The seat of my car

A couple things, put on 20+ pounds and haven't driven truck since the fall... I can hardly fit behind the wheel. Not sure if I will even be able to drive it once the battery is fixed! Tight fit is an understatement, wedging myself into driver's seat was painful and no hope of adjusting belly into semi comfortable position. It was digging deep into my fat

As for my daily driver, a midsize suv, I've felt my love handle brushing the center console recently. Centered in seat my hand or a pen almost doesn't slide between anymore and maybe only an inch of space left between left side and door. Nowadays belt buckle digs into my hip in most vehicles I ride in, and I've been in a couple compact vehicles recently that feel very claustrophobic.

My belly also brushes against bottom of the steering wheel, not enough to cause issues yet but I've noticed a decline in my range of motion when turning sharp corners. Need to use two hands, belly gets in way of turning wheel over one handed but still doable. With the cooler weather I absolutely love the shock of my warm skin against the cold surface. Also enjoy tucking my thumb against belly at 6 o clock position... and under the seatbelt. By 300+ I won't be able to reach anymore. My hands are starting to be forced to rest at 8 and 2 without straining my arm.
2 months

New wardrobe (again)

I find myself in a very similar situation as of late... Broke long plateau around 270 and hit 280 around Labor Day, now hovering around 294 and clothes aren't fitting the same.

Specifically my work uniforms. Pants are getting tight, 2 or 3 inch holes in thighs, hidden by thighs, but tore a pair just last week past 5 inches bending over. Waistbands no longer quite sit over bellybutton and harder to keep up despite constricting tightness. Tops are also pretty tight and riding up, most only overlap waistband by an inch or so... Whole underbelly hangs out unless tucked into pants.

As for casual wear, many of my favorite tshirts have met the same fate and don't currently own a pair of jeans that fits. Leggings, sweats and athletic pants, many of which are also feeling tighter. Some pairs elastic worn so much I nearly lost my pants taking out trash and was wearing a shirt that didn't cover bellybutton as I caught them around my knees. 😂
Fortunately I've always preferred baggy clothes and always buy things loose or even a size up. Already got a handful of shirts I'm "growing" into but overdue to replace jeans and most pants aside from stretchy leggings. Only need a couple good pairs of jeans, any suggestions for size 26+, (terra sky jean shorts fit last summer)?
2 months

Showers getting exhausting

My job keeps me on my feet most the day and I've found it much harder to stand in the shower if I haven't had a chance to sit and rest for a bit after work. While I can still stand for extended periods and reach most places it's definitely become more of a chore.

Showering seems to take longer for one. Although I do enjoy lathering my belly and feeling how my love handles and lower back now wobble... It's impossible for me to take a quick 10 or 15 minutes shower these days. Aside from more surface area to cover I tend to do a prescrub of certain areas like armpits, under boobs and belly, inner thighs and rinse.

My overhang now traps soap and need to lift my belly about 3 times, sides and center to spray with showerhead. I haven't had the flexibility to reach middle back for a long time but grip high and low corners of wash cloth to get across from each shoulder and then around sides under my arms to get in developing backrolls. (I am getting tired by this point...) I can just reach center of (mons pubis) but add some soap to now twisted washcloth and basically floss under overhang as bottom of belly getting harder to reach, also dragging up over lower roll.

Looking into maybe a foot brush but thankfully have the balance to hike a leg up still, however my ankles seem harder to get good angle, same with heels. If I am not totally exhausted it's still nice to stand under hot or semi cold (depending on mood and season) stream for a few minutes to just relax. Also think it goes without saying that drying off is another time consuming task. One trick is to take a 2nd towel tuck under belly and up under boobs with larger towel or robe around shoulders, my robe no longer closes around belly...
2 months

People over/underestimating your weight

Was just discussing this with a coworker over the weekend. She is a few inches taller at least 5'6 and I was shocked when she admitted to weighing over 250. I would've pegged her around 220 or so tops and never guessed she was over 240... I still wouldn't call her fat, just chubby. Has a little pot belly, thick thighs she is self conscious about, decent caboose, but very evenly proportioned.

I am a bit shorter and definitely rounder, she was also shocked to hear I am over 275. Neither of us would assume that our weights were within about 30 pounds of each other. Anytime the topic comes up, everyone assumes I am at least 20 pounds less than I am at any given weight. Even a 100 odd pounds ago, people refused to believe I was over 160.

