
Columbus, Ohio, United States  
Bicepsual 5 years
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any other people really into the idea of a world where obesity is normalized and encouraged?
While there is a strong current of healthy eating, the general trend in the US is promoting a life where you shop online on Amazon, even buy your groceries online, camp out at night binging Netflix...
Bicepsual 5 years
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emotional eating
The emotional coaster of my wife's monthly cycle no doubt causes crazy emotional binge eating leading up to her period and that entire week of. I keep tabs on it and know when I can stuff her silly...
Bicepsual 5 years
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gaining tips
My wife will pick out an appetizer. But then I'll always scan the calorie counts of the appetizers, see what is the clear highest and recommend that one. It's almost always a "yeah, that actually s...
Bicepsual 5 years
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has anyone gained just to try, with the intention of losing it afterwards?
I did it when I was a teen. Though fun, that's when I confirmed I was definitely NOT a feedee/gainer.

It wasn't until later in life I realized feederism was a thing and the feelings and attract...
Bicepsual 5 years
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discovery that people like you
And not just sexually.

All of our neighbors are really heavy - all good people. And they always had their own parties for cookouts, football games, etc. Every weekend someone had something big g...
Bicepsual 5 years
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fast food
Rally's/Checkers. Their entire brand is built around X for X offers. They're the "Home of the 2'fer", ie. 2 for $3, 2 for $4. Just ridiculous quantity of fattening food for the price.
Bicepsual 5 years
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what it’s like to go to the beach/pool with a fat belly?
Everybody's at a different phase of their body acceptance. When I first got married my wife would see women with their guts hanging out: "Really? Good God, Some women need to know when you're not b...
Bicepsual 5 years
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iud’s and bbw/ssbbw
My 300lb sister-in-law has blamed her weight gain on the IUD. She stopped using it because she said it entirely removed her libido. She questioned why she was even taking it because she felt asexua...
Bicepsual 5 years
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mum getting plumper.
Isn't that great?

My wife would put down heavier folks all the time. How could you enjoy sitting on your ass that much, doing nothing?

After putting on 100lbs, all she wants to do is sit o...
Bicepsual 5 years
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jobs/careers that will help you get fat
My wife's company, they get free soda in the cafe and the vending machines are all free as an employee perk. And then HR constantly has these meetings/events encouraging a healthy lifestyle lol.
Bicepsual 5 years
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are stretch marks sexy
I like them. The thing about stretch marks is with most women, if they continue to gain, the stretch marks actually get stretched to the point they disappear and they have fairly smooth skin again....
Bicepsual 5 years
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calories aims and tips
You don't have even have to encourage or be concerned of them "giving up" if your buying foods he can't resist. It's about discovering and leveraging his already existing vices. And then you slowly...
Bicepsual 5 years
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why do you think so many feeders become feedees?
My wife would be so much heavier if I was a feedee mutually gaining. I can't count how many times I've asked if she wants an ice cream and her response is always "Yumm. Are you getting one?" ?
Bicepsual 5 years
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calorie allowance by weight
There's no way you can go by a chart like that because it's not accounting for height or age. 150lbs means absolutely nothing since it could be on someone who's 4'11" and would be obese or someone ...
Bicepsual 5 years
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appetite stimulants
Nothing is better than an Indica vape cartridge for munchies. Physicians prescribe Indicas for AIDS and cancer patients, the appetite increase is so dramatic.
Bicepsual 5 years
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Nothing hotter than seeing a 100lb twig young girl marry, put on 75lbs each pregnancy, can't lose the weight and goes ahead and piles on a another good 50lbs more with her newfound eating habits to...
Bicepsual 5 years
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reckless gaining
That's been the kinkiest part of it all for me as my wife has gained. She wasn't a couch potato, TV watcher, soda drinker, snacker. But the way that the habits mutually feed one another in a downw...
Bicepsual 5 years
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any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?
In an office environment, every job I've had I noticed there's a girl "fattie crew" that are usually pretty self-deprecating and go out to lunch together. Seems like they're always in accounting or...
Bicepsual 5 years
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you can eat & absorb 2.5x your calorie needs
I'm a little skeptical of that number because absorption and mass gain is so context dependent on the person and what's being absorbed.

That said, this is still a ridiculously high number. An av...
Bicepsual 5 years
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why do you think so many feeders become feedees?
It's difficult to maintain two totally different lifestyles with your SO when you live with them.

I'm fit and very active, but my wife constantly puts pressure on me to spend time with her watch...