Starting heavy cream drinking to reach my christmas goal weight

So I’m now up to 22 stone (308lbs) at 23 years of age, roughly 6”1, and gains have been slow recently. I told myself earlier in the year I’d be 23 stone (322lbs) by Christmas but I just haven’t been gaining as much as I would have liked. I’ve read so many great, positive posts about adding heavy cream into your diet but I never got round to trying it, but i put my fat foot down and I’m committed to trying it now. From reading I think it’s best I do it 1 week of cream, 1 week of no cream ect. I had my first drink today of 300ml of heavy cream with a bit of milk and some milkshake flavouring, it went down like water and has stayed down. I’m aiming to eventually get to 600ml a day. Basically does anyone have any crucial tips on this process? Am I doing everything right? Also is it realistic to have a 14lb gain in just over a month? All thoughts are appreciated!!

Firstly: congratulations if you can keep it down easily in reasonable direct quantities!

On to the realistic expectations and what I've learned from my wife's use of it for gaining.

Re your goal: yes i imagine so, we’ve done 12lbs in 34days without too much of an extreme approach

Re tips:

1) consider what is digested and what passes through. Spread out your amount (we added 1 1/2 pt of double cream a day) throughout a number of meals to ensure its not literally going down the drain. Cream sauces, small additions to a number of cups of coffee and chai, cream based deserts (she loves eton mess with fresh whipped double cream and white sugar), cream in dinner sides like potatoes dauphinois etc etc. you can easily add a full 2pt a day which is adding a serious amount of kcal a day.

2) don’t accidentally end up on keto. Make sure there are a lot of carbs and a good amount of simple sugar in your diet as well. Ive known failed gainers to smash the steaks and cream shakes but forget the carbs. The body will go in to ketosis which will inhibit your gain.

3) give it at least 2 weeks as your body adjusts to digesting it and keep it up. We had little success on the first try as we expected going up to 2.5x your requires calories would cause her to bloom straight away. It wasn't until the 2nd time that we spread it out and gave it 6weeks. She got some fantastic stretch marks on that round.

4) don't expect it to be smooth sailing; just because day 1 went ok doesn't mean your GI tract will be happy tomorrow with the same barrage of fat and lactose.

Cant think of much else.

Good luck and happy gaining.

Some solid advice here my friend I’ll be sure to take it all on board! Anything to make the process go as quickly and smoothly as possible
2 years

Starting heavy cream drinking to reach my christmas goal weight

i gained 11 lbs in a little over 3 weeks while doing heavy cream, so 14 in a little over a month is very doable i would say.

you might get better results doing the heavy cream daily for at least 2 weeks before taking a break, but do whatever feels right for you.

Oh cool! 2 weeks sounds good to me, I’ll have to give it a try
2 years

Starting heavy cream drinking to reach my christmas goal weight

So I’m now up to 22 stone (308lbs) at 23 years of age, roughly 6”1, and gains have been slow recently. I told myself earlier in the year I’d be 23 stone (322lbs) by Christmas but I just haven’t been gaining as much as I would have liked. I’ve read so many great, positive posts about adding heavy cream into your diet but I never got round to trying it, but i put my fat foot down and I’m committed to trying it now. From reading I think it’s best I do it 1 week of cream, 1 week of no cream ect. I had my first drink today of 300ml of heavy cream with a bit of milk and some milkshake flavouring, it went down like water and has stayed down. I’m aiming to eventually get to 600ml a day. Basically does anyone have any crucial tips on this process? Am I doing everything right? Also is it realistic to have a 14lb gain in just over a month? All thoughts are appreciated!!
2 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I put on about about 60 lbs in 2 years. It was a steady gain but seemed quick as I was getting new clothes and outgrowing then and there was noticeable difference. That was about a year ago now and I’ve not gained. I’ve gained a few lbs, lost a few but overall I haven’t gotten any bigger. My appetite has only increased since that time so I don’t know exactly what to do. I’m currently 280lbs and the 300lbs mark is so close and I want to get back to gaining quicker to reach it.

Anyone any tips on some ways to get out of this phase of not gaining?
4 years

You ever feel this way about gaining

All the time. I never want to be skinny, or smaller than I am now but I feel like I should be for family reasons etc. It’s the only thing stopping from just letting go and gaining
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

So I opened up to my girlfriend pretty early on about gaining and told her I wanted to be bigger. She said she wasn’t okay with it but wouldn’t stop me from doing it as I wasn’t that fat at the time. I’ve gained about 50lbs from then and her reaction to my body is not what I expected at all. She’s all over my belly all the time, rubbing her face in it and has said it turns her on. I always say to her I’ve made her like fat people but she always denies! She’s still not fully on board with further weight gain but I think she’s happy that I gained those 50lbs. Has anyone’s partner ever changed their mind after being against gaining??
4 years

Gaining more than you intended

I was only supposed to gain 30 pounds, get to 230 then stop. But 230 turned into 250 then that turned into a weight gain challenge that got me up near 275 which meant that 300 was close so why not? I'm currently flirting with 450 and, with the way I eat, I don't see myself magically stopping there.

Wow! That is amazing. If all things fall into place with me with gaining I'd like to go down a path like that
4 years

Sucking it in

I tend to suck in around family. I don't mean to but I have for years so it's almost natural. Around my girlfriend I sometimes suck out. Other than that I just let it hang. Feels great feeling my belly jiggle with every step!
4 years

Tattoos and gaining weight

I have tattoos all over my right arm, since getting them I've gained around 50 lbs and my arms have gotten quite bigger but the tattoos still look the same. Personally, if they stretched I wouldn't mind cause it's a sign of weight gain!
4 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

In my family I'm probably second fattest by a couple of pounds. Ask me this time next year! Out of friends I am second fattest by quite a bit. One of my best friends is quite a bit heavier than me, maybe 50+lbs but he's wanting to lose weight, I'd happily take some of it from him lol! If he does lose weight then by this time next year I'll be the fattest of my friends and family
4 years
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