Hansl and Gretl - Retold

  By KindaBritish

Chapter 1

„Dammit, Hansel, what are we gonna do now?“
I walked around the car and looked at the thing that was causing my girlfriend so much distress. One of the tires of my car had gone completely flat.
„Is there any way we can fix it?“, Gretl asked with little hope. „Or do you have a spare?“
„This already is the spare from when I broke down the other day“, I replied. „And I didn‘t take any tools with me, so there is no way we can fix it.“
„You really need a new car.“ Gretl was always moaning about the fact that my old Civic kept breaking down. I am starting to get the feeling that she might be right.
„Well, the only thing we can do is look around for someone who could help us.“ I looked around me and noticed just how unlucky we had been. Not only had our only means of transportation decided to give up on us, it had to do so in the middle of a forest. “Although by the looks of it, this place won’t have too many people around.”
“Wait, didn’t we pass by a little hut a mile back?”, Gretl responded.
I thought about it for a second. “Oh yeah, you’re right. It was right off the road too. If we follow it back we should find the place without a problem.”
“Then let’s go already”, Gretl said with an impatient undertone, and began walking already. I followed right behind her.
I didn’t take Gretl’s bad mood too personally. I usually knew her as a bubbly and cheerful person, but she could be stressed easily, and this situation was stressful for sure. On top of that, we hadn’t eaten in hours, and I could feel the hunger start to make me cranky too.
As I walked behind Gretl, I took the chance to admire my girlfriend’s body from behind.
Gretl was a beautiful young woman, with a body that drove other guys crazy and made me feel very lucky to be her boyfriend. Weighing 120lbs at 5ft4, she wasn’t the skinniest of girls, but instead had a curvy, yet athletic, shape to her body. Through the baggy sweatpants she liked to wear on trips, I could see the bulge of her cute bubble butt swaying alluringly. Paired with a pear of not too large, but shapely, boobs, many would say that Gretl had the idea body.
Gretl suddenly turned around and began grinning as she saw what I was looking at. I grinned back and walked up next to her, putting my arm around her slim waist. Seeming to be in a better mood again, she leaned into me.

After walking for about twenty minutes, we could the the hut come into view. “Thank goddd”, Gretl moaned. “I just hope somebody is there to help us. And maybe to give us something to eat. I could eat a horse right now.”
Although I knew very well it was just a saying, I was well aware of the amount of food Gretl could eat when her appetite was fired up. Many times, I had been witness to her devouring large amounts of snacks while watching movies, or eating an entire large pizza on one of her rare cheat days. However, through vigorous exercise and a strict rule to visit the gym every day, she always seemed able to keep her body athletic and never gain a pound.
I admired Gretl’s dedication to stay physically fit, and being a regular gym goer myself, I could understand the joy in disciplining yourself and keeping in shape. And I also couldn’t complain about the results of her exercise. However, in those rare moments when she let herself indulge, I sometimes caught my self feeling something strange inside me. I never really understood what it was that I felt. Perhaps it was just joy at seeing my girlfriend enjoying herself.
A few minutes later, we arrived at the hut, although after seeing it up close, I noticed it would be more suitable to call it a small house. It wasn’t particularly large, but it seemed to have two floors, and appeared to be quite liveable. And to our relief, we could see a light burning in the window.
“It looks like somebody is home”, Gretl said with relief. “Come on, let’s see if they’ll let us in.” And with that, she walked up to the door and knocked.

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Hey guys, I know it has been quite a while since I've been active here. I decided to start this new story, and I might continue my old one since so many of you seemed to enjoy it. I hope you like this one too, more updates soon!
1 chapter, created 9 months , updated 9 months
22   1   3442

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Senpai Henta... 9 months
Wow what happens next for her?