
City Of Westminster, Greater London, United Kingdom  
FAbrit 8 years
Well, FF, the final chapter of the Baroness Ruelli is now up. If you like feedism and supernatural motifs set in bizarre historic locations, you'll like this. Feedback's always appreciated.
FAbrit 8 years
Good evening to all you fine folk out there in feedism-land. The latest installement of 'The Baroness Ruelli', my tale of alchemy, mystery and (of course) epic weightgain is now up. Go check it out if that's your sort of thing.
FAbrit 8 years
the baroness ruelli
Baroness Ruelli is ruled by her appetites, particularly for rich food and heady wines. The royal court despises her for excesses, but the king tolerates her because of something in her mysterious past. When Redwell, Earl of Normandy wanders into this tens
New story
FAbrit 8 years
Good evenin' FF: chapter five of my historical fiction/feedism erotica 'The Baroness Ruelli' is now up.
FAbrit 8 years
Evenin' FF. Here's your nightly interuption to let you know that the latest chapter of 'The Baroness Ruelli' (a tale of feederism and alchemy) is now up. Enjoy!
FAbrit 8 years
the baroness ruelli
Baroness Ruelli is ruled by her appetites, particularly for rich food and heady wines. The royal court despises her for excesses, but the king tolerates her because of something in her mysterious past. When Redwell, Earl of Normandy wanders into this tens
New story
FAbrit 8 years
Even' FF, the third chapter of my supernatural mystery/ feedism erotica story 'The Baroness Ruelli' is now up. Hope those of you who read it enjoy it.

Have a nice night, FF.
FAbrit 8 years
Evenin' FF. Sorry for interupting, but the second chapter of 'The Baroness Ruelli' is now up. Because feederism is even better when combined with historical fiction and supernatural mystery.
FAbrit 8 years
Howdy, FF! The first chapter of my new story 'The Baroness Ruelli' is now up. If you like feedism, historical fiction and supernatural mysteries, you'll probably like this.
FAbrit 8 years
the baroness ruelli
Baroness Ruelli is ruled by her appetites, particularly for rich food and heady wines. The royal court despises her for excesses, but the king tolerates her because of something in her mysterious past. When Redwell, Earl of Normandy wanders into this tens
New story
FAbrit 8 years
Yer humble narrator was in Dublin recently: this is from the botanic gardens.
FAbrit 8 years
Well folks, that's that: the epilogue for 'Rhonda' just went up, so the story's now officially done. Come check it out if risque weightgain romance is your thing!
FAbrit 8 years
Howdy, FF- just uploaded the climactic chapter of 'Rhonda' for your reading pleasure. The epilogue will appear tomorrow.
FAbrit 8 years
Evening all- with apologies to those of you who are wondering when I'm just going to finish the bloody story and stop promoting myself, it's time for me to announce that the next chapter of my serialised weightgain romance 'Rhonda' is now up. Enjoy!
FAbrit 8 years
Evening, FF: it's shameless self-promotion O'Clock! I've just uploaded Chapter 9 of 'Rhonda'. If you haven't read the earlier chapters yet, I won't spoil anything, but suffice it to say this little weightgain romance is turning out a lot more ambitious than I intended.
FAbrit 8 years
On a quiet, mellow Friday night, in a small, under-funded diner outside London, two lives are about to collide. Hackman, a jaded journalist and budding FA will meet the delicious, uninhibited Rhonda- the undisputed queen of eating contests. Together they
New story
FAbrit 8 years
Good evening, FF! I'm afraid it's that time of evening again, where I blatantly self-promote. The latest chapter of 'Rhonda' is now up, so if you're in the mood for some romantic feedist erotica with a couple of dark subplots to keep things interesting, go check it out.
FAbrit 8 years
Hallo, FF. After more effort than I'd frankly like to admit, the next chapter of 'Rhonda' is now available to read. This one has some explicit content, and also features a menacing figure from our heroine's past and a blatant breaking of basic biological laws. Pacing? wut that?
FAbrit 8 years
Good evening, FF! As promised, the third chapter of 'Rhonda' is now available to read. Enjoy!
FAbrit 8 years
Hello FF! It's been a fair while since I've written anything on here, but I'm back and I've brought my fancy Writer Of Smut hat with me. If anyone's interested, you can read the first two chapters of 'Rhonda' (a deliciously rich and dense weightgain yarn) now.
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