My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

Out of curiosity in an ideal world would you have a goal weight for her?

I’d say maybe 200 lbs for right now. But it depends of her body shape. If she gets a proper belly and fat girl shape, 200 lbs would be enough. I think to get that shape it might be somewhere between 200 and 250 lbs for her. I’d love to see her get to the point where her fat girl shape shows off and you can’t mistake her for someone chubby or thin.

Yeah thats a very good goal makes sense.
Good luck keep us posted
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

Sounds like that slim girl you started dating won’t be coming back.

Sounds great please keep us posted hopefully Christmas will really take its toll.

I have two suggestions you may find helpful. Make sure you are showing her lots of physical attention, not just sexual, but touch her, show her your enjoy her body. This will help keep her happy with her body as she grows fat.

Secondly try to give her a lot of sexual attention after she has just stuffed herself, this may work well as positive reinforcement.

Thank you for your advice! Looks really interesting, I need to try that. I’ll let you know if it works.

I have to say, it’s hard to imagine her getting to her old shape. I hope she really gets to that point of no return. Today she had a large pizza and cheesecake for dessert and later she ate a bag of sweets. If she keeps it that way she’ll balloon in no time. Let’s hope her weight keeps going up after christmas! smiley

Out of curiosity in an ideal world would you have a goal weight for her?
3 years

Ask me

Hi, i'm 521 lbs and i'm close tô immobility, my feeder said to me answer questions about those things here because a lot of people have doubts, só you can ask me everything about It.
(I'm submissive too)

What was your starting weight?

Also how are things how that your mobility is limited? Has it helped or hindered being fed and maintained by your feeder?
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

Good news guys, my gf's still gaining weight. She put on another 2 pounds during the week. She weighs now 172 lbs for 5,5". Her BMI says she's officially overweight but far from obesity yet. She clearly looks chubbier now and I hardly remember her slim figure from months ago.

We've been having a bit of a fun time this week (you know what I mean) and while she was on top, she suddenly stopped to ask me if her belly wasn't hanging a bit more on me. I also felt the difference so I answered that it does but reassured her because It looked sexier that way. She seems pleased that I like her curves. So let's all hope she continues on the gaining path. I'd love to see her belly hanging more. I think she would have one of these soft fat bellies. But we'll see. I tried to stuff her with tacos the other night because she wanted to order mexican food. It might be responsible for those added pounds.

Sounds like that slim girl you started dating won’t be coming back.

Sounds great please keep us posted hopefully Christmas will really take its toll.

I have two suggestions you may find helpful. Make sure you are showing her lots of physical attention, not just sexual, but touch her, show her your enjoy her body. This will help keep her happy with her body as she grows fat.

Secondly try to give her a lot of sexual attention after she has just stuffed herself, this may work well as positive reinforcement.
3 years

My girlfriend started gaining weight during quarantin

When we first got together my girlfriend was about 5 8 165. Now due to quarantine and my encouragement shes probably close to 200. Shes a classic fatty in denial. She literally believes she has gained zero pounds lol. Yet she refuses to get on the scale. she'll complain that I'm making her fat and rub her new rolls on her new bigger gut. At the same time shes the greediest and most willing eater I've ever scene. I can just suggest any treat and she'll instantly have the craving. This weekend I stuffed her with a massive brunch but then I also suggested ice cream. Its 30 degrees here but that didn't stop her from devouring a gaint cone with 3 scoops. All this mind you after she was complaining about being bigger. I also was surprised when she was asking for sex right after toosmiley I have no doubt she will end well over 250. Love girls that aren't feedees per say but can easily turned into fat slobs

By the sound of it she’ll have no trouble reaching that number. There’s a lot of girls who fall into that category. They aren’t feedees but they will happily let themselves go when give the choice in a safe relationship.
3 years

College weight gain starter pack

I'll be a freshman next year. According to my username, in the world of Feederism, I'm curious. I hope to let loose in college when I move out so, I might as well prepare in advance

I’ll do a list and then a little explaining afterwards.

Comfortable clothes. ie. track suit pants, leggings. Loose tees or singlets, oversized sweatshirts, hoodies and such.
College is about study you don’t need to dress up, elastic waist bands are your friend.

When studying soda, and energy drinks when you really need that extra kick, sugar is your friend.
When it’s time to party beer is a good choice it is cheap and it is fattening 👌🏻
If you smoke weed ( I do not recommend a lot of this when at school as it can ruin your attention span for days.) then always have lots of junk at hand and delivery or Uber eats prepped and ready. The munchies are a friend.

A lot of the weight gain people get as freshman is due to snacking while studying. As snacking has been shown to help brain activity and help while studying.

If you live in dorm (which if you wanna gain this is a good choice) hopefully they give you the fridge and microwave that is standard in most capmus rooms.

Keep it stocked with treats and easy to microwave things like hot pockets.
This will ensure those late night study sessions are added by lots of snacks. If you’re low on funds try to smuggle some stuff from the mess hall. Donuts and pastries are easy to grab extras for later.

Have a ‘what’s mine is yours’ policy with your room mate when it comes to food, share meals if you can, because a fatter room mate will help you gain easier, and having a body positive, pro eating dorm room will be great for gaining.

If your parents give you care packages or help maybe see if they can just put more money on your meal card instead. Having to just eat I’m the mess hall limits your choices and usually mess halls are full of fattening goodies.

Most importantly
The freshman fifteen is mostly just people letting lose and having a good time. Combine that with your want to gain and there no reason it can’t be the Freshman 30
Youll be a chubby sophomore in no time 😉
3 years

Helping non-feedee feel comfortable with her weight

I've been through the same thing. A few things that seem to have worked some for me.

