A real squeeze

chapter one

Rosie had always been slender and athletic and this left her feeling rather confident with her body, not conceited by any means but self assured enough to flaunt the smallest skirts at the bar and the tightest of gym clothes for her daily workouts. At 5’5” and 60kg she certainly turned heads including that of her boyfriend James.
James was also very athletic and loved going to gym with Rosie, regardless of the unwanted male attention Rosie would receive, he was confident enough to know Rosie would always stay loyal and although they can look, Rosie was all his.
Although Rosie had always been a slender young woman, James had noticed that she was a little on the greedy side, often wanting sweets and cakes in bed and hiding half eaten packs of biscuits at the back of the cupboard where she thought he wouldn’t see, but James never minded, in fact he thought her sweet tooth and small indulgences were cute. He also noticed that her weight would fluctuate as consequence of her minor over indulgences, some of her happier months where little restraint was shown would have her stand at 65kg sporting a small belly in her gym leggings however was always taken care of with hard training come the following month.
Until recently
Recently however Rosie had been showing much less control over her diet, joining James in his late night crisps or managing to finish the large pizza from dominos rather than saving half for later. Soon came gym night, James was stood at the cable machine having a drink when he noticed a man looking disapprovingly at the other side of the room, when he turned he was looking at Rosie. It was then he noticed quite how squished his girlfriends belly looked in her poor leggings renched up to conceal the small layer of fat squeezing from the sides, as she leaned forward, a roll was created between her pinching leggings and confining sports bra: the origin of the disapproving look.
He smirked to himself, she looked adorable and around 68kg no one could call her fat, not even barely chubby but just enough for her previous adoring gym fans to turn up their nose, and James liked it.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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BS Writer 3 years
This is great. I hope we get to see the snide comments from her former gym admirers.