The tables have turned.

i had an experience like this just last night!

my partner em and i went out to dinner with my ex, diane, and her boyfriend. long story short: diane and i split amicably when i moved away for work/family. we text/email very occasionally but haven't seen each other in quite a while.

when i met diane she was already a big woman - well over 400 lbs (maybe 450? i can't remember now). she gained to something like 500 lbs in the couple of years we were together. likewise, i gained from 160ish to maybe 250 lbs during that time. it was my first experience being "fat."

we broke up just as i moved and as the pandemic started. this is where our stories diverge. i continued to work through the pandemic, but i was working from home. i was also getting almost no physical activity! as a result, i piled on weight during that first year of the pandemic.

then i met my current partner, who likes fat guys. and i put on another 60 lbs over that year, and i am bigger than i ever expected, at about 400 lbs!

meanwhile, during the pandemic diane took another path. she started dating her current bf who happened to be a personal trainer. so she started to eat better and get more exercise, and started to lose weight.

yesterday i realized that the tables really had turned! we didn't talk about our weights, but it was obvious that she has lost a bunch of weight - and that i am the fat one now!

diane clearly thought this was hilarious, and commented on how it was obvious how i got so big based on what i ordered at the restaurant. smiley
2 years

How to grow massive moobs ?

there are so many posts about "how do i get x type of body" but it's almost all due to genetics, unfortunately.

it's amazing to me how many of us wish we had a different kind of body. even bodybuilder friends of mine, who have crazy big, muscular, comic hero physiques, complain about aspects of their bodies... their back, their calves, their forearms, etc...

my moobs certainly grew when i put on weight, but they aren't as noticeable as some of the guys i see here. my weight is mostly around my middle, mostly belly and butt. and there's not much i can do about that! so i just enjoy what i got.
2 years

Text chat down?

so this is the chat now, huh? smiley
2 years

Bbw or wg comic books

getting back on topic, there is another great weight gain comic on deviant arts by annonnxyz called revenge...

it is over a hundred pages, and if you like ponderous woman you will probably really enjoy this too.
2 years

Bbw or wg comic books

Baba Yaga:
On a side note, my favorite comic of Fatgirl33 was Michelle Meets The Munchies just to watch John Smith on FF whine about it

too funny - what issue did he have with it? and on that topic - it has been unusually quiet and reasonable around here lately. did he get banned or something?
2 years

My partner is a feeder and i’m not a feedee

KP Luxe:
My partner who i love dearly was very vulnerable and told me about his feeder fantasy. I am a bigger girl and comfortable with my body but I don’t share the fetish with him. I don’t want to make him feel insecure, and I gain pleasure from him being in pleasure, but i don’t actually want to be stuffed or gain weight intentionally. I love the way he worships me now, and I’m all about living fantasies but i don’t know if that is enough for him to feel fulfilled. There is no good tips on how to bridge the relationship between someone who is into feederism and someone who isn’t. There are too many articles of it being abusive and he is anything but manipulative or abusive. He is super sweet and caring and would bury his desires if I told him I wanted him to, but i don’t want him to be any less of himself. Not sure if this is the right platform, but everywhere else just seems so accusatory of feeders. Would appreciate any tips for conversation on how to find a happy middle ground.

i think the previous responses have lots of great things to consider. the fact that you care about each other and respect each other is huge - by far the most important thing. anyone who puts "feeder fantasy" ahead of that is, in my mind, not a person worth partnering with.

you are also young, according to your profile anyway. and so i will leave this additional info to consider: you are going to change, and so is your partner. i have been involved in the fetish of feedism in several different capacities over my whole adult like - like, more than 20 years. things are much different, and i am much different than i was 20 year ago. or even 10 years ago. my views have changed, my desires have changed. i still appreciate the same things, but my relationship to my partner and to the fetish is different now. and i imagine it will continue to change as time goes on.

which is all to say, don't take any of this too hard or two much to heart. understanding and compassion and love rule, all this other stuff is much easier to find a compromise about. and with luck you will both find other things (kinks, etc.) that you will bond over - i certainly have, even now well into my 40s.

best of luck to you both!
2 years

Liquid livestock fattener

If a feeder fed me this, I would be sure she was going to eat me after she fattened me up enough.

only if your name is hansel.
2 years

Feeder audio

Massively Fattening on soundcloud was always a fav of mine.

yes! that is a classic - probably the best i have heard. it is still there, though it has not been updated in almost 5 years.

highly recommended!
2 years

Liquid livestock fattener

i don't know about the rest of you, but when i have way too much of something (oil, grease, dairy, etc.) it just makes me feel crummy and negatively effects my regularity (i shall say no more on the subject to avoid tmi!).

for me the enjoyment of food and the lifestyle is what brought on weight. if i had to eat a bunch of sub-par stuff i don't think it would have held my interest and enthusiasm to get to this size, frankly.

you can get fat eating good food, too! smiley
2 years

Pre-lockdown meetup in toronto!

hey, the next lockdown happens tomorrow. my partner and i will be going out tonight in toronto as a last chance kind of thing. just dinner and drinks. if you are interested to join in toronto, send me a dm!
2 years