Fattened for a cannibal

Spekbil 123:
I am definitely into this, as Hansel og pig or if needed as farmer/witch.
We could start with a simple assessment form for Hansels/pigs which can enter a contest for price pig. Witches/farmers can assess the forms and ask for more detail as when the H/P should be ready for market and give advice over how to fatten them up. What food they should get. Where can you keep them and how should they be prepared.

Who is in for this?

The form:

Assessment Hansel/Pig (H/P)

Goal: Prime meat/as fat as possible


TDiscipline: If needed cage, spanking, tube feeding.

Price P/H: Yes/no

Ready for market: Yes/no

it sounds great
1 year

Being fat for and against

Boy howdy. You sure are a chatty one.

Lemme ask you this. Are you trying to decide if you what to gain weight? If so, why are you asking internet strangers?

I have been wondering about gaining for a long time
1 year

Being fat for and against

what weight for and against
1 year


I'd say it's such spicy fat man stuff
1 year

Piggy play

I'd love to be a pig on someone's property. lose a penis in lard
1 year


which disturbs the most in everyday life as well as in sex
1 year


which is hard about being fat ?
1 year

Fat men

or women who would like to fatten their man to a very fat pig of his man
2 years

Fat men

are there fat men here who want to fatten other men
2 years
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