A Willing First Meal

  By Quiver

chapter 1

She lied back on the bed, unable to get comfortable, too scared of her own body that she couldn't even bring herself to touch it. Her whole torso was swelling outward in front of her, further and further. She was trying to take deep, calming breaths- she could see the subtle movements of something writhing under her skin. Why had she said "yes" to this crazy idea?
He sat next to her, so calm it seemed like just another Wednesday to him, and very lightly touched his palm to her burgeoning belly. His expression was one of admiration as her gut forced itself further outward, far bigger than any pregnant . Straining and sweating, she gasped, "How . . . . much . . . . bigger?"
"Shouldn't be long now," he said softly, non-committal.
She gasped and her eyes shot open- the growth wasn't stopping, but she was being hit with a new sensation, of something big and thick in her vagina, pushing to get itself out of her. The discomfort was evolving into real pain now, but with it she was feeling undeniably stimulated-- her canal felt stuffed with something muscular working its way back and forth. And within seconds it began to peak out of her. The man looked over his shoulder to see, as casually as he would if he were driving on the highway and changing lanes, and simply said "Ahhh..." She could no longer contain her moans of mixed pain and pleasure as this sensation increased. Whatever was in her was now emerging down there, slowly at first. She couldn't see over her own body as whatever-it-was kept pushing and pushing outward. The stress around her pelvis was growing as it continued; less extreme than what she knew about women giving birth, and yet the size of whatever it was had to be dramatically bigger. She figured the bones in her hips must be dislocating, also like labor. She thought to herself, my body is built to handle this, but that wasn't really helping the anguish.
"What is it?!" she pleaded.
"Hm?" He seemed so distracted and un-focused. "Oh, you want to see?" He put his hand between her legs, and suddenly she felt something. Not just feeling him touch her anywhere- that was hardly noticeable- but she sensed herself touching him. How? She hadn't meant to touch him, and it wasn't her legs brushing up against his fingers or anything . . . she was having a tactile sensation through something she'd never had before. It took her a minute to realize that she was feeling what this thing that was emerging was feeling, as if somehow its nervous system had been infused with hers. She felt this new . . . appendage? wrap itself once around his hand very loosely, and . . . she felt it kiss him there. She couldn't make sense of it and it was starting to really affect her sense of sanity. She was feeling herself give his fingers kisses she did not intend to give him, with something other than her mouth. He picked his arm back up so that she could see: coming out from between her legs was a meaty, red tendril with a sheen to it, and it was wrapped around his knuckles and fingers. She gasped and the blood drained from her face, and it wasn't helping matters that she could now understand the feeling that there were others out of her sight, continually parading out of her. Horrified as she was, she was also morbidly curious. She tried hard to focus on the boneless little limb she saw, and tried to tell it in her mind to go "left" and "right". Its tip swayed those ways when she wanted it to. If this level of control had been something she was hoping would give her some confidence, it had the opposite effect.
"How?!" she breathed. But it was too complex a question for her to ask or process, and trying to look around herself, she asked him, "how many?"
"Oh . . ." he looked down and counted, the numbers forming silently on his lips. Still this painful, erotic sensation continued as the walls of her insides felt them pushing and sliding with gentle force. Still her stomach was growing. "The sixth one just popped out," he told her.
"Six?!" She was gripping the mattress so hard her knuckles were white, as if it would help her get a grip on reality. She tried to breathe steadily and focus on what she could feel. She could feel them, warm and slick against the insides of her legs, the longest ones reaching down to her ankles now. Focusing as hard as possible, she tried to make them all move- and one by one they responded, one brief jolt at a time. For the first time so far, he really smiled.
"I see you're counting them." He knew. He knew she felt connected to this thing, not as if it were a separate entity but an extension of herself. Who is this guy, she asked herself. What had she been thinking? She hadn't- she had just been so wildly curious, and sick of not knowing whatever he knew about her most carnal desires. Looking back at his hand, she saw that same first tentacle now wrapping around his arm, up to his elbow- but unlike those little jolts earlier, this was not something that she had done by focusing. Most of its actions were clearly going off of instinct and reaction, and apparently it was independently very curious about him. Through it, she could feel the coarser hairs along the top of his arms, and taste his salty skin. When it touched fabric she could "taste" that as well, and felt each little wrinkle of his sleeve.
The pushing ensued by itself at a more rapid pace, demanding a wider exit out of her as it went, and her body relented with little resistance. Over the next five or six minutes, she saw her stomach was finally depleting, but it still looked oddly big and distended. And now that it was a more manageable size, she was able to prop herself up on her elbows and get a really good look: the entire bed below her hips were covered in strong, slimy, reddish tentacles- eight in all. Their suckers "kissed" every surface they touched, including her skin, the bed, and the floor, wall, and other furniture that they were now able to reach, sending a lot of information about taste and texture to her. The room was filled with the liquidy sound of "squelches" as they explored their new environment. Her legs had been forced far apart to accommodate them. The one on the man's arm had now progressed to wrap around his chest and linger in front of his face, and for just a second he gave its end a little suck- to her shocked pleasure. The tendril reacted by zig-zagging across one side of his neck and cheek. Another one was coiling around his hips and making its way down one of his pant legs. He was smiling at her very warmly: "so, what do you think about them? Do you like them?"
She was dumbfounded. The answer came out of her without her really thinking about it, her mind clouded up by the recession of the pain: "They're becoming a part of me," she observed. "I can move them around if I think about it."
"You're becoming a part of them, too," he told her, which she did not really understand the meaning of. She realized she was able to fully sit up, and began touching their sucker-sides with her hands and arms, diving them in. They coiled around her. They were almost as thick as her calves at the points where they disappeared inside her. She used being able to feel them moving their muscles to gain control of them: it was an uncoordinated effort at first, but after a few minutes she was able to raise them all up in a "wave" shape above the bed and floor.
"Look at me," she said, a mix of shame and a sense of power, "I'm such a freak."
"'Freak'? You're astonishing," he responded sincerely. "What else can they do? Can you stand with them?"
"Oh, my legs are way too-"
"Not your legs. I mean, can you stand with them?" he asked again. She was struck by his meaning, but that same curiosity that had gotten her into all this trouble reemerged, and she wanted to be able to answer him. Concentrating very closely, she brought them all in around her, and started shifting her body's center of gravity so that it was balanced between them all as they made individual coils on the bed. This was an incredible sort of challenge, but after a few more minutes she could definitely feel less of her weight on the bed. The coils were supporting her, and slowly unraveling themselves to prop her further and further up. Soon she was able to un-bend her knees, then she was able to let her feet touch the bed- and then even that was out of reach, and she was closer to the ceiling. He watched her ascend with satisfaction.
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Built4com4t 3 years
Wow. Words fail. Weirdly and deliciously erotic.