For David's Comfort

  By Nilfell  

Chapter 1

David sunk onto the couch, exhausted from the day's activities - or rather, lack thereof. Really the only thing he'd done all day was eat, his stomach repeatedly being stretched to the point of bursting with delicious food. And it was far from over.

He knew that even now Jenny was in the kitchen, busily stirring away at a giant pot of macaroni. From where he sat in the living room, David could smell the rich aroma of the cheese sauce filling the apartment. Jenny would be preparing it especially for him, complete with generous helpings of butter and heavy cream. He knew that very soon all of that delicious, fatty food would find its way into his belly. He could almost feel the weight of it settling into his gut already.

David knew Jenny too well to harbor any delusions about being able to stop her. He might as well be prepared for the inevitable onslaught of calories. David's hand moved towards his waist, fingers fumbling first with his belt buckle and then to undo the button of his jeans, hoping to gain at least temporary reprieve from the pressure around his middle. The moment the button was free, David’s belly spilled forward onto his lap, its bloated weight pushing the zipper half way down without any help from him.

He ran a hand across the warm surface of his exposed stomach, feeling the tightness of skin stretched over a thin layer of cushion. He lightly smacked his side and watched as his rounded belly quivered only momentarily before settling again - it was still too full to have any real jiggle.

Despite himself, in moments like these David couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of his overfilled belly. Well, maybe not in the immediate aftermath of a Jenny-style feast where the pain overtook the pleasure and it was all he could do not to whimper in discomfort. But in the quiet, sleepy haze that followed, there was something comforting about its weight. He lay back on the couch and closed his eyes, waiting with some trepidation, for Jenny to come back with his next meal.

Some time later, David stirred from his food induced nap, feeling the gentle touch of a warm hand resting on his stomach. He blearily opened his eyes and found Jenny kneeling next to him beside the couch. She must have pulled back his shirt to expose his belly to her while he slept. She was smiling at him, her eyes twinkled, reflecting the soft light of the living room lamps.

"Hey there," she said, in a low, gentle voice. She was still wearing her apron, a reminder of the meal yet to come.

"What's up?" he asked, his voice still a little groggy from sleep.

Jenny leaned in closer, her face inches from his. She kept her eyes locked on his as her hand lightly massaged the top of his protruding belly.

"I just wanted to check in on you," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "You looked so cute, sleeping there on the couch with your tummy sticking out. It's almost like you were asking to be fed."

She chuckled softly and continued to rub his stomach in slow circles. David felt himself melting under her touch. His eyes began to close as he started to drift off again.

Suddenly, Jenny leaned in and planted a quick kiss on his forehead.

"Now, now," she said, her voice still gentle but with a tinge of playful insistence. "We can’t have that just yet. Not when I’ve spent the last hour preparing all this food for you."

His eyes fell on the huge bowl of macaroni on the coffee table behind her. It was an oddly captivating sight. The noodles looked perfectly cooked, each morsel glistening in the light with thick creamy cheese. David could feel his mouth begin to water at the sight of it.

Jenny rose to her feet and, placing her hands on his shoulders, slowly lowered herself onto his lap. She pressed her body up close against his and nuzzled her face into the curve of his neck, her hands sliding down to caress his bulging belly. Planting a series of light kisses along the way, she eventually reached his lips but paused for a moment, enjoying the suspense. David had been a little taken aback by her sudden surge of affection, but found himself leaning into her, eager for their lips to finally meet.

But Jenny had other ideas. Even as he leaned forward for the kiss she firmly pushed him back against the couch and reached for the large bowl of macaroni on the coffee table behind her. Her eyes never leaving his, she picked up the bowl of cheesy pasta and brought a spoonful towards his lips.

"I'm going to feed you now," she said, her voice low and sensual. "And when I’m done you’ll be too full to move. You’ll be stuck out here on the couch all night because of how greedy you’ve been. You’ll be trapped here under the weight of your own belly," she let out a short excited breath at her own words, eyes alive with arousal.

David was not sure how he felt about that last bit. Jenny could see the uncertainty in his eyes. But she knew he would eventually give in to her. The perfect curves of her body pressing against his skin would prove too alluring. Her way of making him feel desired and wanted was not something he could just say no to. No matter how much he resisted, she would always get her way in the end.

She gently pressed the spoon against his lips, coaxing him to take the food. After another moment's hesitation, David opened his mouth to accept the offering. He closed his lips around the spoon relishing in the decadent taste despite himself. He knew he shouldn’t eat more. He’d barely even had time to digest lunch, but he couldn’t help but love the flavor of the pasta, the feel of it sliding down his throat as he swallowed and the added pressure as it came to rest heavily in his belly.

Seeing David give in, Jenny capitalized on his weakness. She quickly scooped up another spoonful and offered it to him. David didn't hesitate this time, eagerly opening his mouth to receive more of the delicious carbs.
2 chapters, created 1 year , updated 2 weeks
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Built4com4t 1 year
Nilfell 1 year
Fanedfox 1 year
Well written! I liked both characters as well!
Nilfell 1 year
Thanks smiley
GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Well done. I hope there’s more, but it’s good as is.
Nilfell 1 year
Thanks! Just one more chapter I think