R.i.p. berta. from two and half men

I just found out. Horrible news. This year is rough.
3 years

Do you get embarrassed?

Jiggle Junkie:
No embarrassment, but it’s different for me.

I’m eating far better now, but between about 2010 and 2015, i literally lived almost entirely off of bagged potato, corn, and related chips, and piles of manufactured chocolate candy (M&Ms were a big fave), with protein drinks and soups and sometimes ground meats thrown in. This was related to what i had to do at the time to survive after the medical community (orthodox and alternative) gave up on me, until i found better ways. It all relates to severe intestinal issues starting decades ago which almost killed me and required surgery that has basically the same effect as a gastric bypass: removal of a section of my small intestine. I was average-slender before all this, and since then it’s a daily battle to get nutrients into me, more or less taking fat gain off the table.

January & post-Easter: go into Target or wherever and clean out the bagged candy on deep discount sale section—no shame.

Every week: mountains of bagged chip products. On these grocery trips i was usually with my housemate/ex, a mid-sized BBW. There were a number of times she felt the need to clarify “They’re for him. I don’t eat those.” And for the most part, she didn’t.

This was at checkout, where they also tended to ask (esp. me solo) “Having a party?” I don’t recall noticing other customers paying attention to my/our carts/baskets.

Those who inquired tended to regret it, because i’d automatically launch into a very friendly and detailed discussion of my medical issues and why i was eating these things and could not (and still cannot) digest fruits & vegetables unless juiced, etc. etc. Pretty much always their eyes glazed over and they said nothing more.

I like to think that my efforts made a whole lot of Big Lots! and Trader Joe’s checkers around the western San Gabriel Valley and Huntington Beach areas of southern California think twice or thrice before asking other customers about things they were buying. They certainly tended to remember and not ask me again.

You’re welcome.😁

It sounds as though, you've been through a lot. I'm pleased to know that you're doing better or hanging in there. Never surrender. Life is precious.
3 years

Dealing with comments from friends and family

Well, I didn't decide to get fat. It's just what's happening. When they make comments, I say something like, " Tell me about it. Cake is good and apparently my metabolism needs to move its ass"
3 years

Fatphobic parents

Yes. I do. Avoid them like the pleague until they straighten up. Be nice, but surround yourself with positive influences. Your parents will come around. This is assuming that they give her a negative vibe upon meeting her.
3 years

Do you get embarrassed?

All of the time. Family points it out. Sometimes a friend will say that it looks like i've been eating well to which I reply, " Yes, I have and that's how I roll".
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I've always been short and skinny for a guy. Everything is almost the same except I'm now short and overweight for a guy. Yes, the comments are rolling in. Of course, I will pay attention to my health. I've just had perhaps one soda or cake too many. I'll make what ever changes I deem appropriate.
3 years

Initially freaked out from weight transition

Unfortunately, there's no secret to overcoming embarrassment other than embracing yourself and your body. It comes with the territory. As someone who was fit, does it make you happy that you've become overweight? If the answer is yes, then that's all that matters. The embarrassment you feel isn't yours. If someone says something negative about your gain, that is there problem alone. It takes time, but you will adjust if this is the path you seek.

Thank you. I agree 100%.
3 years

Initially freaked out from weight transition

I'm dealing with my personal reaction to discovering that I've inadvertantly crossed over from being physically fit to being overweight. I never imagined that this would take place considering my body type. I would be fibbing if I said that I wasn't freaked by it. I'm not necessarily in a hurry to make any dietary adjustments because I've received compliments that allude to the fact that some people think that I look better with more weight. My question for everyone is, " what is the secret to getting over the initial embarrassment of people commenting on you've supposedly let yourself go" ?
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

There are the ideas that I hold in which I'm much larger and what I will actually be as a result of wanting to avoid weight related health issues. In other words, I may imagine a world in which 200 pounds more wouldn't perhaps be dangerous but I wouldn't' try my luck. I believe that everyone should have the right to decide what is right for themselves within reason.
5 years

For those of you who became overweight as an adult, how did you adjust to your body's new size?

I've always had somewhat of a belly growing up. In my mid 30's my metabolism slowed down to the point where I could no longer eat what I wanted without becoming overweight. I was initially embarrassed but soon came to an acceptance of my new tendencies. Once I became self conscience, I decided to lose twenty pounds. It is coming back and I'm thinking of setting a 25 pound limit. If I gain anymore, I will cut back.
Have any of you experienced the same concern?
5 years