
Little Rock, Arkansas, United States  
Ateitall 2 weeks
Intentional gaining philosophies
#5 here... I really enjoy the fullness and feeling my stomach tighten and expand!
New forum post
Ateitall 2 weeks
Best fattening way to use remote control vibrator?
This would be a great reminder to take another bite!
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Ateitall 2 weeks
Best fattening way to use remote control vibrator?
I imagine a collar/necklace that will trigger the vibrator when it senses swallowing.
New forum post
Ateitall 2 weeks
Search in forum
Seems the search feature in forum is not working...currently receiving an error message.
New topic in Feedback and suggestions forum
Ateitall 5 months
It's been a while...
Ateitall 6 months
I hope everyone is stuffed silly today, I know I am!
Ateitall 6 months
Jennifer lawrence pops her belt
Anyone else think what I was thinking when Jennifer Lawrence's belt popped off on stage?
New topic in General forum
Ateitall 9 months
To ride on the back with one of them you'd need to be able to do the splits.
New forum post
Ateitall 9 months
Yesterday I happened to be passing by a Golden Corral at the same time 2 motorcycles were pulling out when I noticed something I keep thinking about. There were two people on each ...
New topic in General forum
Ateitall 1 year
Looking for an old commercial.
There are 2 commercials that come to mind that I remember that were hot, one was a breakfast food commercial that said something along the lines "you are what you eat" kinda thing and it showed a r...
New forum post
Ateitall 1 year
Bloating tips
To get a longer ( . ) bananas hang around for a little while along with some fiber options...drinking some metamucil works great and helps keep things moving, but not too fast. If you want to add...
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Ateitall 1 year
Conditioned to associate sex with food?
I had the same idea on another thread...this would be amazingly fun!
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Ateitall 1 year
new topic in Stuffing forum
belted eating
I have found much pleasure in wearing a belt or elastic band around the largest part of my belly when eating a meal.
As it gets tighter and tighter it seems to encourage me to sit up straighter a...
Ateitall 1 year
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fullness phrases that really do it for you.
"I'm full as a tick"...
"I'm fixing to bust open like a can of biscuits"...
"I need a wheel barrow to haul myself (belly)out of here"...
Favorite is when you climb back into a car after a huge m...
Ateitall 1 year
new topic in Stuffing forum
I often think about pre-mealing...and would like to do it more often.
This weekend I ate a peanut butter and banana sandwich about 30 minutes before eating dinner. Now I know why Elvis liked them!
Ateitall 1 year
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best restaurants for secretly feeding your date
When you visit more than one restaurant for's totally a secret because no one knows but the two of you.
No one knows that you've just came from another restaurant...your stomach is al...
Ateitall 1 year
new topic in Stuffing forum
stuffing tool - a bit of tech needed
Imagine a discrete sex toy like a vibrator, one of the wearable ones for panties or the kind that gets inserted...choice is yours male or female version.
Also imagine this, a necklace like one of...
Ateitall 1 year
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what's your dream stuffing?
Being Nigella Lawson's husband and taste tester... then after becoming her "chubby hubby" I find out it was her plan all along!
How could anyone possibly tell her, "NO, I don't feel like tasting ...
Ateitall 1 year
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milk and bread bloat
I think if one went at this with a competitive eating style...bites of bread and use the milk to help chew and swallow, big things may happen!
Ateitall 1 year
Roll is more defined than it ever has been.
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