"searching for a story" thread

I'm looking for a story, maybe on Deviantart. At the beginning, the main character has lost a lot of weight after breaking up with his feeder ex girlfriend, gotten a better job position, his friends say he looks so much better etc. But then, the main character runs into his ex (at a restaurant, I think) and she looks even hotter then before, and eventually gets the main character to get back together with her.

There is a flash forward in time a bit, and the main character has gained back all the weight he lost before, has lost his job, and his friends are all upset his girlfriend has gotten him fat again. But the protagonist realizes he's happier fat, and likes being lazy and gluttonous, since his girlfriend takes care of everything for him now. Anyway, the protagonist asks his girlfriend to make him immobile, so his friends and family can't talk him out of being fat and happy. So, she does, and other people help the girlfriend feed the now immobile protagonist.

That's all I remember. Sorry if that's too detailed, but I really want to find this story. If anyone could help me with that, I would greatly appreciate it.
3 weeks

Wg tropes/situations

As a reader, I love when a person in a story gets fat by accident, or someone tricks them into it, and they end up liking it. I also like the gaining weight for love, trope, but only if the feedee ends up happier at a heavier weight.

I dislike stories with force feeding/weight gain, unless both parties are consenting. I also dislike humiliation stories where the feeder is mean spirited, with no aftercare, reassurance for the feedee afterwards. In general, I dislike stories where the person gaining weight ends up worse of because of it. Even in revenge weight gain stories, I prefer the person getting fat to end up happier and nicer at the end.

So, I write with those considerations in mind.
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

If you guys are happy together and with the way you want to live, then you are absolutely winning at life.

Thank you! Yes,it does certainly feel like my wife and I are both winning!
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

Status update; I talked to my wife, told her this was something I needed to be happy, and...she told me she supports me gaining to 600 pounds! I'm so excited and happy! Now I can finally gorge myself and get fatter without guilt!

Great news. 👍 I'm happy for you!

Thank you!
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

Status update; I talked to my wife, told her this was something I needed to be happy, and...she told me she supports me gaining to 600 pounds! I'm so excited and happy! Now I can finally gorge myself and get fatter without guilt!
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

Ngl, most of my relationship advice boils down to two things:

Talk to each other.
Break up.

Yeah, I definitely don't want to break up with my wife. So I'll take door number one.
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

Thank you. Just to see the record straight about a couple things, though. 1. I don't have health issues right now, or even at my heaviest, apart from being quite fat already. My family is afraid I could develop some of I don't lose weight 2. My wife and I don't have children, or anyone else in our household. I was referring to extended family, outside our home, not approving.I wouldn't risk doing this if I had kids.

Ah. This changes things dramatically.

Well, the most important person you need to talk to is your wife. It isn't necessary to win over everyone else. Although it would be nice.

Go slow, and prepare to make compromises. Remember, you'll need more help as you get bigger. I know you don't want to give up your dream, but I also know you don't want to burden her either.

Sit down and have an honest conversation with her. Just tell her what's going on with you. Don't try to convince her one way or another. Just explain yourself. She needs to come to terms with your fetish before you even try to persuade her.[/quote]

That sounds like excellent advice. My wife already knows I love being fat, but I don't think she knows how big I want to get. Until lately, I've been in denial about that myself. The good news is, my wife is very understanding, and I don't think she would leave me if I got that big. But you're right that I don't want to burden her, either. Communication with my wife will be essential.
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

Sorry if this in the wrong forum topic, but I just needed advice and wasn't sure where to post this.

Anyway, I'm a fat man ( around 450 pounds, but I don't know how big because I don't have a scale that goes that high). I'm currently in the process of losing weight because that's what my wife and family want (for health reasons. My wife assures me she would love me at any size).But I'm not happy.

I've recently come to grips with the fact that I've had feedee tendencies since I was a small child. I'm a feedee/fat admirer. And I want, no I NEED to be at least 600 pounds. I know I'm meant to take up more space, not less. I know getting to 600 pounds would probably make me unhealthy. But its what I need to be happy.

How do I break this to my wife? I know she would be terrified for my health if I got that fat. But I really think this is what I need to be happy. Does anyone have any ideas?

So, I would like to preface this by saying I am a feeder who is actively fattening my feedee to the 500 - 600 range. I am very much into extreme obesity.

With that out the way, I am going to be straight with you.

When you're that fat, it is easy to run into health complications. Diabetes, joint damage, heart issues ... the list goes on. You are an older man with a family to take care of. It's not just you that you have to keep in mind.

My advice is to fix your health before you try to be 600 lbs. Lose the weight, take your medicine, eat right. Whatever you gotta do. Then, and only then, can you consider getting that fat without them worrying as much about you.

You also need to accept you may not get that big at all.

Either way, it's easier to win your family over if they know the won't lose you.

Thank you. Just to see the record straight about a couple things, though. 1. I don't have health issues right now, or even at my heaviest, apart from being quite fat already. My family is afraid I could develop some of I don't lose weight 2. My wife and I don't have children, or anyone else in our household. I was referring to extended family, outside our home, not approving.I wouldn't risk doing this if I had kids.
1 year

The battle of mental health

I've been struggling with depression and general anxiety disorder for the last few years, and while doing so, I tried being open about my feelings about wanting to gain tons of weight (pun intended). I'm sure you can imagine how poorly that went with my parents and my psychiatrist. It pisses me off that everyone around me seems to automatically assume that my desire to gain weight and whatnot is just a depression born eating disorder or something. Hell, my parents even had the audacity to tell me about how they thought that I'd been, and I quote, "radicalized and manipulated" by the feederism community in my time of weakness.
At this point I'm probably starting to drift a bit from my original point. long story short, how do feedees, especially of the extreme/death variety like myself, find relatively unbiased mental health support if even possible, especially while stuck in an actively anti-fat environment? smiley

If you can afford it, and you have it where you live, BetterHelp. Com was a great resource for me. I got an online therapist that helped me come to grips with being a feedee, as well as a fat admirer and told me it was okay to get really fat if that's what makes me happy. I bet someone from that site could help you too.
1 year

How to break it to my wife.

Sorry if this in the wrong forum topic, but I just needed advice and wasn't sure where to post this.

Anyway, I'm a fat man ( around 450 pounds, but I don't know how big because I don't have a scale that goes that high). I'm currently in the process of losing weight because that's what my wife and family want (for health reasons. My wife assures me she would love me at any size).But I'm not happy.

I've recently come to grips with the fact that I've had feedee tendencies since I was a small child. I'm a feedee/fat admirer. And I want, no I NEED to be at least 600 pounds. I know I'm meant to take up more space, not less. I know getting to 600 pounds would probably make me unhealthy. But its what I need to be happy.

How do I break this to my wife? I know she would be terrified for my health if I got that fat. But I really think this is what I need to be happy. Does anyone have any ideas?
1 year
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