One bad breakup

chapter 1- 120 lbs

Jenna loves to go to the gym with her boyfriend. He's the one who really got her into the gym scene. Every day he's working out and Jenna is there by his side. It was great he was her trophy, the best looking guy in the room. She was his queen who had to look her best for him and keep up the same image. They were the gym couple devoted to themselves and their health. Well, that was only in Jenna's mind. He liked having her around sure, but he wasn't so loyal.

Thanks to all this working out Jenna was doing daily she had grown quite toned and firm. Her stomach was tight with washboard abs, her legs where slender yet muscular just like her arms. Her hips and thighs had no traces of fat, not even a bit of curvage. The only soft spot on her body was her C cup chest which was always strapped down by a sports bra. Any guy would be lucky to have a girl with Jenna's body.

Her boyfriend didn't really see what was so special about Jenna. There were dozens of girls like her at the gym. As much as Jenna adored him and love him with all her heart, he didn't feel quite the same about her. Because of this while he was dating Jenna he was seeing other girls too.

He kept this up a long time. He was never not cheating on poor Jenna. They were together for two years. He decided to end it. He didn't care for her feeling, it was just cutting off another side chick in his mind.

"How could he have done this, with so many other girls" Jenna thought. She couldn't believe it and she sure couldn't handle going to the gym anymore. Seeing him was too painful. It was too painful to see the other girls too, who knows if her boyfriend slept with them. It was too likely.

She hung up her gym clothes for a bit and just wallowed. That's when it started. No more exercise so she slowly lost her beautiful muscle tone. She couldn't even handle going to a different gym or working out at home. Exercise was tied too much to him. So instead every day she began eating pints of ice cream and other treats to dull the pain.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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