Bizzare Weight Gain Story Chapter 2

  By ChubbyChaser28

chapter 1

What I thought would be some strange dream turned out to still be real. I woke up and I was still in a fat body. I must have passed out since the room got darker, but I couldn’t tell what time it was. I felt as stiff as a rock and heavy beyond what words can describe, a feeling so foreign to me. Above all else, an unexpected yet familiar feeling came creeping up . . . . I was hungry. My stomach began to gurgle and make noises. It wasn’t bad now but I could only imagine what it would feel like later. I looked down and observed my stomach. With the way I was sitting it turned my belly into two folds of fat. I navigated my hands between the folds that covered my belly button and felt how deep they were. Without thinking of it I pushed my finger into my bellybutton to see how far they would go in, and it gave an intense feeling. Though it wasn’t a bad feeling, I was still unease at all of this. Suddenly my stomach began to grow more once I smelt something. There was something good in the air. It was food.

My stomach began to gurgle even more to the point of pain. I had to get something in my stomach. I looked over myself and saw the nub to the door. With all the force I could muster I tried to heave myself up off the ground while using the door as leverage. It took what felt like forever and once I was on my two feet again I was panting like crazy. So much of my weight was pulling me down that I was ready to drop back on to the ground, but I was using whatever force I had to keep myself up (it wasn’t easy). I unlocked the door and opened it, I almost falling right through (thankfully I caught my balance). I ended up outside in what looked like a dark hallway. The smell was coming from the end on the left. I began to walk to the direction of the smell, which became a heavy task as imagined. Every step felt like I was walking under water. And I was only taking small steps without trying to raise feet too high (they were so heavy).

In front of me felt like bight daylight inside a deep, dark tunnel. By the time I got to the end it felt like I had walked for days, though it was probably thirty minutes or less. Once I got to the end I was in another room; it was split into a kitchen and a dining room. It looked like the sun was setting outside from the few windows I could see, but there were candles lit up everywhere. The room looked very beautiful, giving off a welcoming aesthetic with orange glowing everywhere. Though the kitchen looked as basic as a kitchen would look (sink, oven, refrigerator, etc), my mind was being controlled by my sent and stomach. I immediately noticed in the dining room table what I been hungry for. There was a plate full of glowing pancakes. They looked fresh out of the stovetop since I can notice heat radiating from them. As I wabbled to the food (yes I guess I can wabble now), I noticed that there was enough pancakes to tower up to my face. There was a litter of syrup and milk on the side, but oddly enough there were no utensils. I was too hungry to consider eating with a fork, and the food looked to damn good to ignore. I don’t what had got into me but I needed to eat and so dove right in and grabbed a piece. It’s fluffy, warm texture hit my taste buds and melted in my mouth. It felt like heaven all of a sudden, and I even moaned quite loudly. Thus minute after a minute so many of these pancakes were disappearing. I had been just grabbing them and stuffing them into my slimy mouth. It was hard to tell what kicked it off: the amazing taste or the urge my stomach had. Regardless I was turning into a slob of an animal by grabbing handfuls of crumbled pancakes into my mouth. So much was already inside and making it hard to breath, so I picked up a pitcher of syrup (thinking it was milk) to help make it easier to swallow. My god! The syrup was another type of warmth. It was so delicious that I had to drink more of it. It was lot to almost make me chock. The milk was the next to enter my body. It was cold and refreshing and helped everything pushed down my through into my huge belly.

After my huge feeding session, I collapsed on the chair, almost breaking it. My stomach felt hard as a rock and my face felt gross and sticky from all I ate. Still out of everything going on, I felt so relieved and happier than I should have been. I ran my hands towards my hill of a gut and began doing circle motions with my hands hopping that would ease the tightness. Not only was I enjoying this but I was getting aroused as well. This incredibly sensation would than lead me to pass out for a while.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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