
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada  
Struka0918 4 years
her name
A man finds new delight for the first time in forever, while a woman completes her mission.
New story
Struka0918 4 years
chapter 5
Reigen did not understand nor know what came over him.

He was stuffed.

The aliens didn't seem too bothered by his behaviour- in fact, they seemed rather happy. At least that was one weig...
New chapter
Struka0918 4 years
chapter 5
Reigen did not understand nor know what came over him.

He was stuffed.

The aliens didn't seem too bothered by his behaviour- in fact, they seemed rather happy. At least that was one weig...
New chapter
Struka0918 4 years
chapter 5
Reigen did not understand nor know what came over him.

He was stuffed.

The aliens didn't seem too bothered by his behaviour- in fact, they seemed rather happy. At least that was one weig...
New chapter
Struka0918 5 years
A human crashes on an alien planet unknown to most of the universe. Unluckily- or luckily, he isn�t alone. Somewhat slow moving.
New story
Struka0918 5 years
introductions forum
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