I’m really struggling with my calorie goal…

Morbidly A Beast:
Just eat until you couldn’t possibly eat anymore, eventually eating big will come so naturally you won’t feel satifsifyed by what would be seen by most as a large meal.

i thought i would add to this, because "eat until you couldn't possibly eat anymore" might be interpreted differently by different people... this is what made a real difference for me when i was early in my gaining (180-250 lbs).

i would eat until i felt full. *really* full. and then i would push past this, and eat some more - stopping well before i thought i might be sick. it didn't really matter what i ate (they were just regular foods - just more volume), but it was the "beyond stuffed" feeling that was stretching my stomach.

it takes time. you can't do it every meal, every day. if you just do it a few times a week, you will start to notice that you won't feel as full as quickly. that's because your stomach is getting stretched out, its capacity is larger.

when you get a big ol' tummy you'll just feel like eating more, more often.
1 year

My mom always tells me to lose weight :(

The truth is, sometimes I feel distrustful of my body because of my mother, she always tells me that I am very fat and it depresses me that she says those things to me, so I get depressed and start to eat more. Sometimes I say that I am going to go to the gym but I never do. I do and well of the rest when I do not receive complaints from my mother I feel good with my body and I like it and I accept myself as The worst thing is that I'm like this because of my own mother. When I was little, I was very skinny, I didn't gain weight, I hardly ate. My mother started giving me vitamins, so now I wouldn't stop eating, I stopped the pills and I kept eating and didn't stop until now. ..

parents want whatever they think is best for you... it is not always going to align with how you feel or what you want. i only see my mom 4 or 5 times a year, but each time she expresses concern for my weight. it's ok. i don't fight her on it, and i don't throw it in her face. i tell her i am happy, and i know i should lose some (from her perspective, anyway).

i am temped to really chow down and gorge myself when she says these things, but really i just want those visits to go as smoothly and argument-free as possible!
1 year

Did you feel ‘different’ growing up?

I’m thinking back to my teenage years, when people were beginning to show an interest in the opposite sex… the heart throbs, the leading men in every film, the posters other girls had on their walls…all lean and muscular. Even the boys people liked at school were of a certain build- chubby lads (and girls) didn’t really get a look in. It all felt so alienating to me, like ‘this is what I’m supposed to like?’ It just left me cold and I could barely even feign an interest. This was further complicated by the fact I was, and am, bisexual.

I knew what I liked but I neither felt I could say, like I wouldn’t even be taken seriously, nor would there be many people who I could even name. I think it’s a bit better now but there just weren’t really plus sizes singers or actors or anything then, or not ones who were marketed to young people anyway. No pin ups for me!

Sometimes I look back and wonder if there were other people who had broader tastes, so to speak, but also didn’t really say due to the teen need to conform. Either way, I’m so glad I’m an adult now and know it’s ok to like what I like and that I’m not the only one

i always found chubby and fat people more attractive... but when i was young, and until i moved for university, i never talked about it with anyone.

in high school i remember some very cruel comments and jokes being made behind the backs of girls (and boys) that i found very attractive. it didn't stop me from asking the girls out, but i didn't date very much in high school. and it wasn't until later that i became comfortable with my bi-sexuality (or pan-sexuality), so i never dared show interest in another guy.

i am very heartened in that my kids are growing up in a more accepting environment in many respects... it doesn't change teenage insecurities, they still have those. but sexuality and body positivity is far more open and less judgemental than it was in my youth.

the idea of being into feedism is still very taboo, i would say.
1 year

Should chat full screen mode take up the whole screen? have your say!

just the tabs... the full screen is super annoying.
1 year

Toronto gta meet up ideas.

let me know where/when and i will try to make it!
1 year

The tables have turned.

Ngl that's kind of hot and I am hoping he's next 😈

lol! i don't think so... he's pretty die-hard fitness guy (that's why she lost so much weight, it was his influence). he was even giving me exercise advice... i didn't want to insult him, so i just nodded. smiley
1 year

The tables have turned.

i thought i should share a little update... emily and i were in ottawa before christmas and we had dinner with diane (my ex) and her boyfriend again.

di is even smaller than she was last time we were together almost a year ago. she said she was down to 215 lbs!

i was now about twice her size! and to think, when we met years ago i was around 150 lbs and she was about 3 times my size!

and i am almost as big now as she was when we met, something she was quick to point out.

and her boyfriend is right ripped - i used to be fit an athletic, but he is in way better shape than i ever was.
1 year

What's the most amount of weight you've put on in the shortest about of time?

this question got me thinking... so i looked at the log of my weight that feabie keeps...

the first year of my gaining i went from 170 lbs to 230.

then i gained a little more, to 260, and thought i was going to stop gaining...

...until the pandemic started, and i gained almost 100 lbs in a year! smiley

it's slowed since then (but not stopped it seems!)
1 year

Wg skincare

the biggest change for me was drying after showering. as i started to develop rolls, and got big enough that certain areas didn't get exposed to air, taking time to "air out" is important. after a shower i usually lay on the bed with a fan running to dry myself off. it allows me to move my belly out of the way and open up other spots to the air flow that need it. i do this before moisturizing anything.
1 year

Saw mom for the first time since 70lb gain

So the last time I saw my mom was at the end of April when I graduated college. I was 230 lbs which was the heaviest I had been, the last time she had seen me before that was Christmas break where I was maybe around 190ish. I could tell she was surprised at graduation but didn’t say anything expect offering to take me clothes shopping.

So she’s been trying to come visit me the past few months but plans never worked out. That was until last weekend. I’m now over 300 lbs, making that a 70 lb gain since I last saw her. I don’t know what I expected her reaction to be really. She hates confrontation so I kind of expected her to not say anything. Also to preface my mom has never weighed more than 150lbs in her life and she can literally eat whatever she wants without gaining.

Anyways here’s what her reaction was. So first, I opened the door to my apartment when she got there and she audibly gasped. I giggled because I thought she was just happy to see me and I gave her a hug. After pulling away from the hug she said “Oh my God, what happened?! You’re so fat” And just kinda stood there shocked also and not knowing what to say because I didn’t expect her reaction to be that forward. When we got inside she kept asking questions about how I gained so much, if I had seen a doctor, if I was going to the gym etc. At some point she asked how much I weighed I told her and she said “you’re literally double my weight.”

So that was the big “fat talk” we had, and nothing else too exciting really occurred. Though I saw her watching everything I ate and saw her look whenever I pulled my shirt down when it would start riding up. But yeah that was that. Kinda glad to finally get it out of the way but it probably would’ve been better if it had happened a couple months ago so the shock wouldn’t be so extreme.

great story! i had a similar interaction with my mom when i started gaining. she is also not really forward, but she asked some questions, like, "are you ok? are you sick?" i had been fit for so long it was a shock to start with, but she's not mentioned my gradual gain from 300 to over 400.
1 year
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