A pig to play with

Chapter 1

Julian, sitting on his raggedy old sofa, was groaning and moaning after painfully stuffing himself on some homemade burgers. Julian was an unkept guy who didn't mind wearing the same clothes for days in a row or cleaning up. He saw being clean as a chore and he wasn't fond of chores. It was something that stuck with him as a child. So as he was sitting on the couch, food stained wife beater and wearing a pair of briefs for god-knows how long, he turned on the t.v to distract himself from how painfully full he was. Julian was a big guy, always has been, even as a kid. His parents tried putting him on a diet, but those never worked. He would sneak food into his room and went to great lengths to get money to buy, even steal from his mothers purse. To him, eating was comfort and he wanted to be comfortable all the time. This lead to him added a pounds and pounds over the years and at 19 years old he was already over 300lbs.

Julian was all alone in his single bedroom apartment. His parents gave him an ultimatum halfway through his final semester of high school, to either go to college and get a career or move out and live life how he wants to live. That same day his parents gave him the ultimatum was the same day he moved out. Julian wasn't stupid and knew that one day he'd have to move out, so he saved up money and was able to rent a cheap apartment. For him cheaper was better because then he'd have more money to spend on food or weed. After moving out, Julian dropped out of high school and worked full-time at his fast food gig. He got more money and asked to be scheduled to work closing shifts so he could take home food that they were going to throw away. He was a poor excuse of a man with no more and he didn't care at all.

That night, as Julian was mindlessly watching t.v, waiting to pass out; there was a loud knock on his door. Julian didn't respond to the knock and instead turned the t.v off in hopes that whoever was on the other side would go away. The knocks came again and louder. This got a response out of Julian "Who is it?!" he said. After he said that, the knocks stopped and he had thought whoever knocked had left. Reassured, Julian turned the t.v back on and then bam, he heard his apartment door swing open with force. Two large, muscular men ran in the room, scanned in and found what they were looker for. The men went to Julian and quickly apprehended him. "What the fucks going on!?!" said Julian all angry and scared. He tried to struggle free, but his flabby body wasn't lightyears away in strength compared to the men who held him. As he continued to struggle and to no avail, a slender woman in a black dressed walked in. Julian stopped squirming as he saw the lady. He scanned her up and down and fell in love with her features. Curves in the right places, long black hair, voluptuous lips and beautiful hazel eyes. "Looks like the lead was right, there is a pig living here in the apartment" said the beautiful mystery woman. "He even smells like one too" she said as she pinched her nose as she walked towards Julian. "You'll be a lovely pig to watch and play with" said the woman, who then planted a kiss on Julians lips.

Julian was smitten by the lady and the kiss was breathtaking. But before his mind could register again that he was still being held by two muscular men, the last thing he saw was the lady wiping her lips and she was dialing her phone, and a hand come up to his nose.

"Time to wake up, pig. It's time to play". Water was then thrown onto Julians face which caused him to wake up in shock. He panicked and was shivering from the cold water. Julian tried to wipe the water off of his face, but as he tried to move his hands he found that they were tied down. He then started to move his legs to get up and found they were tied down too. Julian then heard footsteps and the sound was getting louder, which meant whoever was walking was walking towards him. "Oh good, you're awake" was said in a playful voice. "I'm sorry for the rude awakening, but our guests were getting anxious". And then, the same mysterious lady who had kissed Julian on the lips was looking down on him. Julians memory was foggy but he could never forget such a gorgeous woman, especially one who kissed him. However, Julian was still bound to a metallic slab and had no idea where he was. "Who are you and where am I!?" said Julian in an angry voice and he continued to try and break free. The lady shhh'd Julian, pinched his nipples and then gripped the side of his cheeks to force his mouth open. Julian saw that the lady was now wearing a skin tight, black latex body suit. He couldn't help but become aroused as he was lusting over the lady's body. The lady laughed and she saw Julians member twitch to life, "It's not time to play with that just yet, pig" and with that a tube was forced into Julians mouth and past his throat leading straight to his stomach. "Everyones been waiting too long to play with you and we can't keep them waiting" coo'ed the lady. Julian was confused of who she meant by "everyone" and then lights began to turn on. Now that he could see better, Julian observed the room. He saw that he was in a concrete room, a table to his right with nipple clamps and various toys. He then looked up and saw figures of people watching down, looking at him. Julian was in some kind of observation room and the people who were observing him were wearing masks to hide their faces. "I hope you're ready, pig" said the lady as she came back holding a pitcher that was filled with some sort of liquid. The liquid was then poured into a funnel that lead to the tube and the liquid was soon filling Julians stomach.

After the lady was done pouring the liquid into Julian she went towards the table with the sex toys laid out on it and picked the nipple clamps. "Was that too much, pig?" coo'ed the lady. "You're going to have to get used to it I guess" she said as she placed the clamps on Julians' nipples which got a painful moan from him as a response. "It's time for round two!" said the lady as she giggled and brought over another pitcher. As the contents of the pitcher was poured into Julian, he though the he was going to rupture the whole time. The lady removed the tube from Julians mouth and the nipple clamps. "This was just the first night of many. I do hope you get better at this. I thought you'd have a big capacity, but it seems like I was wrong." said the lady as she was gathering her materials. "Although, that can be changed" winked the lady as she slapped Julians belly, which caused him to painfully moan. As the lady walked out of the room, Julian was left there to his thoughts of what this night meant and what he was in for. A few minutes later, he passed out.

Julian was awoken to a fond smell. It took him a moment to figure out what the smell was and he realized that it was bacon. His mouth started flooding with saliva as the overwhelming odor filled his nose. Although Julian was painfully stuffed last night, he was hungry. "Oh good, you're awake" said a familiar voice. Julian looked around and saw the same lady again. This time holding up a plate of bacon and wearing nothing but an apron. "It's breakfast time!" said the almost nude woman as she approached Julian. Before he could talk, a fistful of bacon was shoved in his mouth by the lady. She pinched his nose a clothes hanger to make sure he ate and swallow. For Julian it was eat or suffocate, and so he ate. After the plate of bacon, the lady brought a place of pancakes swimming in syrup and butter. "Open up" and with that pancake after pancake was forced into his mouth. As Julian was eating, his eyes were looking around the room and this time he didn't see the figures that he saw last night. "We have to make sure you're nice a plump for tonights show. And we have to start stretching your stomach" said the lady as the last of the pancakes was shoved into Julians mouth. She then brought over the funnel and a gallon of chocolate milk. Julian shook his head in refusal of what he knew she was going to do, but the woman ignored him. She forced the tube back into his mouth. The woman removed the pin from Julians nose and then she started pouring the milk into the funnel. Julian was struggling but somehow managed to finish of the gallon. "What a good piggy!" said the woman as she clapped in enjoyment. "I'll be back later. Get some rest" said the woman as she left, leaving Julian in the room painfully stuffed and alone once more. Julian passed out again.
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