The Rest of Bursting Out of Blush Colored Satin

Chapter 1

I'm so grateful that there was just one more couple left in our section of the resturant, my belly was swelling up so big, I definitely can't see the chair arms now. My filling belly pushes my fat outward and it's enveloping them. You notice, and I can tell just by your face that it's making you're rock hard. You move your chair closer and start feeding me pasta whispering in my ear about how fat and round I am and how much of a pig you are turning me into, and it's true. I'm as helpless to stop fattening as I'm going to be trying to get out of this chair! You keep telling me everyone is staring, the couple at the other table's jaws dropped when they saw you put the fork in my mouth. Shortly after that they left, they were done anyway but no doubt they were horrified by watching you stuff me like the prize sow I am.

You rub my belly as you feed me fatter, I'm getting so full, its hard to get comfortable, I arch my back, try to spread my legs apart to give my belly room. I need a firmer belly rub and to get out of this dress. I just know it can't hold on much longer. I can hear the seams straining. No! I love this dress, but by now we know to get a bigger size of everything we buy for me so I do have the exact same one 2 sizes larger. You call over the super slim waitress and ask her to kneel and rub my belly, Oh the sweet sting of the humiliation of being so much fatter than this girl, knowing full well she would contemplate suicide if she was as fat as me. Since the patrons have all left she untucked her button down shirt and tied it up to expose her perfectly toned, flat abs. I had, even at my very thinnest, had never been in that good of shape.

She starts teasing me, asking me what I weigh and how tall I am , I tell her 5'1 and 175 lbs, the same weight as your 5'9 muscled body. She laughs and slaps my belly, she proudly tells me that she is 120 lbs and 5'7. "You were so much fatter than me even when you two first met! Im sure that made it very obvious to him what you really wanted to be turned into!. Even when you wanted to be thin you were failing miserably, he showed me pictures, ugh that pot belly, with such a deep belly crease, so flabby, I get why you would just agree to be fattened up to the whale that u are now, you would never have had abs like this" she taunts as she rubs her hand down her perfect flat abdomen. You are loving this. One of your hands has seemed to disappeared under the table.

You stuff the last bite of pasta in my mouth and I feel like I'm about to explode out of this dress. Then I hear it, the seams are starting to split, both side seams split at exactly the same time, then the Empire seam right under my boobs rips open as well and all the remaing wait staff run over to look. All their slim faces showed their shock. My belly is completely exposed, it looks exactly like a huge pile of dough! Pale, quivering, riddled with cellulite and at the moment perfectly spherical. You slap it and jiggle it. "Does that feel better pig?" Your eyes are sparkling with excitement and lust. "I know you should be so embarrassed that you stop eating, but I know you still want desert, don't you greedy glutton"
I nod and bat my eyes. The server rubbing my belly laughed "Oh you helpless pathetic pig of a girl. You can't stop yourself! Are you trying to pop !? Do you want that belly to explode? You are going to anyway so I might as well help, it's so fun seeing how weak you are, no will power, no self control." She gives me a hard pat and leaves to get the dessert, a triple layer chocolate mouse cake. I can't believe I'm sitting here in my torn dress with my huge hog belly hanging out, all the super fit wait staff watch me rub it. You call to them "Who wants to come tell my girlfriend what a huge embarrassment she is?! I'll give you a big tip!" A few came over and poked and pinched and jiggled me. One took my own hand off my belly and started rubbing it for me. "Wait till you see your cake! You'll need two hands for stuffing that into your greedy belly !"
Another said "Ugh how does he fuck you?! It's like beastiality, you're such a pig! Not mention the jiggle, the fat slapping, riding you would make me sea sick, ugh I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it!" Yet another "What a shame! Look at that gorgeous face! And then this bloated porky body ruins it, you're even getting a little double chin, you just want to ruin everything on yourself? Don't you?"

The super slim waitress comes back with the cake. It's a whole freaking cake! My eyes widen in surprise. "What lard belly ? You don't think you can eat it all?! I think there is plenty of room!" She presses on my belly and it shocked by how tightly packed it is "Oh you are really stuffed! To bad! That's what you get for being so greedy! I'm going to stuff you and stuff you and I won't stop until you burst! I'm going to make sure you break the arms right off of the chair! There's no other way you are getting out! I look down and the chair arms are totally hidden, buried deep into my fat sides. Even if I'm oiled up I won't be able to get out! I have no choice!

Your eyes are filled with lust as I start devouring the cake, oh I think I really may burst! Oh, but it's so good! You and the waitress take turns rubbing my belly while the rest of the servers taunt me. I'm stuffing with both hands, oh I fear I may actually pop! But I can't stop eating! Oh I'm a bad girl! Such a disgusting pig!! I look down at your musclar toned arm as you rub my enormous belly. Then I look at my arms, the flab on the back of them jiggling wildly as I stuff handful after handful of cake into my greedy mouth.

As I stuff the last handful of cake into my mouth my thong snaps, my sides surge out, and then it happens, I hear the wood arms of the chair crack, I take a deep breath to brace myself and then they completely break off, and that causes the whole chair to collapse! All of a sudden I'm on the floor rolling around and panting pathetically, my huge belly completely exposed, I must look as round as a ball. The Maitre d' comes over with the scale and tape measure, you struggle to help me up, I'm dead weight right now. You hold me up while he measures my waist 42"!!!! When I was 125 lbs it was between 26-27" depending on the day. Next you help me on to the scale 188!!! I know all of it is the weight of the food but I can swear every part of my body seems to be inflating with fat by the second! I can feel myself fattening!

Now you are so filled with lust we need to get home immediately! But my dress is torn to shreds, one of the waitresses brings out a large table cloth and I wrap it around me a secure it, it could kind of pass for a dress. You tip everyone generously as we leave, the limo is waiting and we quickly jump in (well as quickly as I can move right now with my packed belly). Once in the limo you rub my belly tenderly and kiss it while I drink champagne. I've never be so stuffed in my life, yet still I'm so hungry for you!

As soon as we enter the house I lay on the bed up against pillows. I unwrap the table cloth and start caressing my swollen belly. It's HUGE!!! And I swear my thighs have already widened as well! You come over and start rubbing me down with oil again. You love the way it makes my rolls and bulges glisten!
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
7   3   4628


NocturnalDev... 4 years
Thank you!!! I didn't even realize it had been cut off!