Turning into a fat girl

Beautiful chub there, caramel smiley
11 years


An experience over the weekend talking with a short, chubby girl has reconfirmed my attraction to them smiley 5-6 or shorter, 200 pounds or greater, and I'm just about to melt smiley
11 years

Hunger pains the day after

skinnygoesbloat wrote:
Good thing its Easter today. I can stuff myself silly and not get questioned about it.

Too bad you're so far north. I'd love to stuff with ya. smiley
11 years

Our gaining men-

Favorite part is the feeling of satisfaction after a big meal. To me, a big belly is a mark of satisfaction. To have a woman help make it that way -- and add to her own in the process -- would make it all the sweeter smiley
11 years

"showing off" in public

CoffeeChick wrote:
I have a really fat belly and I just made the baby step of wearing a bikini at my home pool, haha! And I let my belly hang out a little more with the outfits I wear. But the bikini was great ... I've NEVER felt so comfortable in a bathing suit! (Like, physically comfortable ... I definitely felt a little odd otherwise, but ... worth it.)

smiley Baby steps are important. I'm sure your confidence will only grow.
11 years

"showing off" in public

I wear XL shirts that run true to size, so there's plenty of room for the belly. As for eye candy, there's nothing better than seeing a growing pair of love handles fighting to be seen between a woman's shirt and beltline smiley
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
Well, I've eaten my way out of the skinny girls club and am shopping for double digits. But I didn't want to gain weight, I just wanted to stop worrying about it, stop exercising and let go, which I have done. And because of it I have gained a good 45 pounds or so. I never thought I would actually start enjoying the body transformation. It was extremely embarrassing at first, but after I found FF and realized a lot of men really like seeing a small, fit woman, turn into a big, soft, fatty, my feelings have begun to change. Now I look at women on here with big round bellies and try to imagine how another 40 pounds would feel. To carry a big, jiggly pile of fat around my middle, bouncing and quivering with every step. I get very excited by the thought, but it scares me too. I am considering intentionally gaining a lot of weight and then lose it all, just to see what it's like. Once I was thin again I would be able to tell if I really liked being fat or not. Does this sound really weird? The thing is, I could never set a plan to gain another 40 pounds unless I promise myself I will lose it. If that makes sense.

Enjoy the freedom, I say smiley The female form is best when it's free to do whatever nature wants it to do when it's fed adequately.
11 years
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