The Expansion Endeavor; Project Nourish, a Body Transformation Study

  By Shores

Chapter 1

I had never anticipated that the concept of a medical waiver would fill me with such anticipation and excitement. Sitting beside you in the sterile doctor's office, I found myself shifting in my chair, crossing my legs, and adjusting my posture as I slide forward my pelvis, aware of the delicate lace of my underwear brushing against my skin, creating a tingling sensation. And there it was again, that familiar feeling. As our eyes met, I could tell you felt it too. A surge of nervous energy passed between us, an acknowledgement of the thrill and anticipation we shared.

For me, it was as if a swarm of a thousand butterflies had taken up residence in my stomach, their wings gently tickling from within, whispering tales of excitement and anticipation. I can only imagine that the intensity was even greater for you.
"I understand," I managed to keep my voice steady, maintaining eye contact with the stern-faced doctor seated across from us. Even then, I couldn't help but smile. The doctor's professionalism remained intact, despite the askew stethoscope hanging from his neck. He felt the need to reiterate his point.

"Engaging in a diet with excessive calories over a six-month period could result in significant weight gain. I know that exercise is an essential part of your daily routine, and that of your partner and we would like you to maintain that. I feel that it's important that you comprehend the potential challenges your... um... partner may face, especially in the initial weeks." The pulse of anticipation swelled into irritation. I noticed the subtle glance he directed at you while explaining it once again. It was a judgment. He had taken note of your strong, seemingly slim form and was wondering why you may sign up, especially with me sat beside you. Toned and small. More likely, he had observed the contrast we represented. It was undeniable. The bond we shared was a harmonious blend of opposites, where the exuberance of youth found solace in the wisdom of experience. Together, we created a dance of contrasts that brought a harmonious balance... and he was concerned that this balance might tip the scales. Quite literally.
"Dr, I will support my partner regardless of his waist size," I replied, careful to control my smile. I didn't want to appear overly eager. We had come so far in this medical trial. Being disqualified now would be devastating – even beholding that I had spent so many hours whispering sweet teases into your ear even at the thought. And now it was to be a reality. "I have agreed to personally manage his dietary intake if necessary. I am well aware of the daily calorie requirements."

He nodded and turned to you, posing similar questions. It was evident that he found it difficult to believe that we were his volunteers. Looking at your list of wants – cycling, hiking – our many adventures that so often ended with nights in the wilderness wrapped together. In fact, Months ago, when you had brought home the flyer, it had sparked hours of excited fantasizing, with ideas overflowing onto the pages and into our waistlines. Weekends were dedicated to indulgence, as we voraciously consumed food, driven by our insatiable appetite... but it was never enough. Could this truly be the opportunity we had longed for? Or would it remain just a tease. You may as well apply…

Six weeks. Up to six thousand calories. A maximum growth limit of 30% from the starting weight of participants. It was a scientific experiment on how to indulge without restraint. For us, an excuse to gorge ourselves on an unrelented hedonism and to witness the expansion of your body. Truly. Beyond a weekend. Beyond a glimpse of what this level of indulgence can do.
Oh, my sweetest strong lover. Is this going to be the step that finally makes you fat?
n hour later, liberated from the doctor's bemused and judgmental gaze, I look up as you emerge through the last heavy, whitewashed door. Your t-shirt is slightly rolled up on one side, revealing a glimpse of where your waistband hugs a softer curve. You had to remove it, and I see the blush that colours your cheeks, deepening as our eyes meet. Hastily, I set aside the stack of papers I had been thumbing through—the project plans designed to support you. I need to offer you comfort, to envelop you in my arms and ease any worries. The fact that you had to expose our most intimate secrets to a curt doctor, who clinically measured you, must have been difficult. With me, everything is intimate. Our measuring tape rests on our nightstand. Our measurements occur either after our indulgence, a seamless part of our hedonistic journey, or in the morning after—a lingering step in our teasing and lovemaking, making you feel magnified. Always handled with tenderness and accompanied by my kisses. And now you had to bare your body to someone else.

I rise onto my tiptoes, pressing my forehead against yours, palms cupping your cheeks. I hope... I want my overflowing love for your body to transcend words. I desire my adoration for you to pass silently from my mind to yours. I don't know if you realize it, but with your exhale and the way your arms encircle my petite waist, as your body melds with mine and draws me close... at least for now, my presence has brought you solace.

From this moment on, this becomes our personal experiment. I will be the sole witness to your body—there will be no uncomfortable prodding or invasive questions. The documentation of your physique will belong to me—the hours of training I endured to become your personal assistant (a running joke between us, as I transformed from a lab assistant to a "lap" assistant, ready to sit in your lap and feed you). Finally, it feels worthwhile. The photographs captured, the calories consumed... our secret indulgences. They will all be recorded in a concealed realm of science.

"Are you sure?" I whisper, my voice soft and sincere. This is our shared excitement, yes. But I want to offer you an escape. We will be altering your body, adding permanence to your waistline.

Your response triggers that pulsing sensation within me once again, and you reply, "I'm hungry."

But your hunger has never been solely about sustenance. Your hunger is insatiable greed. Your hunger is to please. And now we have our plump permission.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
12   3   1469


GrowingLoveH... 11 months
I love this. The uncertainty vs. certainty of this journey is palpable. I love the tension of it all. Nicely done. And not one stuffing scene, yet you capture the erotic moments.
Lovinitbig 1 year
I love this so much!
Built4com4t 1 year
Another gem from the queen :-)