Peter parker: porker

chapter 14

Peter woke to the sound of his phone ringing. At his size, just sitting up in bed or rolling over were physcially demanding activites. He stuggled to lift himself up from the pillow as the phone continued to ring.

"Hello?" Felicia had answered the phone, and Peter realized for the first time she wasn't still in bed next to him.

"Oh hello! Peter has told me so much about you," Felicia continued. Peter started to feel nervous. "I feel like I already know you, Aunt May!"

"Oh, I'm Felicia.Um, well, I guess I am kind of Peter's girlfriend! What's that? You haven't seen him in awhile? Oh, I am sorry, I feel like I have been monopolizing his free time. I know he would love to see with you!"

Peter struggled to sit up. He was huffing and puffing with the effort. "Wait, Felicia," he gasped, "let me talk to her."

Felicia continued her conversation, oblivious to Peter. "Oh that is so kind of you! Of course we would love to come over for lunch tomorrow. What can I bring? Just our appetites? Ha ha ha, I don't think that will be a problem for Peter! Ok, we'll see you then. I look forward to meeting you, too."

Peter had managed to shift his bulk into a seated position on the edge of the bed, his belly hanging down covering his thighs completely. Felicia appeared in the doorway. She was still naked.

"That was your Aunt May, Petey. We're going to have lunch with her tomorrow," she said, smiling.

"Great," Peter replied, out of breath. He sighed.


Peter followed behind Felicia, waddling up the path to Aunt May's front door. She had insisted that they take her van-sized limo, which the driver had parked on the street, waiting for their return. Peter was surprised that just moving from the vehicle to the door was making him breath heavily.

Aunt May greeted Felicia warmly at the door. May's eyes danced over Felicia's mane of brilliant, white hair. "Oh, my, you are such a pretty young woman!" After pleasantries had been exchanged, May looked past Felicia at Peter's noticeably inflated figure lumbering toward them. Her eyes grew wide. "Oh my, Peter!"

The trio moved into the house. Aunt May had prepared wheat cakes, as usual, and they each took a seat at the table. Felicia moved two chairs together for Peter - one for each overflowing cheek. Aunt May was quiet, clearly in some kind of shock at how much fatter Peter looked than the last time she'd seen him. This didn't impact her duties as host, however, and she served a heaping stack of steaming warm wheatcakes.

"Oh, Petey, are you hungry? I bet you are," Felicia said, as she loaded most of the stack onto his place. She placed two onto her own plate.

May too a single wheatcake, and lightly poured a drop of syrup onto it.

Peter couldn't restrain himself. He dug into his large pile of syrup-drenched food and started to gorge himself.

Felicia made polite conversation, telling May how she'd met Peter while "at work," and how she just adored him. May only half paid attention, the sound of Peter stuffing his cheeks full of food and groaning with statisfaction distracting her. He could barely reach the table, his chest and belly getting in the way.

"Peter," May said quietly, "it looks like you might have put on some more weight."

Peter's face flushed. His mouth was too full of food to respond, so Felicia spoke for him. "He has put on a few pounds, yes. We've been enjoying ourselves anyway a little too much," she punctuated with a giggle. "Isn't he adorable?"

They ate in silence for a few minutes. Then Felicia asked, "Is there any more?"

"Um, yes. In the kitchen," May said, distracted by the speed at which Peter was clearing his plate. "I can go-"

"Oh no, let me," Felicia said, placing a hand on May's shoulder as she stood.

She stepped into the kitchen returning moments later with another stack of wheatcakes. She transfered them all to Peter's plate just as he finished the last bite of the first serving. Returning to her seat, Felicia patted Peter's gigantic belly, smiled and said, "It's so good to see a growing boy nourishing himself, isn't it?"

Felicia turned her attention to her own plate. She moved both of her wheatcakes from her plate onto Peter's. May's brow furrowed in confusion. Felicia faced her and smiled, putting a hand on her lean stomach.

"I'm watching my waistline."

The rest of their visit was mostly small talk between the women while Peter leaned back in his seat, struggling to breath and trying to relieve the discomfort in his stuffed gut. When it was time to go, Felicia had to help Peter stand. He hugged his Aunt, and he thought he could see her eyes tearing up slightly. It took some time to get for him to get back into the van. When Felicia finally told the driver to take them back to Peter's apartment, she cuddled up against him.

"Your Aunt is so sweet, Petey."

"Yeah... she is," Peter replied, gasping for breath as he struggled to speak. "I think she... is worried... about how fat I am..."

"Aww, no sweety, I think she just wants you to be happy." Felicia kissed Peter's cheek, then brought her mouth next to his ear. "And when we get back to your place, I will make you very, verrry happy," she purred.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 10 months
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Likesmenwith... 4 years
Great theme. It is a slow but so some added details about more of the clothes not fitting or classmates noticing muffin-tops with older pants, inability to zip older pants forcing him to guy more. And definitely echo wanting to know MJ reaction or other
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Nothing wrong with this "slow burn". I recall a scene in one of the movies. A neighbor girl gives him chocolate chip cookies. I always wondered what would happen if he gains weight. Your story explores that concept very well. Thanks.
Littleextra 4 years
Certainly enjoying this, thanks for posting it! I look forward to seeing Lisa's reaction to Peter's latest gain smiley
Supergirl 4 years
Any thoughts or constructive criticisms are very welcome! I realize this story is turning out to be a bit of a slow-burn... ?
Supergirl 4 years
Whew, correcting the punctuation formating manually was a real pain, but it's done for chapter 1... I need to rest before tackling chapter 2! smiley
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