Do you like your job?

I love my job, it'd fairly high stress, but I can deal with that. Pay is way above average for the US, but with my degree and experience I could be making quite a bit more- but I really love what I do, and I have managers who really value me, decent working hours (on average, I've worked 30 hours straight before also.) no dress code most of the time, good job security, and minimal supervision (ie my boss is 700 miles away and we may not talk for weeks at a time.)

I get pissed that I've got some lazy coworkers, but while they do little, I would go crazy with the make busy work they do. And for the most part, the people I work with are fairly motivated and good to work with, and I have nothing to do with the others.

When you have a really good job, you start fearing all the ways it could go wrong- because it's really not likely to get better.
11 years

Need help understanding

Sumochickfan wrote:
Ok I got a relative who thinks gays and trans is just a phase and crap. But I tell her it's genes and stuff but I can't tell her the WHOLE story of how they are made. I know with trans they know when they are 3 or so and it has to do with the fetus being fed with estrogen
or testosterone. And the homosexurals have more of a certain chromosome.

There's really no evidence of what you say, with one minor exception. In fact if it was the fetus being fed with estrogen or testosterone, this would mean the mother would be solely responsable for alternative gender identity/homosexuality.

Many in the gay rights movement, and some scientists believe in a biochemical, if not genetic origin. And it's kind of hard to not believe it plays some role when you look at some of the more effiminate guys and the proportion that are gay and the same for masculine woman. But what ever is eventually found is not going to be the single "gay gene" like exists for sickle cell anemia, or at least if one is found it's not going to explain the majority of LGBT people.

There's also lots of anicidotal evidance it is also choice, and could be a "phase" for some. I've had one cousin go lesbian (as in 100% rejecting men) for 2 years and then decide she prefers men, and another that switched in college and never went back- shes 50 now. Several lesbian friends talk about the number of women who try it in college, only to become a confirmed hetro after they graduate

* There are a couple of rare genetic diseases, such as turner's syndrome that may be likely to cause homsexuality (In the case of Turners, it makes women look less feminine, have lower levels of estrogen, and often infertile, and is associated with lesbianism, but this could just be a correlation.)

I don't have a dog in the fight, but the question is highly politically charged, at least in the US.
11 years

Talking about your fetish

I think it depends on what other stuff you are into. If it involves trampling small animals, maybe you need to get to know him better.

Most guys, religious objections aside, are more accepting of fetishes, particularly those of a woman in whose panties they want to get.
11 years

Small butt...

I think you have a big butt, for better or worse. Was he expecting huge? I don't pay a whole lot of attention to butt size on large women, but I know it's an obsession among a lot of black men- mostly of concern with no butts on thin women. I would think yours would make their cut too.
11 years

Wearing pencil skirts.....

I love the look of fat girls in tight clothing. Besides, the fact that almost all guys (except maybe those with a nun fetish :-)) like seeing the type of women they like in tight clothes, somehow, societies expectations of how fat girls should look means I view a far girl flaunting her stuff this way as even more sexual than if a thinner girl were to do the same. Not to mention when you start packing fat (or boobs) into stretchable clothing, it tends to get more revealing then it might be on a less corpulant woman.

The only limits my tastes have are public decency- a fat girl may need more cloth- because I don't think anyone should be showing panties, areola, etc, out in public (not counting bars, parties, nightclubs, etc.) And I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy the show, but much like preforming oral sex in public, it's not right.
11 years

4th of july

When I was younger, July 4 always involved boating, BBQ, beer, blasting caps and bottle rockets. Now boating while intoxicated is illegal, and boating while drinking (not just while drving) is frowned upon, and they made blasting caps hard to get after 9/11.

I doubt this had anything to do with us building a small floating barge with 2 litter coke bottles full of gasoline with a blasting cap in the center and a candle a few feet away (on a private lake we would use a .30-06, but thats not safe on a public lake, and we are nothing if not safe.
11 years

Guy's belt buckle issues

Has he ever tried a rigger's belt? They are nylon webbing, with a heavy duty buckle that can be used for an amergency rappel, or more commonly for the Tacticool look.

If nothing else, they are likely more comfortable.

Also, if your from alabama, have him get a new belt which comes with this sissy looking buckle, and take the tribute to Dale Earnheart off the old belt and put it on the mantle of your doublewide.

Rated for 6000 lbs.

BTW, if you can't find one big enough, you could buy your own tubular webbing.
11 years

Fatkini piece in daily mail!

Follow the link the the original xoJane blog piece. It's like plus sized Cosmo.
11 years

Is it just me?

angelbaby1980 wrote:
My experience with big men is that they seem to want to the skinny girls. Even though they are fat. Also most of the men I have met on this site seem to be a bunch of pervert. They pretend to want to be your friend and a gentleman then after 2 days of talking expect you to want to cyber or send sexual pictures. I would like a man to think of me as beautiful instead of something he gets off on.

I think the first part is a given- most guys prefer skinny (or at least non-obese women) Why would big guys be any different. Most guys are not heavy because they work up one day and thought heavy people look better and thus decided to gain weight. With respect to an above poster, this is not like "hard core christians." Most people are devoted to the church because they believe in their religion, and thus it is far more likely they want to surround themselves with others of their faith. This is more like being Jewish- It's somethign you are, and usually didn't decide to be, and it may or may not be a basis for a shared experience with others.

As to how guys treat you, I agree its improper to send (or request) unsolicited sexual photos, unless you know the person well, but other then that are you suprised? This board has a very sexual bent, and you are an attractive girl who posts topless photos of herself. Yes, guys who see your pic are going to try to hook up with you. Guys who find you interesting are going to want to hook up with you after seeing your pics. Guys who don't find you atractive probally either don't like fat girls, don't like girls, are committed to someone else, or are pedophiles.

Oh, yeah, guys are going to get off on hot girls, and most guys drawn to this board are going to think you are hot.

It's you job (if you wish) to let the guys know that sexual advances are unwanted.

I work for an employier that has very little tolerance for gender discrimination, and even our Lesbian, ultra-leftwing feminist, Hilary Clinton was the second comming of christ whose only sin was her husband, kissing your wife in the parking lot is grounds for disiplanary action, with a masters of women studies-director of diversity isn't going to suggest that men stop comming on to women they find atractive.

All I ask in tribute to this insight is higher rez copies of the pics you posted so I can get off.smiley
11 years

Pee and scat??

Diapers just sound messy if were talking #2. But watching a girl pee in public (diapers or wetting her pants) would be hot.
11 years
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