Mayoral Office

Chapter 1

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Alicia Moor was a rather attractive 18 year old girl. She had rather large but somewhat saggy breasts, a large arse and adorably sexy and fabulously round thighs. She lived in a very unusual world, in which there was a city called Use. Use was quite a happy city on the whole, with a lot of skyscraper buildings which seemed to emerge out of nothing. For a while, the lower levels of these skyscrapers had been inhabited by some very poor people, and it had been something of a distopian society, but some very complex events had set that aright and now most of the lower levels of the skyscrapers where completely uninhabited. The main reason for the end of the class divide was the discovery of Infinite Farming, a concept that basically duplicated food and building materials. It's a very long story, and I have no idea how the machines work. It's magic or something. The point is, Alicia had recently moved to the city of Use, and she was about to become a lot more than just a citizen.
Just outside her new flat door, Alicia found a small box with a flashing neon sign above it saying "VOTE!". These contraptions where basically everywhere. A few days after she arrived, Alicia had put a slip of paper with her own name into one as a joke.
Alicia sat at home watching TV one night when a massage appeared in the corner of her screen. "Congratulations, you've won the Election." Alicia ignored it and changed the channel. It stayed there. She still ignored it. When she got up to the Food Emitter, the message was also present in the corner of it's screen. This time, Alicia didn't ignore it.
"What election? I didn't know this was a democracy." She said aloud.
The message changed. "You have won the Election. Go to the Central Tower."
"Right, as I I'm trusting some magic message which appeared in my house for no reason."
"We Aren't joking" said the message. "Go to the central tower, now."
The next day, Alicia did go to the Central Tower. It was a big building right in the middle of Use. A sign was posted in the reception, "Alicia Moor, you have an appointment on the top floor."
She took the elevator up. There was only a single rather small office on the top floor. Behind the office desk sat a rather small and nervous young man with spider legs. (Like a Drider from d&d, except smaller and male.)
"Are you Alicia?" He said nervously. "If you are, this is quite embarrassing to admit, but you are now in the mayor."
6 chapters, created 2 years , updated 1 year
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