Abyssal Mind

Pocatello, Idaho, United States  
Abyssal Mind 5 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 5 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 5 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 5 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 5 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 5 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Gluttonous Reconciliation
Day after day, life became more plain in the garden. Adam not only mastered taming the animals but also learned new ways to bake for his wife. Eve herself had nothing to do but name the foods he ma...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Gluttonous Reconciliation
Day after day, life became more plain in the garden. Adam not only mastered taming the animals but also learned new ways to bake for his wife. Eve herself had nothing to do but name the foods he ma...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Gluttonous Reconciliation
Day after day, life became more plain in the garden. Adam not only mastered taming the animals but also learned new ways to bake for his wife. Eve herself had nothing to do but name the foods he ma...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
I hope Bountiful Eden gets noticed, not just because I want to make a premium story but because I'm making something unique. It'd be a shame if the only way people read it is if it's a free story, I don't want to put in the effort to write something like it if no one's going to actually read. I wish I got more people engaging with my content to tell me what they think, what they like and especially what they don't like so I know what I'm doing wrong. This might be just a scream to the void but I needed to get it out of my system.

Let me know what kind of stories you think are premium worthy, or even if you'd pay for what I've already written. I've tried to run the gamut between total smut to stuff that's a little more serious with a narrative. I love doing this stuff but it'd bum me out if I can't monetize what I write, I know it wouldn't even be that much but at least I'd know what people would pay for.

Don't be afraid to DM me, unless you're trying to sell me something then ***. FF only lets people type 200 characters in the comments so if you have something thoughtful/insightful to say feel free to tell me. Regardless, I hope you all are enjoying these stories, that means more to me than anything else.
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Gluttonous Reconciliation
Day after day, life became more plain in the garden. Adam not only mastered taming the animals but also learned new ways to bake for his wife. Eve herself had nothing to do but name the foods he ma...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
bountiful eden (preview)
What would happen if Eve didn't eat the fruit? She finds herself exploring the world, herself and food with Adam along for the ride. But all is not as it seems in the garden, what is God planning? The first few parts of the premium story.
New story
Abyssal Mind 6 months
I'm making a premium story, I was thinking of releasing the preview now and publish more chapters every week as a premium. I think you all will love it, I'm having a lot of fun writing it.

Hint: I'm reinventing the Adam & Eve story, what if Eve didn't eat the fruit?
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Main Course
I escorted Miranda to my bedroom, she seemed so giddy to try it out. “How do you wanna fuck me? What’d be the best position while I’m eating?”

“Let me set things up for you.” I plac...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Main Course
I escorted Miranda to my bedroom, she seemed so giddy to try it out. “How do you wanna fuck me? What’d be the best position while I’m eating?”

“Let me set things up for you.” I plac...
New chapter
Abyssal Mind 6 months
Chapter 43
It wasn’t a nightmare.

I didn’t look at the time but it was probably around noon. My stomach woke me up, I ignored it so I didn’t have to think about food. About Jane. My nap only calmed d...
New chapter
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