His Sow

  By Quiver

Chapter 1 - 1/1

I had seen him briefly at a big group gathering with these people I was frankly terrified to meet, and I needed to see him again, and I wanted him to see me. I'd do virtually anything for him to notice me. I'd seen his pictures before, of how he'd started a few years ago looking normal in every sense, but how he (like many people in this niche community) had discovered how stimulating it was to gain weight, and had gone for it. For most people there they packed on another twenty, thirty, or forty pounds as quickly as they could and then they would reach their maximum, and perhaps even shed a bit of the weight off-- not him. He had more than doubled his starting weight; he paced himself, and he was known for continuing it, never stopping, always overeating. He was huge and beautiful; his size forced everyone to give him a buffer, and yet they still clung so closely to him. I had to be close to him. I had to have him. I had to breathe in that massive presence, I had to touch that magnificent, soft body with my own two hands. I asked a couple of friends from his inner circle what to do and they had given me all sorts of instructions. I could only come back when I, too, had gained a significant amount of weight to show that I was serious (which is how many other people were weeded out).

And that's what I did. I spent weeks training my stomach to accept more and more food at once, to hold more throughout the day. I refused to walk more than necessary. I found new ways to adapt my life to achieve my new goals quickly, thinking of myself as him a few short years ago, and that filled me with determination. I inevitably had those moments of asking myself, "what am I doing to my poor body?" But the answer was the image of his rolling, jiggling stomach under a tight, 5X shirt, and I forced myself on.

I reached out to the friends when I felt my progress was satisfactory, and sent them pictures as evidence. They approved. They told me to come to a room in a certain hotel in town, which I did. It was an impressive suite they had, and in the middle of the room there was a six-foot long "horse" bench, or a short balance beam, like what you would use in gymnastics or something; and it had padding on either side of it. I asked where he was and they said he was "freshening up". They invited me to come straddle the "horse" with my newly-fat rolls face-down, because "that's what he likes, and you want to put your best foot forward if you want a shot with him, right?" I tried to get comfortable, my elbows, knees, hands and feet resting on the surrounding pads. One of the two of them took my elbows and ankles and tied them together under the "horse", so suddenly I could not move. I was overcome with anxiety and anticipation, I was almost shaking. The other one took out a jar of some sort of oil with a very strong smell, and began massaging me with it all over, working it deep into my blubbery new rolls, making them jiggle like crazy. I couldn't put a finger on what that scent was.

I was just starting to rethink my decisions when the door to the bathroom connecting our room to the next opened on my right. An enormous, fat monster waddled into the light on all fours, his belly dragging on the ground. He looked mostly human- wide shoulders, walking on hands and feet, the nipples of two breasts visible behind pillar-like arms- but the face was a pig's. A literal pig's. I was so confused. For one thing, this creature was still easily bigger than the man I had been chasing so much, but as if to answer the look on my face, one of the friends said with glee "he never lets himself stop gaining", as they took a few steps back.

This strange mutant huffed deeply, grunting, and the eyes (which sat on either side of his big, meaty head) bulged as he started toward me. In a surprisingly deep, resonating voice, he asked "the pheromones?" and the same friend who had just spoken to me said "your favorite". He approached me and breathed me in deeply again, his snout inches away from my side. Scared and helpless I asked "what are you?"; he told me he was the man I had altered myself so much for. His seismic breaths washed over my skin, giving me goosebumps. He said, "you are beautiful". And he began to kiss and lick and suckle at my exposed breast and the side of my stomach, and I knew I had been accepted. Sheer terror mixed unexpectedly with joy and the sensation of physical pleasure. I watched him as he used his snout and tongue to squeeze under my side-stomach, caressing it from below. I watched as he moved his head further down my side, toward my hip, and his tongue lapped so far it almost hit my pubic area. I yelped a little. He clambered over my legs slowly, his weight crushing them, and aligned himself directly behind me. From there he began to kiss me very gently. Fear was not subsiding in my but arousal was quickly taking over, making it harder to think straight. He said in his booming, deep voice, "I've been waiting for a sow like you". He then took his two meaty hands and began to climb me, his bulky weight overpowering, his breath flowing further up my spine and over my head.

He adjusted himself, and I felt something hard among the masses of soft, fatty tissue, and he entered me. He went deeper than I would have thought possible, and I realized, I may have gone through some metamorphosis of my own without knowing it. "Can you feel me?" he asked, his piggish head visible above my own. Yes, I responded. "Are you afraid?" he asked, and I answered yes. "Are you revolted?" Again, yes, although I was hesitant to admit it as he began to rock himself on me. "Would you like me to stop?"; no, I said ravenously, I wanted more. He grunted in a way that didn't sound human. His voice continued to get deeper and it seemed that he was having a harder time putting words together. "Do you want . . . . to know . . . . what it feels like to . . . expand?" I thought to myself, I already know how that feels after putting that weight on, but again I answered yes, euphorically.

At this point, he stopped rocking and began to tremble a little, sending ripples through his corpulent body. I looked closely and I could see all his rolls rounding out even more, beginning to encompass me further, and then came the pain. His whole body looked like it was inflating, and that included himself inside of me. He was grunting just like a pig, and when I tried to yell from the pain it came out as a squeal. Suddenly I couldn't form words and was having a harder time putting words together in my own head, filled with pain as I was forced to expand from the inside while being eclipsed on the outside. But also . . . as my mind began to cloud up, the deep erotic instinct in me burgeoned forth like his increasingly blimp-like belly, and I realized I was becoming his sow, like he said. The pain was not diminishing but the pleasure it brought me tripled, and the nature of my squeals changed to something happier. He squealed too, at a deafening volume. His fat pushed itself further and further out, amassing out of nowhere, covering the pads and floor around us, hitting one wall and beginning to "climb" up it. I could see nothing but the folds and mounds of my new lover. I felt him filling my body with what I realized were offspring developing at an alarming rate, causing me to grow more and more as he continued to climax with a strengthening intensity. The only coherent thought in my mind was "I am your sow. I am your sow", and I knew on some automatic level that he wouldn't be able to stop growing even if he wanted to.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Wannagut85 3 years
Holy shit this is hot
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Amazing how you pack so much erotic description into so few words. You tell a tale so wonderfully, I can’t wait to read more of your excellent stories.
Built4com4t 3 years