A dark wish

I really like the thought of a feeder who wants to transform me mentally into a severe food addict. E.g. a psychotherapist who is helping food addicts by day and helping feedees by night the opposite way. Using behavioral therapy and or hypnosis to first become an emotional eater, learning how to use loads of food to feel better. And finally turning me into the food addict they wanna see, unable to stop gaining ever.
6 months

Double chin plastic surgery

Thanks for the info. Looking at some of the results of plastic surgeons, e.g. super huge BBL, there must be a few around who do any fat grafting job for money.

I certainly would not cap my gains or remove fat, as long as the bigger chin does not cause any issue breathing or eating.
1 year

Double chin plastic surgery

That sounds just perfect. So you even get control over how big it shall be with your gain. Sign me up. I would continue to gain until it has the perfect (huge) size.
1 year

Double chin plastic surgery

I really love huge double chins and I am sure some of you do too. Who would be willing to undergo plastic surgery to plump up your double chin? If so what size would you like to achieve. I am thinking that fat grafting should be possible to enhance any body part with fat as you wish these days, not just the common brazilian butt lift (BBL).
Are there maybe any plastic surgeons out there who would love to support feedees, gainers in their quest for the perfect fat body?
1 year

Brazillian supersize arm lift

I was wondering, since a lot of women seem to undergo brazilian butt lifts to achieve quite supersized butts compared to their bodys, if it would be possible to do the same with fat arms.
I do really love super fat arms. So I thought, why not use lipo transfer to pump more fat cells into the arms. There must be feedees out there who would love to get the fattest arms on earth?
6 years