The Baroness Ruelli
Baroness Ruelli is ruled by her appetites, particularly for rich food and heady wines. The royal court despises her for excesses, but the king tolerates her because of something in her mysterious past. When Redwell, Earl of Normandy wanders into this tens More ▼
Coming Out in One Hilarious Step.
A brief, hopefully diverting and probably deranged ramble about how I came out as an FA and feeder, my thoughts and feelings on being such, and other monstrously embarrassing musings. More ▼
The Woman Who Ate the World
Beach, a gorgeous BBW sucked into the glitzy layer-cake of B-Movie showbiz, also happens to be an advanced alien lifeform and the most dangerous thing on planet Earth. More ▼
Egress: New York
Leaving the gritty, gothic streets of London town for the sparkle of New York, Feeder-Feedee couple Polygon and Egress find themselves famous- and out of their depth... More ▼