Mark’s bad karma

chapter 1

Friday morning bright and early. I put on my best suit and brush through my hair. I look good. I walk out of the bathroom, down the stairs to the kitchen. My beautiful family is already having breakfast. I go over first to my sweet daughter Audrey.
“Good morning pumpkin” I say giving her a big kiss on the cheek.
“Hi daddy!” she says as she stuffs Lucky Charms in her mouth.
“Ready for day care?” I ask. She happily nods her little head yes.
I go over to my drop dead gorgeous wife, Olivia. “Hey beautiful” I say as alluring as I can. She smiles brightly. God she has the most beautiful smile.
She gets up to rinse out her bowl. I pinch her tight ass as she giggles. “Where are you off to today?” I ask her.
“Got a fluff piece on a local animal shelter. Going to interview the worker, pet some puppies. Hope to drive up adoption” she says.
I’m so proud of her. She gets to report news on field for a local station.
“I wanna play with puppies!” Audrey says.
I lift her in my arms. “Yeah? We’ll just have to get you a puppy then.” She squeals with glee.
“Dinner with the company tomorrow night right?” Olivia asks.
“Yes” I say while putting Audrey down. “I love company dinners, I get to show off my sexy wife.” She playfully rolls her eyes.
I kiss them both goodbye and I drive into work. I’m the junior VP of marketing at a pretty prestigious firm.
I sit at my desk and begin my day, when my boss enters with what I can only assume is someone very lost.
“Mark!” He says. “Come and meet our new director of marketing, Claudia.”
I give a quick half snarl at Claudia, I didn’t mean to. I knew we were getting a new director, but why would he hire someone like her? She had short black hair, half shaved along with heavy dark makeup. She wore a simple long black dress that did nothing to hide her curves. “Curves” heh, really they’re lumps. She has to be at least 350 pounds. I can see her deep bellybutton and love handles through her dress. She’s staring intently at me, but I’m more focused on how big her second chin is. You don’t typically find these people in marketing.
I walk out from behind my desk, don’t want to be unfriendly in front of the boss. I put my hand out. “Mark Sears, looking forward to working with you.”
She shakes my hand and gives a smirk. “I have a feeling we’re going to learn a lot for each other.”
The two leave and close the door. I slump back into my chair. Yikes they must be desperate for people.
I continue my day and head to the break room for lunch. I’m alone until. Claudia comes in with a massive sack of fast food.
“Enjoying your lunch?” She asks.
I muster a “mmmhmmm.” I don’t mind fast food every now and then, but does she have to be a walking stereotype.
“Mind if we meet later? I have a few things I’d love to go over?” She asks.
I nod my head and continue looking at my baked chicken. I forget what she just asked me, I wasn’t paying attention.
Later in the day I’m in the office, still working. On a call with my buddy in PR.
“Yeah our new director is a mammoth, an absolute unit of a woman” I say hoping for some pity.
“That’s rough bro, where do they find these people?” He asks
“McDonalds” I say unable to contain my laughter.
“Ah-hem” I here sharply at the door.
“Got to go Roy” I hang up the phone and can’t help but to roll my eyes. It’s Claudia, holding some kind of thermos.
“Sorry about that, been there long?” I ask.
“Nope not at all” she says coyly.
“Whew” I say to myself.
“I’m not stupid, of course I was here the whole time.” She says walking over to behind my desk. She picks up the picture of Olivia, Audrey, and me.
“Beautiful family.” She says with a glare.
“Thanks!” I mean it too, I just love gushing over my beautiful family.
She puts the picture down. Before I can ask what she wants she dumps her thermos on it. Some kind of brown liquid with leaves and shit.
“What the fuck!” I yell.
“You know, it isn’t very becoming of a junior Vice President who knows a subordinate wants to go over a few things, to talk absolute shit about that subordinate to some douchebag in a whole nother department.
“Hey” I try to say but she cuts me off.
“I’m talking now. I’ve seen your looks. The snarls, the eye rolls. It’s my first fucking day for Christ sakes. I’m not beneath you just because I’m fat. I like my body. In fact you’re going to love it too, or...”
“What the hell are you talking about? I’m married.” I say disgusted.
“I’m not coming on to you asshole. I’ll leave it a little surprise.” She laughs to herself. “A big one actually.”

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DarkJames 1 year
Please continue this is so good!