Jeremy’s fitness program

chapter 1: the summer before

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It’s the first sunny day of summer before shipping off to the first sememster of sophomore year, and Jeremy is getting ready to hit the lake with his friends.

He’s looking at his current work of hitting the gym every day at the beginning of last semester. Not much has changed. His maybe ten pounds heavier, but that only puts him at a staggering one hundred and fifty five pounds. Some light flexing does show he’s at least not a complete beanpole. His legs developed some, still has about zero upper body strength, but pound for pound he is stronger. So he can pat himself on the back for that.

Putting on his swim trunks and throwing on a tank top he is still a little unsure of himself. Half the people he’s going to hang out with are all athletic or athletic looking. The guys got Bi’s and the girls got thicc thighs. He doesn’t stand out much.

Either way, he’s looking to have a good time, and he doesn’t want to let what he looks like distract him from that. He thinks to himself, at least I’m not out of shape like Mike or someone who the toll of freshman year was heavy.

Out on the lake. He pops the top, and of course he gets no praise or boos, cause no one cares. Everyone is there to have a good time. But he does wish he got a little more attention.

The day isn’t a total drag, beer pong, flip cup and plenty of drinking games with cute girls his friends brought, and he’s having fun. Then Jake comes over, of course he’s built.

My man, you’re looking a little tighter these days.

Thanks dude, I’m trying to get like you.

Nah man you ain’t gotta do all that, you’re a good looking guy, just gotta get in your groove.

Thanks Jake, but seriously I do wanna pack on some muscle.

Listen, only thing I can tell you. Is you probably just need to go harder on the calories man. You’re probably not eating enough.

You think so?

I’m not the person you should be talking to though, I’m not a body builder, but yeah man. You need to increase your intake. It’s a tough hurdle for some, but it helps.

(He chuckles)
Alright, maybe I’ll do some digging and what not.

Yeah dude you’ll get it, and maybe you’ll gain some confidence my man.

Jeremy always liked Jake, the jock type that actually wasn’t a dick. But he did feel inadequate next to him.

Actually, Tanya might help you, she’s getting into nutrition, I could intruduce you.

That would be awesome.

Jake calls over Tanya, she gives him a look like “let’s not do that”.

Hey I’ve got you a client.

Tanya walks over, tall, black, gorgeous, super fit and thicc in all the right places. Jeremy tries not to think like that, but it’s hard not to when she walks into a room.

Alright just give him my number, and we’ll talk Monday. See what we can do. I’m not done whooping these dudes asses in flip cup.

The lake party ended on a good note. Jeremy had fun, met new people, and it looks like he’ll be on track to be jacked with Tanya’s help he thought to himself.

That night, Jeremy gathered up all his intel on gaining muscle. Put some things in the Amazon cart, like protein shakes, peanut butter, appetite enhancers, Creatine, pre workout, anything he could find online that said “this helped”.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Jens01 2 years
very hot more please