I also know someone who is definitely over 400 pounds and shares a similar shape to mine with a few inches on me all around. Glorious belly, wide and thick, hangs past mid thigh and rests on same table as mine does at 5'4" (chatting at opposite sides) But given their tall stature at 5'10" I wonder if they aren't actually over 500? Just impossible to guess or narrow down not knowing their exact body composition. Can't actually be twice my size, right?
5 months

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

This level of bullying and fat shaming, is what's disgusting. Fat people existing, especially daring to be happy and carefree out in the world or online is "glorifying obesity" the comments that follow are... Proving the actual problem. Sad that so many commenters point out the health effects, insist we are at deaths door and will suffer for our life choices. Nevermind the hateful, derogatory slander and absolutely insulting epitaphs regarding baseless assumptions of personal habits, appearance, attractiveness and don't hold back their 🤢 over other people's bodies.

Glorifying obesity? Fat acceptance, body positivity... People are completely missing the point. Fat bias and diet culture is so deeply engrained within media, healthcare and society at large nobody can see how they are huge part of the problem. Don't like, scroll on, plz keep comments to yourselves. Don't moo out car windows as we waddle down main street, or compare to Shamu. Point and giggle, stare or give total strangers well meaning lectures about their health and wellness. It's not okay.

Not one other demographic has to deal with such an aggressive level of hate and bias across the board from personal, social and professional. Well they do actually, however this is not considered acceptable behavior. It's literally illegal to discriminate against people based on race, creed and religions, known as Hate Crimes. Yet perfectly acceptable to hound and catcall or shame random fat people in public as nobody bats an eye or quietly agrees that fat people deserve it.
5 months

Under belly rash

Thankfully I only get rashes under belly hang when I wear tight jeans, and now almost always wear pants with belly tucked inside. Mens boxers and wearing underwear below the hang help but even those waist bands can cause itchy redness, especially on warm days.
Another thing I have tried is fabric strips, old flannel pajama pants or soft cotton blends from outgrown clothes.
Intra-dry moisture wicking fabric sheets is something I've never used but have heard good things about.

I've tried Remedy soap but it hasn't really helped the bad chub rub on thighs as of yet. Worked wonders for a dry crusty spot of skin plaguing big toe after just a few uses though. I always tuck a hand towel under belly hang after showering, flip it around a few minutes later to dry side and then also tuck between thighs. Always stand or sit in front of fan when possible or even lay on top of robe in bed to ensure zero moisture before getting dressed.
6 months

Belly coverage quiz - love to know what you see when you look down

Mostly belly, and belly button now beyond horizon. Almost cant even see toes when I step forward anymore and hangs to poof out a little against thighs. Also if I prop foot on wall I am leaning against can no longer see knee poking out. Obscures a stair and a half below when toes at edge, going for two steps.
7 months

Premise for a weight gain movie.

This is pretty good, Lynne.

Thanks I didn't come up with premise or characters, just a continuation of where original left off with bit of a cliffhanger. Story has lots of angst self loathing and fat shaming from peers. Family pressures in a household that pretended everything was hunky dory and false image of striving for perfection in everything.
7 months

Premise for a weight gain movie.

A continuation of an old favorite book, Life in the Fat Lane. 118 pound Junior Homecoming queen regional beauty pageant winner from an image obsessed family gains 10 pounds in month after being crowned. Got hives, thought maybe prescription side effects, new meds, gains 8 more. By thanksgiving she's up 27 pounds, has tried everything even consulted Drs. No answers nothing works she keeps getting fatter, by Valentine's she is 159 and miserable, popular cliques deserted her and parents convinced she is out of control and sneaking food.
By spring now 180, forced her to see a phycologist and been to countless Drs who insist she's not following prescribed diets. Challenge mom to monitor her for a week on liquid diet to convince her something is wrong. Admitted to hospital for professional study and diagnosed with rare controversial syndrome causing her body to store all nutrients. At 190 she also doesn't sweat or urinate at normal levels, water retention? Her father refuses to believe that discipline and determination won't help get thin again. Desperate she doesn't eat more than rice cakes or water and even tries laxatives, no change. Although there is always hope of remission...

