The weight of their relationship

Chapter 1 - the first bite

Mark was sat in his cubicle at work waiting for his shift to end. Being bored he started to scroll through his phone checking face book. Seeing all the bullshit on his page he was just about to close his phone...
"Hi mark it's been a while how you been. im moving back to the area and was wondering if you wanted to meet up let me know ^_^ "

Holy shit it was kim he hadn't heard from her in years they where good friends in college but had drifted apart when he got married and she move away. With out thinking he went to her profile to snoop.

Recently divorced older but it was the same kim. She looked great with her red hair and pale skin. Still looked as athletic as ever. Mark's heart sank at this.

He was always athletic but being married to a wife who loved to cook and bake had taken its tole on is waist he had a small belly on him now. How had she stayed so slim?
He messaged back

"Hey how about Saturday the wife is working a late shift we could meet up for a coffee I know a place downtown"
Almost instantly she replied back.
"That sounds great I'll message you a time"

The shift bell rings as mark gathers his things and leaves work.
On the tube home he keeps scrolling through her page. She seems to have been very successful at work for a major pharmaceutical company. He comes a cross a old photo of her and her ex husband mark goes wide.
He was a massive man 6feet10 at least and built like a Greek god.

Arriving home he kissed his wife claire who already had dinner on the table steak and potatoes with mushroom sauce. His favourite she cracked him a beer as he sat down. She was just getting ready to leave for work .
She was short about 5 3" she had a little pudge on her small frame but carried it well married life suited her.

"Sorry honey I'm running late some dick weed called in sick now I've got to cover their shift love you" she has such a way with words hahahah with that she kisses him again and runs out the door.

Mark ate his food and took a shower PLING another message.
" hey so my meeting was cancelled tonight do you want to meet up for a drink? Do you know outback Jack's I'll be there at 8"

Mark weighed up his options and decided to go. He picked out some jeans and a shirt and called a cab. In the cab he noticed the shirt was a little tighter then he remembered.

When mark got out of the cab he light up a smoke and began to scan the people for kim.

It gets to about 830 when someone taps him on the shoulder .
"Mark hey"
"Kim hi how are you"
"I'm great thanks sorry I was late I had to grab something to eat"
"No worries you want a drink?"
"Sure can I get a vodka lemonade"
After grabbing their drinks the find a both where the can chat. Mark could feel his heart beating out his chest. What was this feeling he was having? As they sat down he looked at her and was amazed by her. Her short red hair and her pale skin where radiant. She looked great in her red cocktail dress.

" so how has life been mark you look great"
"Thaks Kim I've been good I finished my degree and then got married but no kids how about you"
" awww that so cute what's her name?"
"Claire we met online after college so I will admit I did kinda snoop on your profile"
"Oh yeah so I take you you saw sam" she slumped in her seat and took a long sip of her drink.
"Sorry Kim I didn't mean to upset you"
"NO mark it's not you it's all still fresh."
"So what about you hows life been for you?" He said very quickly trying to change the subject
"Well where do I start after college I moved upstate got a job for slimline as a product tester and now after the divorce I wanted to move home I'm now head of marketing in the local office"
She perked up after they moved away from the subject of her ex. They went to order another drink when Kim said "can we get a snack ? I'm kinda hungry"
"Sure they order it to the table I'll take these to the table I'll meet you back there"
"Awesome what did you want nachos?"
A few moments later she came back to the table. Mark watched her as she came back. Her hips swayed hypnoticly. She had the perfect hourglass figure. Her red dress clung to her figure accentuating her curves. Mark was confused he was married should he be here ?
As she sat down she smiled, Mark returned the expression
" the food will be here in a bit ,So what do you do for work now wasnt your degree in sports science or something?"
"I work in an office now never found a job that needed my degree. So I spend half my time sat at my desk on facebook" he looked down and prodded a finger into his belly
"that's how this happened"
Kim let out a small giggle at that.
"But you look fantastic still how have you avoided the bulge?" Mark replied
Kim lent in a bit as she whispered "that's what I test for slimline it's a new drug they put into trial my ex developed it. It can give you the body of a modle no matter what you eat"

As if to punctuate her sentence the food arrived Mark's eyes went wide! It took 3 servers to place it on the table I front of them. It looked like she orderd the whole menu.
"Awsome food time"
The kept chatting and eating till everything was gone. Mark watched as she destroyed the food in front of her mark tried to keep pace but was defeated part way throught the 3rd rack of ribs. He could feel his stomach stretch as the shirt became tighter and tighter. He started to breathe shallower.
"The drug is great I dont know how it work but I literally can eat anything I want as much as i want and it doesnt let me get fat" she said it like a rehearsed script from a meeting.
"And that's bad?" Mark said sarcastically
"Sam forced me to take it to keep up image after the wedding he didn't want a fat wife but if I'm honest I hate it "
Mark looked at her dumbfounded "most women would kill for this drug"
"I know but I hate being slim I always wanted to look good for him but now I dont know maybe I should just relax about it and do what I want sorry I'm just thinking out loud" she said like confessing a secret.
She leaned back in the seat Mark's eyes where drawn to her food baby her dress looked like it was about to burst at the seams as the red silk was stretching across her bloated stomach.
Mark was amazed at how much she ate there was nothing left but a stack of empty plate.
"The only downside is that the drug takes way the ability to feel full I've forgottenwhat that feels like " she said as she began to gently rub her stomach.
"How does it work?"
"No idea I just know it took loads of testing for years to work and I know that the first few modles had a bad reaction to it and ballooned" she said it like she was in a daze running her fingers over her navel.

He was mesmerized by her as she caught him up on her life the whole time rubbing her stomach. They chatted till the bar went dead. Kim orderd plate after plate of food. They laughed the whole time. Mark ate more too and began to become very conscious of his belly pushing his shirt buttons to bursting.

"Kim this has been great but I should get home"
"Yeah sure I'll just go wash up and then we can go"
She twisted in her seat and mark saw her have to part her legs to make room for her stomach.
"Um mark"
"Can I get a hand up"
"Oh right yeah "
Mark helped her up when they both heard ripping sound as her dress seems burst from hip to navel.
She blushed bright red and avoided eye contact.
"I'm sorry mark god this is so embarrassing "
She ran of crying mark tried to follow her but some how she slipped away.

Mark went home to his empty house his wife was still working and got into bed he couldn't sleep this girl put his head into a spin. He lay their in the dark thinking about the dress ripping and how much she ate.
He finally drifted off to sleep with one hand on his full belly the other on his hard cock.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think