What is the sexiest outfit to outgrow?

There’s something 🥵 about stuffing in a loose fitting dress, but underwear that’s too small ☺️☺️

Something sort of similar... Squeeze yourself into a bra that's too tight. Then put on a button-up shirt that sort of fits over this. Stuff yourself and as your upper belly swells, your bra pops and your boobs bounce forth popping your shirt buttons.
11 months

Male boobs

I don't just want boobs. I want huge boobs.
11 months

What is the sexiest outfit to outgrow?

Pants, especially when they burst open and/or rip during a meal.
11 months

A new great way for quick weight gain

How did your gaining improve after you started using this powder?
11 months

Fatten me up

Praying to whoever I need to pray to, to ensure I wake up 600lbs heavier

Why do that when the process of growing fatter is so rewarding? Waking up enormous bypasses all that.
11 months

I want to know what it’s like to be immobile

its honestly not hard to find someone who has been on my 600lb life and have a conversation with them

I don't think those people like being immobile, which I think OP wants to talk to.
11 months

Big bellies a sign of power?

That said, I can't say I've ever thought of a large belly as a murder weapon. That's a new one for me.

Well, there was that case a few years ago of the 1000+ pound woman who was pressured by her sister into taking the blame for a murder.
12 months

What is the "delay" with hc

You made a mistake when you shortened my response. You attributed my words to someone else.

Whoops! Fixed.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

Eventually, I had to make peace that this was going nowhere good and ended the relationship. I don't know if he actually stopped.

Bizarre and sad. A few people I've known quickly went from generally good to nasty and narcisistic. Trying to figure out why made me depressed if I spent too much time at it.
1 year

What is the "delay" with hc

My fiancé can really handle the cream, and he can pack on easy 12lbs a week consuming it


Are you sure that's not fluid/water retention?

Can I also guess this means he probably works 100% remote?

Based on my interaction with a previous feedee, it's possible. However, you have to go balls to the walls hard to achieve that. We're talking an excess of 10k calories a day. We were horny and dumb.

It's not sustainable, and it can mess up your internals. I do not recommend it.

I am sure a fair amount was water. But yes he was hitting around 10,000 kcal a day when he was working from home.
And no it is not healthy, hence not done anymore. Ngl though…watching him gain that fast was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed.

Oh yeah, it was super hot. I'm into extreme weight gain, so seeing him blow up like mad was really arousing.

However, he was reckless with this health, and that's one of the many reasons he's no longer my feedee.

How much and fast did he gain? What happened to make this stop?
1 year