Tell Me

Chapter 1

“Tell me.”

She said. As if I had a choice. Lured by her beauty, I got lost in her eyes. Hypnotized immediately, if that makes sense, it seemed like both of our strongest dreams, danced together. And that’s how I found myself here, after a huge meal, tied to her bed.

“Tell me “

She said. After that first gut busting date. And the dozen donuts for dessert. And the cheesecake milkshake, funneled into him. She wanted him to break. She knew he would.

“Tell me “

She said. I refused. I knew that’s what she wanted, but I wouldn’t give that to her. Even though she’s added 100 lbs to my frame. She knows I want this, but I won’t give in. Or have I already. Maybe, but I’ll never admit it to her.

“Tell me”

She said. She knew he was close. To giving in. To giving in to both of their desires. Why would he not admit it? A little more time and weight. Then he would submit. She already grew him from 150 to 325…

“Tell me “

She said. I couldn’t think, tied to a chair. A feast for 20 laid out in front of me. Or what’s left of it. A few pounds away from 400, I let her take control, to push me over the limit. We both wanted it. And it’s so close. Why not. I wouldn’t give in though, but I did beg for the funnel.

“Tell me “

She said. She now knew he was playing games. He wouldn’t admit it, because he loved how she would torture and stuff him. That had to change. She just wanted to hear those words. But as he quickly passed 450, she knew it wouldn’t be long.

“Tell me “

She said. On our wedding day. She always said she wouldn’t marry anyone under 500 lbs. I was happy to give her the wedding she dreamed of. Little did I know what that entailed…

“Tell me”

She said. As she sat him down at the table of their honeymoon suite, and slid the wedding cake in front of him. All 5 layers. As she slowly slipped out of her gown, she helped his growing form out of his tux. Pushing him forward in his seat, she seductively sits behind him. One hand massaging his belly, the other hand guiding a giant piece of cake to his mouth.

“Tell me”

She says. I can’t think as cake is being shoved into my mouth before I can chew. I want more. I want this to never end. I’ll give in, if she can somehow shove this all in me, I think to myself.

“Tell me “

She says. Keep eating, you’re so close to finishing piggy. And when you do you will tell me.

“Feed me.” I huff and mumble, as she feeds me the last piece of this giant cake. “Feed me, to your hearts desire.” I finally submit. I give into all of your desires.

“Tell me again”

She’s says. He’s slowly passing out into a food coma, into her arms. Tell me, you will let me never stop feeding and growing you. No matter what.

“Tell me”

She said.

“Feed me. Grow me to your hearts desire. I want to grow beyond your wildest imagination. Make me your giant hog, your beached whale. Your dream immobile feedee.

“Tell me”

She whispers in my ear, as she massages the roll of fat around my neck. That consumed my double, then triple chin. As I’m pinned to the bed, nothing excites her more than…

“Please feed me more”
1 chapter, created 10 months , updated 10 months
22   1   1923

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Chunkygamer 9 months
That is the dream