 200, and that's where I was when finally creating a profile.

Hoping to reach current goal of 260 in next few months and know it's not going to be enough... Next goal will be 300 for sure but probably not as rapid a pace. I already know 40 pounds isn't a hugely significant change, at least to me.

Another 60# puts me in 310 range which sounds perfect and I'll probably go for even 100 at 320 or so... Beyond that, who knows? Hopefully won't feel quite as strong an urge to get fatter by then... 380 does have a nice ring to it tho.
4 years

Eating more and more

Is a qtr pounder, big Mac, 20pc McNuggets, mcDouble and fries, large pop and 2 sm Carmel frappes alot for dinner? I actually ate lunch today too...

This is a slight challenge for me I'm full but will soon reheat mcDouble and last few nuggets b4 finishing drinks. Plus heavy cream in frappes,

I know a dbl qtr pounder meal w/ extra mc chicken or 6pc and drinks used to fill me up. Nowadays that's more than a snack but not enough to fully satisfy, or count as dinner anymore.
4 years
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