- lots of general physical attention (not just when it is about sex). Words speak louder than actions and all that. Just coming up behind her and wrapping your arm around her while pressing up against her butt, or sit beside her and put your arm around her waist, or casually run a finger along her jaw while you are sitting there.

- If you can afford it, get into helping her shop. Too small clothes are uncomfortable and a reminder of the weight she has gained. But buying new clothes may make her feel guilty (I got too fat for my clothes! I shouldn't buy new, I should lose some weight ...). but if you buy her things, or take her shopping to try things on and find teh right fit, it is more likely that she'll have good feelings about those clothes, instead of bad ('these are the clothes my amazing boy friend bought me!' instead of 'ugh, my fat clothes&apossmiley

- Do put focus on good health. Getting fruits and vegetables, not tooooo much junk food, get out for walks together and all that stuff. One because it is generally good stuff to do. Two because if she is doing things good for herself she is less apt to go into a 'I let myself become a fat blob' funk. Three because good health feels good, and when you feel good it is easier to feel good about your body. Four, if other people know about her healthy habits they are less apt to be on her about her weight.

- When getting more intimate, give lots of attention to the typical erogenous areas (breasts, butt, even neck) but also give some attention to all of her, including her fattiest spots. Drag a finger up her legs and over her hips and up her side, run a finger along her inner arm, start kissing her mouth and then kiss down her neck, between her breasts and across her tummy before going down on her. Show that you are interested in those parts that she has been taught you should like, but that you like all of her, including her fat spots. She might be insecure about her fat areas, but when the attention is part of a bigger thing, and isn't focused there, it helps her get used to it.

- get her on top of you. Sitting on your lap, on top during sex, whatever else you come up with. So that she knows that she is literally not too heavy for you.

I hope those ideas help you some. Best of luck!

All of this 💯
3 years

Helping non-feedee feel comfortable with her weight

My girlfriend has always been chubby, and she really dislikes her body sometimes. I've recently told her that I'm attracted to her curves, as well as how she jiggles and folds, and she seems to have taken that pretty well, but I was just wondering if there was any way I could help her feel more confident in her body, and maybe help her understand how I find her so attractive.

I'm really sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, I'm new here.

Compliment her specifically, so when she’s naked and your together tell her you love her thighs or that she has sexy legs. Try not to talk too much about the belly at first. But always make your compliments about her being thicker about her curves.
When your with her touch her, make her feel wanted. If you want to encourage eating then give her extra attention when she’s had a big meal or eaten a lot.

Make her feel supported and wanted.
In my experience if you are steadily giving possibtive reinforcement about size then most girls will come around.

Just keep in mind for non feedees talking too much about bellies or jiggling and such can be more or a bummer than a compliment, try to tailor your Compliments to appeal to her more.
Woman figure, sexy thighs. Thicc booty. Generous curves. And get her used to you touching her belly and such while you give compliments like that.
3 years

After 3 years with my soulmate, i think the time has come

So I’m 25M and I’ve been dating my GF 24 for more than 3 years now. One thing i have to say here: this is definitely the girl i want to be with, no matter the compromises I have to make in terms of my sexual orientation.
So when we met she very sporty and slim (volleball like 5x a week) but she had been wanting to quit so. I was also athletic at the, mainly doing hiking & running. So as all you FA’s and feeders might know: i very quickly started mentioning her cute belly and how feminine it was. It was odd to her at first, but then she started talking about my belly that way (which was weird because the tables were kinda turned ha!). So fast forward 2 years: my gf has transform a good 20lbs of muscle into fat and gained another 10 or so pounds. She’s definitely chubby but i wouldn’t call her fat. Actually the I’d say the biggest difference to 2 yrs ago is that she’s gotten sooo out of shape to a point she’ll just say ‘eh, I’ll drop it eventually, working out ist not really my thing’ she also loves me being into her belly at this, she even does the same to me! Which brings me to my final point: while i was so focused on slowly making my gf gain and constantly discouraging from physical activities: i never thought about my fitness because my weight used to stay the same. But last week it hit me when I was trying to pick up exrcises again: in those 2 years i’d lost about 30 lbs of muscles and gained about 40 lbs of fat. Weird thing: my gf is into it. So yesterday my gf was over at my place and left me baffled with the following question: ‘you know at this point were super out of shap and it’d be a real pain in the ass to get back into shape. We might just kinda let ourselves go at this point and just enjoy the coziness or relationship. So that’s my dilemma: my gf is offering me to let herself go, but under the condition that i do so myself (which i’m not ready for lol)
So what do i do? Sorry for the long text

I’d be honest. Tell her you think she’s even sexier now she’s ‘out of shape’ but that you want to start getting yourself back into shape.

Encourage her to continue letting herself go while you get close into shape. You can even tell her as much.

I used to have my ex come to the gym with me when we were together. She would eat donuts on the couch they had there while I worked out.
3 years

Into slobs?

100% My taste don’t even run that big for the most part but a feedee should be a slob in my mind.
I always encourage my girls to let themselves go in every possible way.
Nothing sexy than seeing a girl going from well made up in pretty dresses and well looked after hair, to fat slob on a couch in sweats, greasy hair and pale splotchy not made up face.

It is my the biggest dream, to be one of those girls❤️😃

Good dream to have, with the right feeder there no reason you can’t get there, in my experience once a feedee is being properly looked after it is a very natural progression.

My last feedee went from the fort of girl who would never leave the house without make up, to the kind who never got out of sweats.

Good luck
3 years
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