208 she breaks up with BF at end of school year, and learns of fathers affair, the family moves 500 miles away to escape the shame. The affair doesn't stop, a short time later Dad abandons family, moves back home with his mistress. No fair. Has gained 100 pounds in a year, now at a new school with no friends and nobody knows she used to be a beauty queen. Weight levels off by end of book and loses 5 pounds. Possible remission, meets some real people and learns to accept, not perfect but I am okay. Oh BF sees the light and wants her back, maybe he can change and both can learn to love her body regardless.

Would love a sequel... loses a bit more weight but erratic habits and crash diets have ruined her metabolism and gains back with a few extra pounds. Over 220, gets mono at holidays, just like hives sets off unexplained hormonal reaction, nightmare is back, seems to grow fatter by the day. Stops eating, extreme crash diet despite Drs warnings, faints at school and hospitalised. Acute anorexia nervosa in serious danger of refeeding syndrome, mom also suffers eating disorders, reeling in divorce. Dad finally accepts there is a medical problem but distant as ever, no longer daddy's princess. Her BF is upset, vows his life's mission to prove he loves her and get her to love herself again. Always a careless foodie, she loved eating, a shameless glutton without any consequences... Until she got fat.

By graduation over 250 joins a summer study at Duke, no concrete answers but advised to keep eating well balanced recommend calorie intake as she prepared for college. Family and friends summer trip to ocean forced into bathing suit, learning to love and accept her body with BF unwavering support. Off to NYC soon and loses virginity, partially before she gets any bigger for comparison sake, seeing as they would have taken leap sooner if not for turmoil, long distance and temporary breakup.

Old friends and new, chubby bestie's freshman 15 and dating equally fat mutual friend, BF works out with her as per nutritionist regimen and gets buff. Still gaining steadily no matter if she overeats or not, sticks to prescribed diet like glue with annual visits to leading expert on rare syndrome, turns out she is an anomaly. Likely due to trashing her metabolism and extreme disordered eating. Mercifully gains at a slightly slower rate than last time yet pushing 300 pounds as they return home for holidays to face her judgmental family.

Level off by spring semester at 312 and experiments, tempting fate by indulging more that summer. Enrolls in another monitored study, outpatient this time. No changes, Drs nix any diets or restrictions and just see what happens, keeping up with regular light cardio fitness regimen. Nothing. Weight stays the same as settle back into routine in NYC as her confidence and self worth slowly return, improving over time. Absolutely baffled how BF unfazed, even loves playing with her belly and can't keep his hands off her. Not a chubby chaser, just learns to appreciate and even adore her softness, the way her body feels.

Over time fluxuated a little, a few extra pounds, hovers near 330 by shotgun wedding day. Belly to round for life growing within to be obvious and gains just over average by the birth of daughter. Unable to lose baby weight and settles into motherhood, creating a life together. Gains double with twin boys and loses only 10 post birth, just in time for 10 year HS reunion. 470. Double her weight as graduate, a few years later 500 pound mom of 4... they live happily ever after.
Youngest inherited the chubby gene, started out plump then diagnosed with syndrome as teen. Both daughters are her spitting image in opposite ways, a beauty and body double albeit nearly half sized at just under 300.
7 months

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

A longtime fantasy from my teenage years, born of insecurity and mayhaps some guilt for the social sin of admiring fat and someday know how it feels to be fat... like a dream come true. Although deep down we all know fat is fat and it doesn't matter how or why, haters gonna hate.

A common theme of stories I'd read on Dimensions at the time. Something about being hidden away and fattened against my will would make it ok that I'd been forced to double my weight. Eating myself into a coma to meet increasing daily quotas or be fed extra through a funnel, until one day my captor didn't bother locking the trapdoor. Got stuck attempting to escape and forced to eat extra as punishment. Weighing myself every morning and coming to terms as I gained over a hundred pounds.

Eventually, months later was found safe and (round) in an abandoned turret. The trapdoor entry had to be cut open into a gaping hole and I barley squeezed down the spiral stairs. People would be so relieved and nobody would care I weighed nearly 300 pounds, it wasn't my fault. Unbeknownst to them I loved the new me and continued to get fatter, just couldn't help myself.
7 months
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