
chapter 1

Rose's Bar was dimly lit and seedy patrons packed it to the brim. Various goons, drug dealers and tough guys were eyeballing each other while bragging about their rap sheets. In the back in a private booth, New York Syndicate boss Giovanni Andolini is speaking with his enforcer Jimmy Shotguns. Shotguns is showing a video to Giovanni on his phone.

Shotguns: That's her. No doubt about it, Gio.

Gio: Are you 100 percent sure.

Shotguns: I got this video from DaSilva, its legitimate.

Gio: He shot it?

Shotguns: That's how I know its legitimate.

Gio: You know what this means if we tell Crowe, right?

Shotguns: Yeah, are you ready for that?

Gio: No, but maybe unleashing Crowe in the state he's in will be good for business.

Shotguns: Who's going to tell him?

*Gio stared at Shotguns*

Shotguns: Yeah....I thought so. I'll be back....I hope.

*Shotguns took a swig of his bourbon and left the bar. He took a cab to Max a popular BBW strip club in the city. He nodded at the doorman who let him in. He surveyed the room full of corpulent cuties and found the one he was looking for. A red head named Larousse. She was 5'2 and about 400 pounds with a huge belly, really big butt and a chubby smile that made everyone laugh. Shotguns and Larousse made eye contact and he tilted his head toward the private dance area. After Larousse finished with her customer and went to the private area where Shotguns was*

Larousse: You got a lot of nerve showing up here.

Shotguns: Save your morality for someone who cares, although you'll be shocked but I'm here on a good deed.

Larousse: You? Good deed? Since when?

Shotguns: Where's Crowe?

*Larousse began grinding her hips on Shotguns and he pulled a 20 out of his pocket*

Larousse: Why should I tell you? You know he hasn't been himself. If you got a job for him, forget it.

*Shotguns pulled back Larousse's g-string and snapped it back with the 20 dollar bill against her butt cheek*

Shotguns: We may have found Raven.

*Larousse stopped in her tracks*

Larousse: Don't even joke about that.

Shotguns: Its no joke, Larousse. DaSilva sent me the video.

Larousse: Show me.

*Larousse sat on top of Shotguns and he let out an audible groan*

Shotguns: OOOOOOOFFF. Damn how does Crowe love this so much?

*Shotguns pulled out his phone and showed her*

Larousse: I know that pussy tattoo anywhere. That's her. Where did you get this?

Shotguns: I told you, DaSilva sent it to me. That's how I know its for real.

Larousse: You do realize if I tell him this, a lot of people are going to get hurt, right?

Shotguns: Gio expects it.

Larousse: Gio has no idea what Crowe is capable of. Remember, this is Raven we're talking about.

Shotguns: That's why I came to you. Where is he?

Larousse: I'm not telling you where he is, but I'll tell him what you told me.

Shotguns: Then I'll be expecting him very shortly. Now can you get off? I'm losing circulation in my legs.

*Larousse slowly rose to her feet and her belly smacked against her mid thigh. Shotguns groaned as he got to his feet*

Larousse: How can you be Gio's enforcer if you can't handle a woman like me? Hahahaha

*Shotguns was miffed but left. Later on Larousse waddled to her apartment in the dark section of town. As she opened the door she could hear the sounds of a punching bag being punched. The thudding could have woke up the neighborhood. Larousse waddled inside and in the corner of the laundry section stood Crowe. He stood 6'3 and 230 pounds of muscle. He had a tattoo of a crow on his upper back. He was wearing a black wifebeater and red Everlast boxing trunks as he hit the bag*

Larousse: We need to talk, Crowe.

*Larousse put her purse down and waddled over to Crowe. Crowe stopped and began removing his training gloves*

Crowe: I thought I paid you the rent I owed. Don't tell me the money didn't clear.

Larousse: No, not that. Its something more important.

*Crowe could tell something was off about Larousse because normally she was much more flirty and reaching for her bottle of wine to get tipsy*

Crowe: Must be important, what's up?

Larousse: Please don't trash this place if I tell you.

Crowe: Now you're scaring me, did someone hurt you?

Larousse: No, not me. There's something you need to know.

Crowe: What?

Larousse: I got a visit from Jimmy Shotguns, Gio's enforcer......they might have found Raven.

*Crowe's expression dropped almost as fast as he dropped his training gloves on the floor*

Crowe: Don't fuck with me Larousse.

Larousse: I'm not, this sounds like its for real. Apparently DaSilva sent it to Shotguns.

Crowe: He shot it??

Larousse: No, Shotguns just said he sent it.

*Crowe got up and started to change into street clothes right in front of Larousse*

Larousse: Could have at least went into the bathroom.

Crowe: You know how many times I've seen you naked?

Larousse: Its not the same.

Crowe: Whatever, I'm going to see Shotguns and Gio.

Larousse: What are you going to do?

Crowe: Depending on who's involved, its best that you don't know.

Larousse: Just don't bring anything back here.

Crowe: Don't worry.

*Larousse hugged Crowe close and normally he'd kiss her and give her a smack on the ass. This time he didn't even reciprocate Larousse's affection*

Crowe: Hopefully I'll see you when this is over.

*Crowe put on his jeans, t-shirt and green and beige MASH jacket before walking out the door*
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