What is your sign?

I'm a Capricorn, and the Ram/Sheep is my other sign. The Ram year was Metal for the element and fire is the guiding influence on both.
5 years

Why do you find fat sexy?

Honestly, Gingersnaps, "Because I do" is the simplest explanation for me.
To a shallower level, daj462's point that there's just more woman to love to a bigger girl isn't bad either.
In the end, it's just what you ended-up with wired to do it for you. Genetics, experience, environment, and culture all had a hand in it but it's what you see in her that matters, right? The best I've been able to research, men are actually wired to favor larger women for-well, reproductive practical reasons; they also fair better in adversity, which means that as "mates" in the cave man sense were better bigger. A little self honesty or a lack of media indoctrination seems to be common amongst FF members in general....
11 years

Chubby chaser documentary

The way I see it, any press that isn't bad press is okay in my books. I just wish this had been out like a year ago when I did a speech on legit reasons people are heavy/ FAism; it would have been way great as a source....
11 years

Bbw's as girlfriends.........

My dating career isn't a long one and it only started after I really began to get things established after graduating high school.
Getting to the question, most of my female friends are BBW or Borderline and both my Ex' and my current are of the same build. All of them have met the family and while there's been some raised eye brows over it, I kind of second the theories stated thus far.
As long as she's happy, you're happy, and the universe doesn't seem hell bent against the pairing, why worry?
11 years

Read it if you're curious...

Okay, so I've been on this site-more as a trawler then anything else, and noted that in the "stories" section there is a semi-set divide to them. Some are brilliantly written [or have that lean] while others have uber sexy content [or have that lean]; true, some straddle the line or balance at it, but in the end the main breakdown I catch.
Having set that precedent, I'm curious as to which has more appeal and to whom? Is there a superior side-besides masterworks with both, or are all stories on the site created equal beyond petty grammar mark-offs? If you've written anything, take no offense please at my thoughts; it's seriously just a curiosity pole and if any names are named 'n injured then the monitors will handle it I figure...
11 years

Religion ended my relationship

I'm going to make my way down the pager and respond as is felt needed.
Sweet sauce: you have my condolances on zealousy lynching another what sounded like perfectly functional relationship. I haven't ever had the issue, but having taken similar flack I sympathize with your position.
Fatology: how can there be a fair discussion when we live under a system of goverment that as a matter of ideological disposition discriminates against the faith upon which this country's laurels and moral basis were founded? Yes, all religions have a similar code of ethics with varience as to the mythos and reasons behind them, but without a basic equality of faiths before the eyes of "secular" authorities no discussion can be fairly moderated in the first place.
Choco029: a) you're end point was interesting as a show case of personal belief, smiley I'm AGNOSTIC, and my reason is thus; having been raised with the general understanding of Judeo-christian culture and ethics as a backdrop but the freedom mentally to explore other religions, I've decided like all other important things time and due diligence should be applied to such an important decision as where, whom, and how I choose to worship. I'm doing my research before that.
JimmyB: you realize that Atheism more or less constitutes a non-religious/ anti-religious religion due to how it's grown into a fairly ideological bit on its own?
Slug: A)evolution only works as a socio-mechanical and microdevelopmental concept; when applied to the actual developmental history of the earth-with timing of major species adaptations, events that shifted power from or lead to the survival of others, inteligent design has a pretty solid backing. smileyReligion and it's influences are interwoven into the fabric of our nation and the sterilization of it-not things like fear of god as much as the motivation behind moral behavior beyond "because" arguments, has only lead to a furthering societies greater delemas.
OniGumo: you're like the frickin' Guru of this so I'm only gonna correct you on one thing-which you may or may not be aware of already. The Seperation of Church and State was from a letter of the second president of the nation-Jefferson as I recall, assuring a local church that growing federal power wouldn't ballon into the english, state-run-religion, monopoly that they'd just fought off. It was meant to protect faith FROM the state, not enable the state to bash, beat, and bludgeon religion into any shape or form it saw fit by means of regulations and determinations of rights only the sacred governing bodies of the church itself has the right to weigh in on.
12 years

Breaking up with a slimmed bbw

Social pressure and preferences of societal preferences-as expressed by the mass media at least, being more geared toward encouraging that sort of thing to gain "confidence" and become "attractive" it's one of those that even from afar can be annoying to watch as it goes. Moderate to boarderline out 'n out BBWs-at least locally, seem to be the most likely to drop as I've observed.
13 years

Name that adult manga

I've been trying to locate a Henti that was posted by Yagami2010-from another site, on DeviantArt last I saw it. The main character was a chick who got dumped then goes to work for this restaurant where guys pay to watch the waitresses/ feedees stuff themselves and that's all I remember about it off the top of my head. Anyone else have any details or leads for me to follow up on?
13 years

What book(s) are you reading right now?

Last Book: Out of Mao's Shadow: the struggle for the soul of a New China by Philip P. Pan
Current Book: The Official Underground 2012 DoomsDay Survival HandBook by W.H.Mumfrey
Next Book: The Starfish and the Spider: the unstoppable power of leaderless organizations by Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom

And with that over 3 weeks I go from history/ current events to humor-yes, a doomsday guide classified as "humor, to buisiness strategy; that's just how my bell curve rolls.
13 years

15 reasons men don't find fat women attractive...

Hence the issue that every sub-culture and oddity group-however awesome or ill, has faced in society since the dawn of man: people will be dicks if they're dicks. Even the satisfaction of knocking them out cold cock is only fun 'til the po' po' slap the cuffs on you. In the end, they seem to karmically suffer enough anywho.
13 years
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