Home grown

chapter 35

Antony stank of tequila; Michaela’s tongue was dry with salt consumption. She swirled her bottle of rosé and took another hit, her gums tightening with restraint. The two were making out in the dorm stairwell. Michaela had grown winded after two flights of stairs. Antony lived on the fifth. He said, “I want to see you waddle up there…it’ll make me so hard.”

Michaela had lost her footing and fallen onto the second floor landing. Antony drunkenly had stated that he could still lift her up…he could not.

They pressed on after pressing into each other for what felt like an eternity. When they arrived back at Antony’s dorm, the dark room felt rich with possibility. He ripped off his costume, standing at attention in nothing but his tight, athletic boxers. Michaela finished her wine and dropped it into the bin. Her left sleeve had already popped and torn, exposing her fat fleshy arm. Antony had kissed her very hard immediately after, and begged her to leave with him right there and then and get back to his room.

Antony flicked the light on, standing in his athletic glory. Michaela sat down awkwardly on his bed. She wasn’t sure they’d both fit on it, being honest. Her backside was nearly as wide as it was…

Antony reached into his bag and produced the massive, see-through Bulk Boulevard bags from earlier that day. Michaela watched drunkenly as he poured them all into one, and shook it up to combine the candy, pretzels, chips, and sugary dips into one massive, diabetic Trail Mix. He came over, and dropped it in her lap.

“Finish it, and then we’ll get you to finish.” He kissed her lovingly.

Michaela’s stomach felt massive. Full of booze, a deliciously bougie steak dinner, and already half the treats from earlier, she had so much real estate between her tits and her thighs…she didn’t know if she could finish the bag.

She grabbed a handful and with great focus, shovelled handfuls into her mouth. Antony brought her a Root Beer from the minifridge, and then sat at his desk chair and watched his piggy eat.

Michaela was about 1/3 of the way through when she looked up at Antony, and saw that he had his hands down his boxers. He was touching himself to her eating. His eyes were dark with desire, and his breath shallow with pleasure.

Michaela laid into it. She moaned and patted her belly, forcing up a big burp. She lifted the bag to her mouth and messily poured the contents into her open gullet. She heard Antony murmur an “oh, fuck” and begin beating harder.
Michaela couldn’t finish the bag. She feared she may ruin the night (and the carpet) with vomit. She cracked open the bottle of Root Beer, and instead, chugged about half of it. She stood up and walked over to Antony, her belly a swollen dome, her piggish face stuck in a double chin. He desperately reached out with one hand and grabbed her tight gut, while beating off with the other.

She grabbed his face sharply. “Watch this.”

Michaela turned, showing the side buttons of the dress. They were strained, and showed her fat flesh poking out in big figure eight shapes between each other. She ambled over to the bed and in a slow, releasing motion, sat down and pushed her gut out.

The buttons exploded off her side and tore a massive hole in the dress. Her belly flooped into her lap, and she let out an orgasmic moan of relief.

Antony came all over his own stomach.

Michaela stood up, and pulled her fat arms in front of her, ripping the back of the dress for good measure. Antony cleaned himself up, and stripped the useless fabric off his girlfriend and tossed it in the garbage. Her fishnets were ripped all around her thighs. He just began to take everything off.

Michaela lay on the bed, her head beginning to spin dangerously now. Antony knelt at the edge, and fingered her until she came. If they had fucked, she may have burst. She came beautifully and simply - he knew how to treat her right.

Her boyfriend was crashing, and so was she. But the room was spinning too much to lay in bed. Michaela sat up, her massive belly on her massive thighs, her hair falling out in wispy retreat, her huge arms and tits wobbling as she reached for the Bulk Boulevard bag. For good measure, and to sober herself up, she polished off the whole thing while Antony rubbed her belly.

Soon, he was asleep. Michaela took off her makeup, and with great difficulty, got into bed beside him. Her massive ass was hanging off the bed, but Antony held her tight in his arms.

He rubbed her generous love handles and whispered sweet, drunken nothings to her. She held in her burps, so as not to ruin the moment.

Michaela felt Antony drift to sleep, his hand grasping her belly. She reached down, grabbed it herself, and decided to rub one more out quickly to help her sleep.

With her hands clawing at her overfed flesh, the titanic blonde came quickly and quietly.

She pressed herself close to the wall, so as not to push Antony off the bed in the night. This fat girl apparently needed a dorm-single all to herself.

There had been girls at the party that Michaela knew from high school. They didn’t recognize her, or even make the connection. She was fat beyond recollection.

This was the last thing she thought, before a tipsy sleep took her into a soft, comforting embrace.
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Xandercroft 4 years
Gets better with every chapter.
Karenjenk 4 years
This is definitely a keeper.... Keep going!
Theswordsman 4 years
Sounds like she's in feedee paradise
Jazzman 4 years
Wonderful writing A fantastic and realistic plot.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Wow that didnt take long
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Looking like a nice story
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