Wanted to Become a Gym Freak but Something Else Happened

  By Others  

Chapter 1

Start of cryo skinny minni journey

Cryo a silm lean girl with over no muscles and zero body fat at all over her body always known to be the skinnest person in the family and freinds group . People around her always teased her for being extremely skinny . Further she decided to join gym after she completed her school . She went to the gym for a few days but nothing happened . One of her freinds told her to take a heavy diet and gainer aswell , she decided to take them from the next day it self . She made herself to overeat and gain muscles but it was not so the case , she felt something in her upper stomach after she overate for the first time , the feelings was unrecognisable and satisfying as well . It continued for a few days and now as she was loving the food and feeling of turning on that she was getting from food she kinda loved it . She continued the overeating . After a month her diet was upto 7000 clories for a day which includes a gainer shake of 2000 clories in the morning , soya tofu parathas , pancakes , 2-3 mac burgers + muff puffs , rajma rice , oreo shakes , and a gainer shake again for pushing it all down . She was liking the gainer shake so much that later she created a reciepe for gainer shake which included 4-6 bananas, 2-3 scopps of peanut butter , whipped cream half pint , 20 oreo biscuit, 4 scoops of ice cream , 4 scoops of gainer ,milk, and loads of chocolate up sums up to 4100 calories .And now her total clorie intake for day was around 9400 clories. As she was always skinny she also took eat more tablets to increase her appetite . This all was not showing so much affect as she was going to gym twice a day regularly. All of her freinds went to diffeents cities for studies she also went to a new place away from her family and freinds . At this part of her life she loved food soo much and fellong of fulled belly is the thing she was livig for now its around 2 months and her wwight went from 50 kgs to 60 kgs and she was 170 cms .She became sick for a week and she left gym after it but her massive diet didn't stop she continued her massive diet and eat appetite incresings pills aswell , she didn't noticed how much she was eating , she also became sendatary and did no exercise rather than walking to classroom . In a single week she notice a slight change around her belly she saw visible belly , nd got worried about it , she pulled out the scale she saw scale reflects 66 kg , she was like 6 kgs in a week oh damm how can this happen . She didn't noticed how much she was eating and as she was taking apetite increasing pills she was not feeling full or stuffed easily . She also saw her ass and boobs also grow up . She ignored it and told herself it doesn't bother to me as i am a growing child . She continue overeating each meal as her appetite was increasing with each meal , her calorie intake was about 9800 calories now . Now it was about three months and her weigt went from 50 to 85 and from starting and 60 to 85 in last one month . She saw drastic changes in in her body her body grew a lot her boobs and ass became to heavy and is main was her massive belly . She always measured herself so she tried to measure again and she saw that her boobs went from 28 inches to 38 inches and her belly went from 25 inches to 37.7 inhes and her ass went from 27 inches to 44 inches . She can't belive that this was her body she was always the skinniest one always the skinny aister and the skinnest freind in the group now she is becoming fat , she got a call from her freind who told her that we are planning a reunion at katty's home on this upcoming Christmas , and huge party will be organised and there will be great and delicious food also but it is of no use of yours skinny minni . Christmas was about 1 month , and cryo felt fearful what her family and freinds will say about her this weight she was worried . So she joined the gym again and continued the massive diet but in the way to gym she always felt hungry and she took the MacDonald takeover and overate it with 4 huge burgers and macfries and macpuff with smothies , she igrnoed the amount of food she was eating and said ya i'll burn it out at the gym , but later on she felt sleepy after the food she ate at the takeovers and she slept in the car on the daily basis , she was only earing more and more and more and not doing any of the exrcises at all . The one month passed and it was time for visiting her family on christmas and freinds , she went to her home her mother told her wow cryo you are such a big girl now , and her big fat sister , who was always big from her ,was now looking skinner relatively to cryo , her sister was 79 kgs and 168 cms . Cryo felt more heavy and bigger than her last weight check . Her mother response was like okish but her sister was jealous from her sister's massive boobs and ass , she can pull any of the boys with it . Soon she went to meet her freinds and found that she was fatter than her fat freind as well , and now she was the fattest in the group , everyone was shocked to see her , as she was always skinny , soon it was time for food , her freinds have never seen cryo eating this was she ate loads of food and was not stopping she heard that the food was less so she kept her self unfilled , she was hungry very much , after the party she went home and her stomact was growling for food .
2 chapters, created 12 months , updated 12 months
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