What "awakened" this fetish for you?

In the early 80's, there was a public service message warning to watch out for the munchies. It was not a fetish for me but I realized that I wanted to get fat. Once I did, I didn't want to be at that point anymore but it was too late. Life is complicated.
2 years

The first time that you were referred to as " being overweight ".

What was your first experience of being referred to as "being overweight".
In my case, I was told that I looked as though I had been eating well.
I was soon told that I had a " dad bod".
2 years

What made you decide to gain weight?

Nothing; I just began to pile it on inadvertently.
2 years

For those who started thin, how much did you gain before people started noticing?

Once I arrived at 155 pounds at the height of 5'3, almost everyone that I knew alluded to how I looked like I had been eating well. Some said chubby, and others simply pointed out my pronounced double chin.
2 years

Face getting round, when?

I have a round face and a double chin even when my bmi is under 25. Now that I have a bmi of 25, my face makes it seem as though I'm very fat in pictures and videos. I can't seem to escape it.
2 years

Any feedeeā€™s on a weight loss journey?

I can never seem decide which way I'm going. The results, therefore, are back and forth.
2 years

What to say to your family and friends

They simply tell me that I'm heavier than I was. I typically respond with indifference.
2 years

Have any of you looked fat while having a normal bmi?

Two years ago, my bmi was in the "slightly overweight" category. Friends left and right were telling me that I looked very fat. At this moment, I have a bmi that is on the borderline of being in the overweight category and I still look fat. I probably should add that being short at 5'3 inevitably enhances this effect.
2 years

Healthy gaining

thanks for the tip!! and good forum!! i want to get fat .. have a lot of soft belly fat .. but also so far can be healthy..
I did eat a lot of sugar and cookies/candy to get fat. but read that that is unhealthy .. I now try to eat and drink more cheese and heavy cream because that "somewhat" is healthier

I'm starting to think sugar may have some use cases when it comes to healthy gaining. For example, say someone were to eat some chocolate. The sugar in the chocolate would trigger an insulin response which would increase the amount of stearic acid going into visceral adipocytes. This should then trigger some more thermogenesis in the visceral fat deposit which should shrink it. This would be a balancing act between the glucose fattening up visceral adipocytes and the insulin response it causes funneling more visceral fat burning stearic acid into visceral adipocytes.

Yeah but too much circulating insulin can lead to I insulin resistance, so I doubt eating sugar can be the healthy way to gain.
2 years
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