Bellybutton sex

Arguably one of my favorite forms of sexual intimacy. It’s also really fun to tease said partner that they’re fat enough that their belly is now another hole to fuck.

Previously I’ve had past partners sit on a toy while having their belly fucked. Makes for a very fun experience 😇

Wow thats a sexy idea
1 year

Christmas story prompts

The story of how santa clause got fat.He got kidnapped one year by an adult who remembered he didnt bring him the gift he wanted and stuffed with milk and cookies until he was immobile
1 year

Farm pig fantasy

I can't stop thinking about a scenario where I'm trapped by a sadistic farmer who wants to grow me into a fat juicy hog ready for the dinner table. I'd be kept in a pen too low to stand in so I wouldn't be able to walk around. My muscles would become like melted butter as I was fed all day long. A tube of shake would always be available to me and my trough would be filled three times a day with fresh greasy, sugary slop. At first I wouldn't want to eat everything but the appetite stimulates snuck in my food would eventually compel me to eat until I was unable to crawl. I would gain hundreds of pounds of blubber all over my body, looking more like a pig each hour. Daily I would be put on a scale and weighed, have my thick pork belly measured with calipers, and mercilessly teased for growing so patheticly, helplessly fat. There would always be the looming threat of the slaughterhouse once I got huge enough to be a perfect prized sow. Any feeders with fantasies like this?

Sounds very vorish
1 year

Sumo meals

you should publish a sumo wrestler cook book on here
1 year

Fake silicone belly

getting one of these and getting someone to try it
1 year

Best restaurants for secretly feeding your date

Even fast food runs are always a treat.

this is true
1 year

The magic of eggnog

it does make you feel really fat when you drink it
1 year

Tease me?

fucking pig
1 year
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