
Los Angeles, California, United States  
LoraDayton 1 year
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the game is afoot
This all sounds enthralling! I actually wrote a lesbian story *very* much in this vein (Stuffing Season). The feedee is never even allowed to know how much she gains, her job is simply to eat a...
LoraDayton 1 year
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for women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?
That's the point actually. To keep discussion moving. To be open to learning new things and understanding where the people come from. I'm glad you observe the same!
LoraDayton 1 year
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for women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?
The irony of how their username also embodies exactly what we're talking about: person not interested in connecting with us as people, just seeing us as blubber. On point.
LoraDayton 1 year
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getting asked for a picture of yourself
Eh. If there's no reason to ask a question then it's never just a question. There's a purpose to the question I would hope. And if the purpose is to see someone, is that really "just" a question? T...
LoraDayton 1 year
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getting asked for a picture of yourself
The double standard arises when you ask at all if you do not have one of yourself. Of you would like to ask for someone's photo and you do not have any up yourself, then you offer first. "Would...
LoraDayton 1 year
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for women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?
I don't want to derail the thread because this is about what makes a space SAFE for the people mentioned in the title. Munchies didn't single out white people, she mentioned a specific type of ...
LoraDayton 1 year
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for women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?
TIL another take on WASP. I thought it was White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
LoraDayton 1 year
A lil' snack does the body good :)
LoraDayton 1 year
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for women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?
by verification, do you mean up to the user/recipient or by a moderator (or both)? or perhaps a karmic-type system a la reddit?
LoraDayton 1 year
new topic in General forum
for women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?
Many of us know how wild it can get out there and how frustrating it can be in these spaces.

I'm working on a couple of fun projects and worldbuilding things and it got me thinking. I know what...
LoraDayton 1 year
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butthurt scams?
Yep. Not sure how "Actively participate in holding men accountable and set an example" comes out to "sit this one out" but that's what happens when people expect to be rewarded for performance ...
LoraDayton 1 year
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butthurt scams?
doing your part means not blaming and mansplainign to women about what we ~should~ do.

If you do your part, you don't need to announce and quantify it. You'd just do it.
LoraDayton 1 year
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butthurt scams?
I wasn't mistaken. I literally quoted you saying that women needed to start calling them out. Do you know why we don't?

1) they are never punished anyway; we are not the ones with the power to ...
LoraDayton 1 year
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butthurt scams?
No. It is not womens' job to hold men accountable for shitty behavior. That is the job of other men. To set the example and publicly hold them accountable.

There is PLENTY on this forum righ...
LoraDayton 1 year
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recommendations for pantyhose/ tights
Does your wife have any idea or consented to you coming on to a website for fetishists talking about how you engage in the fetish with her?
LoraDayton 1 year
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need someone to write a story for me
writing something—especially to spec—costs a lot more resources than you think. if you can't pay, then you don't "need" anyone to do anything for you.
LoraDayton 1 year
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person you would love to feed/see fat
A+ for cuppajoe!!!

Fetishizing fatness and toxic fat phobia overlap a LOT. We should always be aware of this so we can engage with the content and our preferences responsibly. And that includes...
LoraDayton 2 years
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word processors
This is how I revise! I write/draft in one font and revise and edit in another.
LoraDayton 2 years
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word processors
I use Scrivener. You can get a 30-day trial and I think the license is $50 for life after that. Worth every penny. There is a bit of a learning curve but it's like riding a bike and once you got it...