Wht was the first comment you heard about your weight gain?

My mom said "KC! Your pants don't even zip up anymore?!"

What was your reaction?
2 years

Buffet stuffing

Several years back, a new hibachi & sushi buffet opened up near us. The first time my wife and I visited, we immediately noticed a feeder/feedee couple seated a few tables over.

They were young, early 20s. The guy was nerdy and skinny as a rail, picking at his plate. His girl was over 300 and wearing a tight blue Party City shirt which showed every roll. She had three plates of food in front of her!

He kept going to the buffet and getting her food. They were still there when we finished our meal and left. It was the first time we ever witnessed such an obvious display of feederism.

We weren't the only ones who noticed, a couple times we saw the staff obviously talking about them, although they were speaking Chinese so we could only imagine what was said.
2 years

Morbidly obese woman all my life. ask me anything.

You look amazing, and had to be around this size for some time. What took you so long to join the site?
2 years

Maria and other profile scammers

I've been seeing this same catfishing garbage in the forums lately.

"Single dad, from Cali, work for US Army."

Yeah, ok buddy.
2 years

How big is your belly ?

Blubber belly:
Too big?

Is there really such a thing as too big?

Blubber belly:
I suppose not hee hee

2 years

How big is your belly ?

Blubber belly:
Too big?

Is there really such a thing as too big?
2 years

You know you're fat when:

Blubber belly:
You know you're fat when your belly gets wedged between two cars trying to exit your vehicle.

Seeing a woman's belly squished into the steering wheel is a big turn on. Watching her thighs jiggle as she works the pedals, another turn on. The best is when a BBW drives a stick shift vehicle, her arm fat jiggles in addition with every shift.

My wife is more bottom heavy and while her belly doesn't hit the wheel, many cars' seats and steering wheel can't adjust enough for her thighs to fit. Years ago I taught her to drive stick shift, which she mastered and I found sexy.

Ever since childhood I've had a thing for big girls and cars. It started with a BBW school bus driver. I would run to the bus after school and sit up front so I could watch her drive. She was really sweet and probably found it cute that I had a crush.

While I never saw a BBW stuck wedged in between two cars, if ever I did it would certainly be exciting, particularly if it was my car she parked next to and she needed my help to squeeze through.
2 years

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Watching a big girl struggle as she does things as a result of her gluttony is a huge turn-on!

My wife's younger sister has put on >100 lbs (which she hates) over the last year. She's so spoiled. When she comes to visit, she barks orders and I fetch nearly everything for her. She absolutely loves this and even uses me as an example to make her bf (possible closet FA) cater to her! Granted I did a lot for her when she was slim as well, but it's even more satisfying now!

Recently she mentioned getting winded after a single flight of stairs. She used to be athletic, hates being fat, and has no concept of how one can love it despite her sister being bigger and heavier, comfortable with her size, and much stronger and more capable from regular exercise.
2 years

Fat people float?

When in need of floatation device, just grab your closest fatty, lmao. 🤣😂😆

My wife has been my personal flotation device for years! I seem to sink no matter what but she floats naturally.
2 years

Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

This happens more than meets the eye. My wife is a BBW but not a feedee or even a big eater. She has a close friend, "hot" by society's definition, constantly trying to get her to eat, usually junk food. Their relationship is not sexual. I can only wonder the motive, if one even exists, or if subconsciously the friend just makes the assumption big girls must always want to eat?
2 years